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Mage/Dark Wizard Help Mage(light bender) level 82 builds

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Tenno_Gaming, Oct 7, 2022.

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  1. Tenno_Gaming

    Tenno_Gaming Skilled Adventurer

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    I am newish to Wynncraft, and I was wondering if there are any good builds for light bender, that don't cost a fortune at my level (82), also I would like to know if my current build is any good.
    I don't have 10 posts so I can't share the link to the build so I will list it here:
    Helmet: Clearsight Spectacles
    Chestplate: Adamantite
    Leggings: Crystal
    Boots: Passus Lux
    Rings: Draoi Fair and Detective's Ring
    Bracelet: Double Vision
    Necklace: Royal Stormy Amulet
    Weapon: Bob's Mythic Wand (with 3 Tier IV Water Powders)
  2. lemonalade

    lemonalade [insert misinformation here] CHAMPION

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    Just for future reference, you can always ask for builds in the Class Builds section of the forums

    I came up with this so you can at least retain some of your current gear:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Corrupted Nii Shako
    > Corrupted Nii Plate
    > Impact Winter
    > Corrupted Nii Mukluk
    > Detective's Ring
    > Draoi Fair
    > Example
    > Royal Stormy Amulet
    > Bob's Mythic Wand [w4w4w4]

    This is more of a tank light bender build but you still can deal damage with Winded.

    Corrupted Nii set can be obtained from the Corrupted dungeon shops at Forgery (Corrupted Decrepit Sewers, Corrupted Infested Pit, and Corrupted Lost Sanctuary. Should be 3 runs per armor piece if I remember correctly). Impact winter also makes ice snake instant and helps boost your damage but it's not necessary to have, but if you do use it you will need a bracelet that gives you extra skill points, such as Example.

    Refer to this link to see the best Light Bender tree if you want to deal damage (since base Light Bender deals absolutely no damage):
  3. Tenno_Gaming

    Tenno_Gaming Skilled Adventurer

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    Thank you, I wasn't even using a hybrid light bender. No wonder I couldn't do anything with out my friend who is a boltslinger.
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