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Lvl 80-85 Shaman Build

Discussion in 'Questions' started by SweatRag, Jul 9, 2023.


Is Summoner a bad archetype?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

  3. Kinda?

    0 vote(s)
  4. It's fine

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  1. SweatRag

    SweatRag Skilled Adventurer

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    Hello! :) I've been playing shaman for a while now and I always get confused as to what the "best" build would be. My definition of best is just "most powerful", I'm interested to see what you guys put so whatever your definition of most powerful is will be fine. I'm currently a summoner and I've enjoyed it thus far, but I've heard summoner is bad(?) so if you guys have any fun/cool builds I'm more than open to them!

    I have no restrictions on items, I currently have this:

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Blue Mask
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Back-Up Plan
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Thousand Waves []

    I cannot post links because I don't post a lot but if you'd like the link to my wynnbuilder to see my skill tree just lmk and I'll send it another way <3
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