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Lootrunning: Items to pick up

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Jk725, Oct 31, 2022.

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  1. Jk725

    Jk725 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Apart from Mythics of course, what Items/Ingredients are worth picking up that would sell for decent profit (1 LE+) with good rolls? For example, Capricorn, Overdrive, Decaying Hearts etc. What other items would be good to pick up?
    AlanGreyson likes this.
  2. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    +1 I wanna know too
  3. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    Items I tend to pick up in lootruns:
    - Mythics (duh)
    - Any raw emeralds. It sounds dumb but assuming you are finding decently filled chests, you'd be surprised how fast the raw emeralds add up over time.
    - Emerald pouches tier 7 and up. Tier 7 pouches are fairly common and can get you ~32 eb on the market. If you find a tier 8, it can go for several le, and tier 9 will sell for nearly a stack (though tier 9 is rarer than mythics so good luck finding one).
    - Some meta legendaries. There are some legendaries that are used commonly in builds, such as greaves of the veneer, dark shroud, anaerobic, and probably several others I can't think of at the moment. My best advice for these is to reveal them on the trade market and sell them unidentified- they tend to sell for more that way, plus they can be stacked in one trade market slot if you get multiples of the same item.
    - Certain tier 1 ingredients, and most tier 2/3 ingredients. Collecting these in bulk will grant you a decent amount of emeralds per ingredient, with some tier 1s (like kaian scrolls or dragonling eggs) selling for up to an eb each. Tier 2/3s can be sold for several eb each, and some ingredients such as sought-after ore and ancient currency can be sold for even more due to their demand.

    I would say powders too, but since TNA released tier 6 powder prices tanked hard so honestly I wouldn't bother picking them up.
  4. dogwqter

    dogwqter Well-Known Adventurer

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    80-84 rare helmet (Anamnesis) 84-88 rare helmet (Nephilim) 92-96 rare helmet (Cumulonimbus) 92-96 rare helmet (Brainwash) 100-104 legendary helmet (Keratoconus) 88-92 legendary chestplate (Libra) 92-96 legendary chestplate (Aquarius) 84-88 unique leggings (The Ephemeral) 88-92 unique leggings (Struggle) 88-92 rare leggings (Horizon) 92-96 rare leggings (Leictreach Makani) 80-84 legendary leggings (Dark Shroud) 88-92 legendary leggings (Greaves of Veneer) 100-104 legendary leggings (Anaerobic) 80-84 unique boots (Boots of Blue Stone) 84-88 unique boots (Pro Tempore) 84-88 rare boots (Statue) 92-96 legendary boots (Nether's Scar) 96-100 legendary boots (Capricorn) 84-88 legendary relik (Overdrive) 80-84 rare ring (Archaic) 92-96 rare ring (Darksteel Ring) 80-84 legendary ring (Old Keeper's Ring) t7+ emerald pouches (edited)

    my condolences for the horrible formatting but I copied this from pins in lootrunners guild discord
    now there's also personal preference of what else you want to grab.
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