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Looking For Help On Wrath Of The Mummy, Tomb Entrance

Discussion in 'Questions' started by TiberiumFusion, Jun 1, 2019.

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  1. TiberiumFusion

    TiberiumFusion Well-Known Adventurer

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    Seeking advice on the mummy tomb entrance. I'm unsure if my quest has become bugged or not, since all the typical interactables I've seen so far in Wynncraft are not appearing (i.e. the invisible, right-clickable slimes as triggers). If any of the situation I'll describe below sounds familiar to you, perhaps you know what's going on. Thank much in advance.

    At the stage of the Wrath of the Mummy Quest described as "Enter the tomb and kill the Mummy", I'm rather stuck. The recessed, wooden door with the four, identical slots will not open. The forum policy prohibits me (a new user) from including links or pictures in this post, so I'm afraid that's the best description I can give.

    I can open the four nearby tombs (right-click red block), kill the mummies inside, and collect all four gems just fine. When I approach the door with the four slots, however, nothing happens. There is no prompt to deposit the gems. The identical four slots are rather unimpressed by my character.
    • I've mashed left and right click with my weapon/fists in virtually every position at virtually every relevant angle.
    • I've waited in front of the door for upwards of 15 minutes, no "place here"-style prompt appears.
    • I've changed servers several times and repeated the gem-collecting process (and waiting/button mashing) to no avail. I first tried server 16, then 17, then 15, then most recently 6. No luck with any. Each time I changed servers, the four gems are turning into these weird X items. I had a picture for this, too, but I cannot provide it due to forum policy. I would throw these items on the ground before recollecting the gems from the four mummies.
    • I've tried /fixquests, which reports that I do not have any lost items to be returned.
    • The NPC by the entrance called "Bandit" refuses to talk (both with and without all 4 gems in my inventory). Again, I'm afraid I'm barred from providing an image for clarity. Right clicking and left clicking him with my weapon/fists does not trigger any dialogue. He has the green "you can talk to me" particles, yet he will not talk, which seems bugged. Perhaps this is why I cannot progress? I talked with him before once, but I recall some quests involved NPCs that must be talked to several times before the next part of the quest comes about. Maybe he's the right-click trigger for the door and is supposed to walk over there?
    I'm hesitant to call this a bug, since it's very possible I'm simply missing info on an unexplained game mechanic (perhaps I need to have a certain amount of a certain item to talk to that NPC?). Moreover, the policy in the bug-report subforum is harsher than Draco's punishment for cabbage thieves, so I'm terrified to report even the things I've encountered that undeniably look like bugs.

    Thanks again for any advice on this fickle tomb entrance.
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    You place the gems. From the mummies. In the frames.

    It makes a sound if you place it in the right one.

    You tried to punch the slots, instead of placing stuff in them. That’s the problem.
    TiberiumFusion likes this.
  3. TiberiumFusion

    TiberiumFusion Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thank you very much! I did not realize those slots were vanilla item frames. Right-clicking while holding the gems themselves works just fine.
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