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Looking For A Guild

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by TheBlobMiner, Oct 20, 2015.

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  1. TheBlobMiner

    TheBlobMiner numb VIP+

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    Hi. I would like to join any guild, doesn't matter if its active or inactive, just looking for a guild that wont kick me for this once. My archer is 51, and I only use my archer exept when my brother plays on his mage or warrior, basically that ruins everything, because of him, i cant get full charge of acc so i always get kicked... :(
    will anyone with good heart please let me join a guild with more then 3 people please? My MC name is:
    RYE_1. Is it too much to ask if my other friend, TheWindFlow to come in too? his my bf. thanks, just friend add me, and if i'm ever online, invite me, and friend add TheWindFlow if u want too! I'm looking forward to contribute lots of emeralds every week, normally at weekends. I'm not gonna be online at week-days im sorry, but on Weekends, I'm always online all day. On summers, if you promote me, I will attack a lot of times, I am a skilled archer, got a Relic Bow with no help, soloed ToA Stage 1 to 2 and a half, solo Silverfish, soloed Bob's Lost Soul (exept entering the tomb), etc. /invite RYE_1 and /invite TheWindFlow is what me and my friend needs!

    Thanks for reading. I will chat alot if u do, just reply here if u want me to join, and friend add.
  2. Yoomoozoo

    Yoomoozoo Founder of Da Classiest of Goats

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    Apply for Da Classy Goats, we are ranked 44th and love to attack.
  3. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Apply for Finders of EB! It's a new guild. Subguild to Holders of LE, a level 40 guild ranked #12!
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