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Little creation: Out Of Wynn (Update irregularly)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KelvinFT_DIU, Sep 14, 2021.

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  1. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    So, I got some idea of what if the characters in Wynncraft was living in a world that's simple to our real life and the corruption war was never exist in that world. (Fxxk my english is still rough)

    Here're the first shorts:
    At the moment when Bak'al headed into the Ream of Light, and trying to interference player and Lari. It ended up with the battle between Lari and Bak'al, Lari have the advantage during the battle but she ends up chasing Bak'al into the portal.

    Meanwhile, in a coffee shop......

    Lari: Don't think you're the strongest being ever, our master Orphion is stronger that you TEN TIMES!
    Bak'al: What's strong? That little big dog can't even defeat the parasite. Our master are smarter and his company can take half of the market like he influence that world!
    Lari: Stop call our master like this! He just don't put out his full power, and your big damn dark dude will be bombed by that human in that world!
    Bak'al: Can't you give some respect? I feel you're more like a big fool.

    Lari and Bak'al arguing loudly in the coffee shop, even the humans and villagers on the other side of the street can hear them.

    Lari, Bak'al: GUUUUUUU!!! (Head touching head, pushing each other)

    On the same table, the warrior and Orphion are watching their arguing, drinking coffee with the helpless and impatient eyes.

    Warrior: Wait Orphion, won't you mind how Bak'al call you?
    Orphion: Well, why I have to mind how other calling me with? It won't causing any side effects.

    (Fxxk I feel like I'm drunk during writing this)
  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Haha imagine writing a Bak'al and Lari romantic fanfiction couldn't be me
  3. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Archer: Do you know step out the gate of Ragni always being a difficult things?
    Warrior: Yep, you've to face a tons of mobs welcoming you first......
    Archer: It's quite a hard time to get out of Ragni gate in there, but seems here's also not that easy. (Look to front)

    At the station located at the east of Ragni, a lots of passengers included human, villagers and even some "Corrupted" looks beings, are at the gate, waiting for onboard the high-speed train to Detlas.
    ThedumbOX and starx280 like this.
  4. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Lari (inner monologue): Today is the first day of my university life, I can't even wait for it.
    Lari (inner monologue): You know, joining society, making new friends, and even more that I'm looking forward.
    Lari (inner monologue): Soon will be the first lesson in my university life, I feel so exciting!

    Lari walk into the lecture hall, and take a sit.

    Lari (inner monologue): Let me see...... who's in here? (Looking around)
    Lari (inner monologue): Wait, who's he?

    Bak'al noticed Lari is looking to him, they look to each other for a few seconds, then turn away.

    Lari (inner monologue): Damn it! Why this Dernic dude will also in here? (Clenching fist on her right hand)
  5. Macha_cafe

    Macha_cafe Newbie Wybel tamer HERO

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    That's a pleasant sight like a comedy show. Keep going please.
    KelvinFT_DIU likes this.
  6. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Bob: Such a long time I've never seen you.
    Bak'al: Well well well, seems we have to finally face again, the 40th time, right?
    Bob: Yeah! As you exist in front of me, I started feel exciting.
    Bak'al: Everytime we duel, we're always tie at the end.
    Bak'al: But this time, it will no tie anymore.
    Bob: You sure you can win from me?
    Bak'al: No matter how confidence are you, then EAT MY ATTACK BOI!

    As Bak'al Served the ball, a wonderful tennis match started. Every humans and villagers looking to the tennis ball flying between Bob and Bak'al in very high speed.

    Villager: Do you think the ball will fall onto the ground soon?
    Villager: I think no, at least it need 30 minutes.
  7. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    In the afternoon, Lari, the Warrior and Orphion are sitting in a café......
    Lari: You know, I always keeping my room very clean.
    Lari: I always sweep my room every week, and don't even let a little mess exist, not even a little! (Speaking with complacent)
    Warrior: Wow, I don't even do that every times. I just always put my paper things on my desk.
    Lari: That's not right, I always put those into the chest, and won't let my desktop looks like a chaos.

    Bak'al: I hope you won't being late just because you don't know where're your assignment. (Walk bypass)

    Lari: Hmm...... (Sweat)

    In fact, Lari just put all the paper documents into her chest without documenting, and it is totally a chaos as the things become more and more.

    Orphion: Seems you still doing for the moral, but not the actual act. (Facepalm)
  8. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    One day, Lari, Dullahan, the warrior and Bak'al are moving things up to their quarters.
    Bak'al: You Elf girl, can you doing your things faster? I still need to move my books into my desk.
    Lari: Why can't you move your things first? You always say my chest is totally chaos.
    Bak'al: And ALL YOUR THINGS are now even blocking my entrance!

    Actually, Lari's quarter is next to Bak'al's quarter.

    Lari: Ahh find. I'll move it out.
    Dullahan: Well, my girlfriend always being like that, some time I can only help her for cleaning her room.
    Bak'al: It feels painful to have such girlfriend , hope she'll be changed one day.

    Suddenly, Lari slipped.

    Lari: AH!
    Dullahan: LARI!

    Bak'al accidentally held Lari, as he's the closest one.

    Lari: !!
    Bak'al: !!

    The whole entire area flooded with the feeling of embarrassing.
    Lari stand up by herself.

    Lari: Thanks.
    Bak'al: No thanks, at least you won't crush on me like that giant sword you summoned in there.
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