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LI Tips

Discussion in 'Questions' started by N3rd, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. N3rd

    N3rd Nerd HERO

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    After sifting throw many build of all variety, i still cant beat LI solo so i have come to the conclusion that it is a skill issue so my questions is:
    Is there any tips for all the LI bosses?
    I only know the wybel has 2 invul phases u gotta wait out and a lot of the enemies charge at you and u just gotta try and avoid it
  2. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    im lazy so here's the wiki page to explain what i didn't
    but uh

    relatively standard ranged boss, will whack you pretty hard if you get near it

    virus doctor:
    three types of silverfish spawn, kill the ones that dont have 5m hp
    ranged boss, has funny explosions

    corkus accipientis:
    relatively simple boss, 5 phases
    1. iron golem: will charge you, has debuff
    2. wand guy: has bunch of ranged spells
    3. sword guy: charges, pulls, has a multihit
    4. robot guy: will use long range projectile spam
    5. magma cube: basically a joke

    matrojan idol:
    10 phase annoyance
    pretty standard, albeit small arena
    stay moving, you should be fine
    it can hit pretty hard, but hp per phase drops

    probably one of the easier bosses
    it has telegraphed AF shotgun (aoe around it)
    telegraphed AF projectile (jumps in the air)
    in second phase: telegraphed AF target slam (jump in air, avoid circle on ground cuz he'll slam there)
    in third phase: jumps in air, shoots at you, will probably use the target slam at you

    death metal:
    one of the harder bosses?
    summons stronger versions of all the TOA bosses
    each summon has a bunch of attacks so look at the wiki for that
    has good range, relatively small arena, and has strong multihit attacks

    mechorruptor of worlds:
    pretty boring boss
    runs at you, high attack speed low damage
    will turn invis in second phase (pets/GA will still attack lol, and you can see damage numbers)

    basically has 4 phases representing 4 classes (archer, mage, assassin, warrior, in that order)
    in 4th phase he tries to wombo combo you with a combo of all the classes abilities, try not to die to it

    this boss SUCKS bro
    avoid pressure plates (walking over them summons the small white cybels)
    phases 2 and 4 cant be killed, just run away during them and kill him during phases 1, 3, and 5

    dr legendary:
    basically just avoid tnt
    pretty standard boss

    i got bored so have fun
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I don't have notes on a lot of the bosses, but a couple of points that stand out:

    Mummyboard is pretty straightforward. It has reasonably low damage and health, and you can either burst it down or just

    I personally have never had an issue with the virus doctor, but if it's a problem, burst it down and try to pick off the healing minions. It's the only fight where you can't play the long game.

    Corkus Accipientis is also pretty straightforward. The minions can be mostly ignored. The only real danger comes from the ranged phase, which can do moderately high burst damage.

    Matrojan is generally kind of an easy boss, but does decent damage in some of the phases. Depending on your build some of the phases can be problematic as they do a fair bit of damage, but you can use elemental weaknesses to trivialize almost all of them. I personally just try to burst them down and get it over with. Also, if you do this fight with someone else, do yourselves a favor and make sure you both do decent damage to phase 10 so you both get a token, because otherwise you'll have to do the whole fight over again.

    Giant Rat is pretty easy, but can do some pretty good damage if you aren't careful, especially the spin-to-win and the ranged missile thing. If you aren't a tank, dodge those adn the rest of the fight should be pretty easy.

    Death Metal has massive damage potential. Like, "I think someone should probably actually go look to make sure that the numbers are right" levels. Take a lot of extra care to avoid his ranged attacks unless you're absurdly tanky. I've had issues with this fight on some of my more durable builds because I underestimate the damage and pay the price. This is by far the most dangerous fight in my opinion, even without the minions, purely because of the massive damage output of the shotgun. The other ToA bosses that spawn are more of an annoyance, but do pretty good damage. They aren't really scaled to be full-strength bosses, but still do a lot of damage, so it can be useful to clear them out if they're being problematic. Death Metal is extremely weak to water and fire, so if you have trouble I'd recommend using a weapon that does either of those. This is probably the fight I'd most recommend using a buff on if you have one, as bursting it down can be necessary so you aren't swarmed with relatively strong adds, and tanking its hits can require a good deal of ehp (in my experience, anything below 20-25k ehp is at risk of being effectively oneshot, and it fires reasonably quickly).

    Mechorrupter is really fast, so if you can't facetank it, be sure you have movement capabilities as well. It has pretty low health and damage though, except for the multihit, so you can' generally either play evasively or tank it without too much difficulty or time taken.

    Be careful of Robob's multihit. He's a reasonably fast and high-damaging with all of his moves, but the multihit can melt a lot of builds if they don't dodge it in time.

    Cybel's minions are a huge benefit if you have a the thunder powder armour special or lifesteal. It's usually beneficial to use the pressure plates as they have pretty low health and damage, and act as either easy heals or a quick damage boost in those cases. I personally aim to burst it down in phases 1,3, and 5 and then just stay in motion for the rage phases.

    Dr. Legendary can hit pretty hard, and the TNT can do massive damage. Don't let him push you into the blast radius of the TNT, and be careful if you retreat to heal. I try to rush and circle him, so that many of his projectiles will miss. He's the one fight that's dangerous enough you may need to pull away and heal, but chill enough that you actually can, so take advantage of that if you have trouble with him. I'd say either Dr. L is the second most dangerous fight, and Cybel the third, so if you're using skill pots, I'd probably use the second charge just before fighting Cybel unless you feel pretty comfortable with that fight.

    Of course, the biggest tip I can give is to get some help from someone else. The most difficult fights can be a lot easier with another person to deal damage and draw aggro, and if they can tank or heal, they can usually keep you safe. If you have trouble soloing LI, then don't at first. Once you've done it a few times with someone else to help, it's easier to do it solo since you already know what to do. Also, knowing what bosses specifically give you trouble is helpful, since it'll inform you if you should do something to specifically counter that boss, or if that would be a good time to use buffs (skill point pots are super affordable and give pretty big boosts, which could definitely tip the scales in your favor).
  4. CrypticLucid

    CrypticLucid archangel on top VIP+

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    they will get in the way eventually
    just things like tstack with low AOE generally prefer to avoid the pressure plates during the dps phases, and can just run away avoiding pressure plates during phases 2 and 4