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Guide Leveling Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Yerin, Jun 9, 2021.

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  1. Yerin

    Yerin Self-proclaimed goddess of light. VIP+

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    • Don't level like this constantly, the game is meant to be enjoyed and for progression to come at its own pace
    • Quests are always important to complete, add lore, and make the game more fun
    • This isn't the most updated guide and it is from the Wynncraft Wiki
    • The ways I leveled up are underlined below each leveling section

    Level 1-10
    • Around the perimeter of Ragni (-718,-1580).
    • Grind for fishing, mining, farming, and woodcutting until they are level 10
    • Largest cluster of wheat for leveling farming below lvl 10 would be the farmland to the north of Ragni (-777 -1734 is the entrance).
    • Around the Identifier, just a little East of Ragni (-551,-1578).
    • Down the road from Ragni where there are two small Zombie ruins, one with level 1-3 mobs, and the other with level 5+ mobs, pick your position! (-547, -1568 and -530,-1624)
    • The Decrepit Sewers northwards of Ragni, it provides quite a hefty sum of experience and Emeralds! (-900,-1880)
    • Inside the Nivla Woods, it is quite full of low level Spiders and Zombies (-200,-1600).
    • Decrepit Sewers Constantly

    Level 11-20
    • Ancient Nemract's level 17 Colosseum (250,-1950).
    • Do your quests.
    • Ancient Nemract has a lot of level 17+ Skeletons, you should grind those for rapid experience.
    • Farm Pigmen underground at (-610,-1580).
    • The level 12 mushroom cave on the Black Road between Ternaves and Detlas.
    • Near Time Valley (-612, -1179).
    • Decrepit Sewers & Infested Pit

    Level 21-30
    • Kill some level 18 Skeletons around Nemract (110,-800) and the Corrupted Village (400,-1120).
    • Kill Pigmen at the Pigmen's Ravines (South of Ragni, or -650,-1270).
    • Do the many quests you have accumulated throughout level 20, this should get you past 30 if you do it on 28-29.
    • Grind the Zombies at (100,-976) and around (7,-671).
    • After done all the quests, grind the zombies and/or the skeletons on the tree in Saint's Row until level 29. (300,-2075).
    • Grind the Underworld Crypt, or Lost Sanctuary dungeons.
    • Grind the Saint's Row graveyard and kill the starred mobs for rapid exp.
    • East of Mt.Wynn, star-shaped nether zone (-66, -2002).
    • Quests & Nether-zone near Mt. Wynn

    Level 31-40
    • Grind the Desert Scarabs and Spiders around (934,-2165).
    • Do your few quests that you've gotten, they level you very fast to get to level 36.
    • Grind the Sand-Swept Tomb and Underworld Crypt dungeons, alone or with friends.
    • Grind the cave system between the Mesa and Miner camp, there are 2 high level loot chests and a ton of corrupted ore.
    • Killing the Mobs behind the Door of Time.(-615, -1175)
    • East of Mt.Wynn, star-shaped nether zone (-66, -2002).
    • Quests (I had a lot leftover so this pushed me straight through)

    Level 41-50
    • Kill Hungry Wendigos around Nesaak, they're very good for experience. It is found that the ones on the edge tend to be easier to get at and kill, while the more inland you go, the more Wolves you will encounter. (110,-800, Nesaak, not actually the border).
    • Icy Golem cave at (-370 -245) - 221-257 XP per kill.
    • After starting the Bob's Tomb quest, farm in his tomb.
    • Travel to the Icy Islands and go to the Ancient Zombie Island, it contains level 43 and 45 Zombies using Adventurer Armour, they don't drop it, but they sure are easy to kill! (1080,-3320, Inside the main castle)
    • Grind on the Ghost Ship out at sea from the Icy Islands (north) (700,-3700).
    • Do the many quests at levels 41-50.
    • Grind some Orcs in the Llevigar Plains.
    • Kill the Llevigar Wild Horses east of the Imal Inn, they give 400-500 XP each.
    • Grind the Ice Barrows dungeon (not recommended unless you have a lot of time to spare)
    • Grind the first floor of the Tower of Ascension
    • Head out of Llevigar on the left (-2106, 4727)
    • Llevigar spider farming and quests

    Level 51-60
    • Go to the cave with Frozen Iron Golems (-350, -290) in the Ice Canyon and grind the mobs that spawn there. The golems have a very high spawn rate, which makes this an excellent farming spot.
    • Grind on the Rotten Zombies around Troms, a good spot is at -561,-597, on the top of the small Stone Fence. It takes parkour to get onto it, but the Zombies can't hit you!
    • Kill Baab's Follower's in the Maro Peaks mine, Note: They are high leveled, and you may get a little aggravated about their insane knockback. (100,-3974, Just follow the path towards the large pit, You should be able to jump down easily to kill them).
    • Grind in the caves scattered around the jungle. There are some really good ones that have a lot of level 56 zombies.
    • Grind around (86,-362), grind in the The House of Twain.
    • Kill Swamp Nagas just east of Olux, close to a small lake.
    • Do your level 51-60 quests.
    • Grind the Undergrowth Ruins dungeon.
    • Grind at the Herb Cave, near Troms (-505, -802)
    • Herb Cave and quests

    Level 61-70
    • Kill the Dead Pirates after doing Beneath the Depths quest at level 60.
    • Kill the Dead Miners around Troms and the Jungle, the cave straight from Troms with level 64 Dead Miners gives lots of experience.
    • Do the Temple of the Legends quest to gain access to the training area.
    • Grind at the Herb Cave.
    • Grind at Dead Island.
    • Do your level 61-70 quests.
    • Grind the Galleon's Graveyard dungeon.
    • Doing all my Gavel quests pushed me straight through this

    Level 71-80

    Level 81-90

    Level 91-100

    Level 101-106
    • Level 105 to Level 106 is equal to all levels 1-105.
    • Do your level 101-106 quests.
    • Join a grinding party at the Church. (note that it is recommended to always have other players, preferably mages or shamans for healing, as the mobs there are very lethal)
    • Grind the Eldritch Outlook.
    • Join a Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins party.
    • Not Yet Reached
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
    RoboticCow and Geshultz like this.
  2. Geshultz

    Geshultz Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You have an extra [/SPOILER} at the bottom of the page. Just letting you know if you want to edit it. Some other useful information is in this updated grinding spots guide: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/list-of-grinding-spots-level-1-106.255238/ most up to date currently. The wiki guide is useful enough to get most players through.
  3. Jackkoh

    Jackkoh Grass of the Realm VIP+

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    This is a bit outdated, as it's from the wiki.
    Toaster likes this.
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