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Lore/Story Legendary Item Fan Lores (updated)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by AmbassadorDazz, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    I'm working my way down from 91-100 to 1-10, mainly because there are a LOT of items that are missing lore.

    Also don't take my writings seriously - they are not official, they're by no means the perfect representation of the items I'm writing the lores for, and I'm 99% sure Selvut won't even say "huh, these look very inspiring".

    Overdrive: In times of extreme need, Avos call upon the powers of storm itself to devastate their enemies, often to the detriment of all innocent bystanders. Extremely unpredictable, as it is extremely powerful.
    Arbalest: Shamanic rituals are despised by Tromsians due to their "experience" with Slykaar. Certain tribes, before they were driven to extinction by the forces of corruption, utilized their connection with the nature to decimate ranks of the undead, before they joined their ranks themselves.
    Island Chain: Ocean is home to many creatures, islands, and creatures inhabiting said islands. Sometimes, however, islands sink and creatures within are forced to migrate - they can be seen looking for new habitat quite often.
    None - all items have lores.
    None - all items have lores.
    The Visionary's Vice: "It doesn't take a third eye to see the future. Sometimes, all you need is insight, forward thinking and the ability to read your opponents like a book." -Unknown, the Canyon Roamer
    None - all items have lores.
    Dizzy Spell: Before the bans on "mind altering substances" by the The Order of the Grook, many wizards took it upon themselves to experiment and see how drunken spellcasting would affect combat. It did not work.
    Demon Tide: It is still unknown how and why the members of the Royal Court in Fruma are the only ones allowed to even conjure basic spells. Some speculate that it would twist the minds of the weak willed individuals. Others argue that spells are the work of the devil, and only the royalty could handle them responsibly.
    Storm Brewer: Selchar was forced to destroy a pair of artifact shoes -widely believed to be cursed by the drowned of Sarnfic- in order to stave off a resurgence of shipwrecks that happened in 973 AP. In the end, they were only able to damage it, reducing it to a shell of their former, mythical glory.
    Physalis: Some species in the Dernal Jungle have adapted to living a fast paced style of life, after the corruption threatened to take over the province. One such example was this pair of sprinting pants, made of an unusual material endemic to the jungle, giving its wearer a significant blood rush.
    Frontliner: Tisaun was not the only warrior of the Sodeta guild to earn unanimous respect for his status as "a nigh-unkillable demigod" - some argue that another member of the guild had immense resilience rivaling that of the Touroto, exuding pure courage from her hardened soul.
    Charm of the Storms/Tides/Tempest/Magma: Untapped potential, hidden deep within this weathered/inscribed/shining/cindered locket, lies unawakened - until it has been worn by those worthy of unlocking its secrets.
    Saundersi Signet: A simple bauble, carrying the poisonous secretions of Dernal's most vile creatures, inflicting all sorts of curare and toxic effects on its victims, before they unceremoniously explode and spread the toxification even further on their allies.

    ===================[ I am divider ]======================

    Gert Rock Smashbanger: Gerts favor brute strength over intellect - this crude maul, despite being barely held together with pig sinew, can hit hard enough to break solid rock.
    Dragon's Tongue: Ozoth terrorized Thanos for centuries, but it wasn't without retaliation from the latter - until she grew another one, her tongue was sliced off after trying to eat Burtan, its fiery essence infused into this halberd.
    Gert Shootstick Tossflinger: Several Gerts thought "Why Gert smash up close? Gert can throw rock! Gert make gerten bow!", and used whatever materials they could get their hands on to make an oversized sling.
    Firestorm Bellows: Very seldom do phoenix feathers are used in tandem with an infused light bow, and even more seldom do these arrows (and the bow) remain unconsumed by the powerful flames it produces.
    Gert Whooshy Bonkpole: Gerts are not magically inclined, instead using the wands they carve out of magical woods to wreak havoc in battles with their sheer strength.
    Wrath: Doguns have been in the Dwarven folklore for centuries, described as demons of the Molten Heights. Some of the dwarves, who ran away to Thanos, believed they would be safe from them, but instead found themselves fighting against a wrathful dragon who simply wanted her brood to be left alone.
    Gert Swingpoke Cuttyrock: Rare even for the Gert is the deftness and agility required to master this "would be regrettable" dagger, if it wasn't for its deceptive lightness.
    Amadeus: No lore. I honestly have no idea what I can write for this.
    Lumina: A clear sky is the perfect opportunity to practice stellar magic, as the light of stars empower the totem that shines brighter than the noon.
    Cold Integrity: Nesaak remains frozen even to this day, with many of its secrets being hidden under the permafrost.
    Geyser: The warm, infused waters of the hidden Aldorei Springs has made this pair of greaves highly potent in regenerative qualities.
    Pulse Mail: No lore.
    Cinnabar: Rare metals - alloyed and shaped into this pair of strange boots, were intended to be used as an intensifier for several Corkian architects to increase their productivity. Instead, it caused unstable foundations to crack almost instantly. Realizing what has happened, its inventor has repurposed it to find weaknesses in buildings.
    Genesis: No lore, either.
    Aliez: Swift currents of the air, and gathering storm clouds has helped forge this powerful ring - ready to crack with unimaginable power.

    My old fan lore for Hadal was.. let's just say "meh", so I'm rewriting the lore for that relik.

    Hadal: Deepest reaches of the Ocean are better left unexplored, lest the terrors within are unleashed for all to fear. The deadliest of them all, beyond the reach of all light, has adapted to living under the magical waters that keep Mage Island afloat - consuming all who dare seek the light in the bottomless chasm that is its maw.

    NOTE TO STAFF: I might end up merging multiple threads into a single thread if it gets too spammy, so if that is the case, I'll merge Mythic, Fabled and Legendary 90-100 into this thread.

    UPDATE (6.10.20): Added lore for 71-80 items.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
    strikeflame5356, Emogla3 and Sprite like this.
  2. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Bumping this thread to announce the 71-80 items (fan lore, not official).
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