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Land To Land Newspaper! (week 1)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by ActualAnthonino, Jun 29, 2017.


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  1. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    From the highest of mountain tops, to the deepest of cave, we bring the new land to land news! we are the first villagers (along with humans and other mobs) to write papers with the goings on the lands of Wynn and Gavel! (along with some islands too)


    The first report of the week was at 1:07PM. a human by the of Jeff had lost his pet dog and was going all around Cinfras trying to find him, sadly, Jeff did not find his dog until Friday (read more to find out how!) Next news comes at 8:43PM. a angry mob outside of the Cinfras bank was reported to have been OUTRAGED to find out the guild hall had been closed for day, The mob only louder and angrier as the night began to fall, after midnight, the mob was gone before anyone knew it was in the first place.


    The next part of the news comes from Wynn, in the desert, at 3:57AM. a group of human must gone insane cause they wanted to go into the sand-swept tomb, at 4:01AM, a bomb was reported the had gone off Near the tomb, only the make the entre blocked with sand and tomb rocks, the humans had fallen into a hole under the entre to what they call, "a hell of fire and sand", thankfully most of the humans found a way out and were found at 2:46PM, as for those who died, are the ones that made the bomb go off in the first place.


    Back in gavel, comes our next bit of news in Cinfras, at 11:47AM. Animals for the outside farms were found around all of Cinfras, took the whole town to get the animals back to the farms. at 1:48, along with 2 dead chickens, someone found Jeff's do near the west gate, and the smell of those dead chickens lasted the whole day. it was 3:14 when all the animals were out of Cinfras and back in the farms. This next story comes from Selchar, at 2:47. spiders were found all over the fountain and in some houses, thankfully, most spiders were gone by 3:02, and no one knows where they all had gone to...

    This was the last thing we were able to find, this bit happened at Nemract, 5:34. 10 humans and horses reported sailing the V.S.S Seaskipper, thankfully, no one was hurt when they were sailing the thing, cant say the same for the Seaskipper...

    Well... that's it for this week! hope you all liked this, if you have any feedback or news you would like to share, please report at the news department at the Cinfras airbase! and remember, new news is always wanted!
    Tubular Toasts likes this.
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