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La Résistance

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Dvonmc, May 30, 2017.


Do we fight back?

  1. Expect War

  2. Lie down like my survival instincts say

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  1. Dvonmc

    Dvonmc Newbie Adventurer

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    Heya! So, as a new player I was (and still rather am) alarmed at the almost-unrivaled power Hax has over the map. As such, I'm thinking about creating a resistance movement (hence the name) to try and take something back from them. I'm creating this thread to judge the enthusiasm from the other people not in a guild as of yet. Vote Now :D
  2. Paladin A'renos

    Paladin A'renos High Grand Master of the Ordo Malleus HERO

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    I mean great idea, but are you ready to :
    1. Spend countless hours raging how:
    - guild wars dont start
    - mobs dont spawn
    - guilds glitch with /class in war to gain territories
    2. Spending tons upon tons of LE on defense that actually might stop a level 80 person ( so about 9000Emeralds per territory)
    3. Are able to actually get dedicated players who ignore point 1.
    4. Spend countless hours sitting in a tree shooting mobs or on the ground clicking away?

    If you answer "No" to any of these points above then well, you might as well sit back down, its plain and simple.

    What everyone really needs is focus on guild community, as well as wait till the Admins fix the guild glitches, territories and levels and make it so that others can actually leave guilds. Once that happens then of course many will begin to rise up.
    Stag2001 and Killerfish like this.
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