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Guild Join Play Game (jpg)

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by SuperRavenPro, Nov 22, 2015.

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  1. SuperRavenPro

    SuperRavenPro Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Guildmaster (Owner) : SuperRavenPro (Contact Me on the Forum)

    Second-In-Commands (Chief): koopa4

    Generals (Captain): None

    Missionaries (Recruiters): None (Play a lot, and donate emeralds to the guild)

    Soldiers:[You gain this position as soon as you join the guild, which you must apply for.]

    If you want to be in this guild, you must fulfill the following requirements.
    • Be active, at least 2 to 3 times a week
    • Must be Lvl 25+, and willing to level up to higher levels.
    • Minimum Guild XP you should give is: 5% XP.
    • Pledge to not insult anyone based on race, religion, and/or age. Failure to do so will result in a warning, then removal from the guild. (Sarcasm is allowed on these kinds of things.)
    • Occasional swearing is allowed, but don't aim them at another person as an insult.
    So, without further ado, the application!

    Minecraft Username:
    Highest Level Class:
    Current Main Class:
    How active are you?:
    Why do you want to join the guild (2-3 complete sentences)?:
    Other information:
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