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is this dark descent quest bug going to get a fix ever?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by birdcon, Nov 10, 2021.

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  1. birdcon

    birdcon Travelled Adventurer

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    The bug is simply getting softlocked inside of the monochrome world you have to traverse in the dark descent quest, in which instead of getting teleported you get stuck in a black pit after getting the ruby. Wouldn't be so much of a problem if you didnt have to use the teleport to progress the quest, rendering it impossible to complete. Bugs me that looking back people have had this for well over a year now, and just today I ended up in said pit with 5 other people having the same problem.

    Is there any known fix for this that I've missed? Or is it a case of sitting patiently for a fix somewhen?
    silvercis likes this.
  2. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang (discord: mryoghurt2004) Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    A failsafe is coming with the next patch, so yes, it’s just a matter of waiting around for now.

    However the same issue hasn’t persisted for over a year, sure it might’ve been a problem before, but it has been fixed between then and now. It just kinda broke again.

    To be fair this quest seems to break a lot...
  3. llazerwind

    llazerwind Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    There is a lot of posts about this particular quest and I have done it about 4 times until I found the solution. Mods say they already fixed it on their end theyre just waiting to release the patches.
    Solution to The Dark Descent quest:
    If you are already stuck in the "Void" black room with no exit, the only way out is /kill which will cost 2 soul points.

    1. Restart the quest at the first floor of the tower, where the animation of you falling through the floor is.
    2. Continue about the quest normally until you reach the point to collect the gem.
    3. Do the cloud parkour and retrieve the gem.
    4. Walk through the mouth of the skull until you reach the room with the huge door that opens.
    5. Before walking through the huge door, throw the gem out of your inventory and continue through.
    6. the game will put you back in the same dark "Void" room but this time the story text will prompt up.
    7. Press shift to finish the dialogue and you're out

    Hope this helped anyone.
  4. Hams

    Hams Content Team Manager CT Manager Support Team Community Manager Builder

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    It should be all good now!
    Shots likes this.
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