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Is there a total newbie guide?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 11, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Not just new to Wynncraft, but new to MMORPG. Lots of experience in single user RPGs, and a a fair amount of general Minecraft experience. I am very attracted to this, but not sure what to do to really get into the game. All I have done so far is sign up as an archer, made the run through the woods to the big city and have been going out the gates to pick off mobs and up my XP and combat level (now 5, and I have better weapons that require more, like a better bow at 6 and even better at 7).
    Anyway, I have been poking around and looking for base knowledge or info on how to acquire it and I am really not seeing it.
  2. Jk725

    Jk725 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I haven’t played since 2014-2015 so I consider myself fairly new as well. I’ve also noticed a lack of guide to complete new players. But honestly just playing through quests and paying attention to what you’re doing/where you’re at is the biggest way to, “get better” and understand the game more. Also, downloading the mod Wynntils is very helpful. Comes with a map and just overall improves the Wynncraft experience with added little features to game play. I’ve noticed there is no guide for crafting in the game, so watching YouTube videos on that would be your best bet. Mostly everything else is just figured out by playing more
    Bliss likes this.
  3. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    there are several ones Olinus10 and other yters, i personally would suggest doing quests (although some of the early game ones are boring or just way too long like 'Underwater'). also dungeons are fun lol. also try to sort of plan out your ability tree because it's kind of hard to reset/too boring to so yeah (you get 1 point every 1-3 levels early game and 1 per 4ish later, a total of 45 at lvl 104).
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Thanks. I did find his intro video and it helped. I left Ragni for Deltas too quickly. It was a bit of a slog getting chests and killing mobs there to level up, since I was really undergunned for them. After watching, I came back over to Ragni and the mobs are ridiculously easy with my best bow (requires level 7 combat and I am 9). Found the same thing about early Ragni quests as prior poster; not really interested in milking cows and whatnot. Back over in Deltas again down in the cave dying a couple of rooms in, so that's the right spot for me. I might go slay some things or whatnot and see if I can't get another ability point for double shot (going bolt slinger under archer).
    Sunstar and shacers like this.
  5. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    nice to hear you doing good, i really found boltslinger fun on beta but if you start dying a lot later on maybe switch to trapper for a bit then go back
    Sunstar likes this.
  6. Sunstar

    Sunstar Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The quests at the start of the game are WAY older than the quests at the end of the game, don't let the start define the end.
  7. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I have levelled up again and got double shot, which helps a lot. I need to work on sidestepping and backing away while shooting. I tend to run, spin and get off a shot or two when a mob gets too close and that doesn't work well in tight places and/or against a lot of mobs. Double shot is a "careful what you wish for" feature; now I badly want triple shot to get that center arrow to reliably hit things further away. Archer is hard to solo in some situations; it is a good role in a team. I think boltslinger helps address that, but it is still tough to take on enemies that deal much damage.

    It seems like I am always waiting for the next step up; I now have some better armor that needs combat level 13. I have progressed to 11 taking different paths and killing all the mobs I can before getting in over my head; those cows are hard. The black and white mob with the mace is tough also. I wish I were still able to take some long range accurate shots, but I prefer being more effective close in if I have to make the choice. I have managed a few long range hits with double shot and it will be easier with triple, but it is definitely not what boltslinger is best suited for.

    I like the strategy in weapon choices. My two best bows are a Dread and a Phrygian. The Dread deals out neutral damage of 19-27 and average DPS of 47, while the Phrygia is 13-20 and 41. Seems like a slam dunk for the Dread, right? It's normal attack speed and the Phrygian is fast; getting off 2 or 3 shots instead of 1 or 2 when something is bull rushing me makes a big difference and favors the Phrygian. Also the Dread has a -17 health cost. The Phrygian gives a slightly bigger boost to walk speed. Looking at all that stuff definitely has a learning curve.

    Also need to get better about using potions, particularly health. I have been taking advantage of the often annoying "press shift" in quests to let my health charge back up. That doesn't work in situations where there isn't much or any NPC interaction.

    tldr? Making good progress and enjoying the game.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
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  8. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    I'm glad you're enjoying your Wynncraft experience! In late game, archer is really good for soloing, and has insane dps output, so you have that to look forwards to.
  9. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    Even based on my own comments, kind of thinking out loud, I went in for a few minutes and worked on circling. It works well on open ground. Run first and then turn and start circling when they have bunched. Near Deltas, it is starting to get almost as silly fighting the lower level mobs as it is around Ragni. I don't have to go far for more of a challenge, though.
    Earthbrine likes this.
  10. Demonair

    Demonair I got a new building business! HERO

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    I recommend doing quest for your first play trough as they get more fun the higher the lvl they are. Happy that you are enjoying wynncraft.
  11. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    yeah sometimes it helps that you aim slightly to the right or left to get at least one arrow to hit lol. nice to see a new player update on their learning experience, yeah all cows are so strong for some reason
  12. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    actually, it only took one bow upgrade to start dropping cows and I figured out what made them so hard earlier. Like a lot of the mobs, they follow in bunches. Unlike a lot of others, they seem to pass each other a lot, so you might fire 3 shots into a bunch chasing you without dropping a single one.
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