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Is Pure Still A Bad Mythic? Or Is It Buffed?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Loity, Apr 9, 2019.

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  1. Loity

    Loity Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    just like the title said
    if it’s buffed how much do u think is for the price range? like from bad to good
  2. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    buffed but still sucks
  3. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As a level 65 wand it's pretty good even if Ethereal (a legendary level 70 wand) with water powders can usually outdamage Pure. But overall Pure is way too niche of a wand for anything that's not around it's level range. I mean it can have up to a 39% XP Bonus alongside having access to decent walkspeed and up to 5/4s Mana Steal, but that just means that Pure is honestly just an alternative to Sage. The lack of powders removes any potential customization of pure and it means that you can't have a special ability with the wand unlike most other endgame wands while its damage output isn't good enough to really justify using it over other endgame wands without powders. Being a Water/Air focused wand means that it's one of the two most popular kinds of wands which means that the meta is overcrowded with wands better than Pure.

    Technically iirc Pure did get buffed but not really in a big enough way to make a difference. In fact, I'd argue that Pure got indirectly nerfed by a decent margin for endgame builds because it used to have a decent niche build with Cancer/Necrosis where the spell damage reduction was compensated by Pure's high spell damage % while you also got access to high amounts of poison and a decent amount of mana steal + extremely fast attack speed so instead of just abusing mana regen you could just play Pure as a psuedo melee + spell build as opponents could take 5k to the face from poison alone alongside having pretty okay meteor damage alongside having ranged melee attacks that could grant you up to 8/4s from the combination alone alongside having super fast attack speed AND poison for hitting it. However it was still very skill points heavy and poison did get nerfed eventually which again caused Pure to become more irrelevant despite not having poison properties.

    So overall Pure is not a good wand and I'd say that it's worse than what it was before due to the fact that you can no longer have niche builds with the wand that are effective. The fact that it literally gets outclassed in almost every way except for xp bonus and walk speed by a legendary wand that's 5 levels above it says a lot about the wand. Idk about prices though.
    Druser likes this.
  4. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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  5. Loity

    Loity Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    okay thank you all
    Shoefarts likes this.
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