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SPOILER Interesting lore in the Festival of the Blizzard

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Dec 22, 2021.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Today's NPC was Gale, and there is a surprising amount of stuff to talk about regarding her

    1: Reference to the ghosts from A Christmas Carol?
    We have just invited 2 ghosts in a row, Mael and Gale. Mael takes the form of an old man who is long deceased and only a memory now. The ghost of Christmas Past in the famous Charles Dickens story represents memory, similarly. Gale is the ghost of Christmas present. This is clear as the ghost in the story represents generosity and good will, which is clearly expressed by Gale. It's implied by Yansur that she wanted to decorate the Hive for Craftmas and was unallowed to do so, so when she heard you inviting Yansur to Detlas for the Festival of the Blizzard she was eager to come instead. There is additional dialogue from the Souvenir Sweater Merchant telling you that she is his favourite customer because she has collected all of his sweaters, which possibly represents generosity. If I were to guess, the next NPC we invite will be ??? (AKA black sans) because they are literally just a skeleton who speak almost exclusively in hints and have a special dialogue for the festival mentioning "three ends"
    I think they will be the next NPC. We'll find out if I'm right in a few hours. Then I'm sure the 24th NPC will be Ava because there is absolutely no way she isn't invited

    (i was going to include a paragraph about Qira's surname possibly being Gavel here but then I discovered that Gale had bonus dialogue and she says at the end that her full name isn't Qira Gavel. It's still possible that Gavel is part of her name or her surname since being called "Qira Gavel" seems to annoy her)

    2: Gale is able to leave the Hive
    Gale is the most unique member of the Hive family. Unlike the other bosses who are just strong creations of Qira who have personality that is rarely expressed, Gale is a ghost who was buried near the hive and decided to join in supposedly due to her kindness. Unlike the other hive members, she has a lot of lore and a currently unfinished map-wide easter egg relating to her past. In this event we learn that she actually has the ability to leave the hive, and does so often. This is implied by the fact that she was casually able to take an airship to wynn without questions being asked and also by the fact that she already knew the souvenir sweater merchant prior to the event. It sounds like she visits Letvus Airbase often from this, which leads into a possible theory I have. Though this could also be because she and the sweater merchant are best friends.
    Note: She says in another dialogue that she flies around a lot, so she probably met the sweater merchant while visiting the airbase to get on a flight to Wynn. She may also mean that she flies with her ghost powers though.

    3: Qira is not as feared by the Gavellians as much as previously implied
    Qira is stated by Gale to have a chocolate addiction which she fuels by visiting Cinfras. She also has trades with the Aldorei and the Sakura Dojo and is confirmed to be a good friend of the Sensei. This is a contrast to the old dialogues from decayed areas where the NPCs say their family members went to the Hive to defeat Qira because they are scared of her or something. This could be because they asked her to stop the decay and they were angry that she refused, though.

    4: Gale dislikes corkians (Ohms was definitely not a Corkian)
    Gale has a dialogue where you inquire if her goggles are Corkian, after which she goes on a rant about how cheap corkians are and how her goggles are better than theirs because they are "handmade". Maybe Ohms made her goggles?. She also references the time Doctor Legendary inquired if he could make a Qira robot, and from the sounds of it he pissed off everyone at the hive by doing so. Maybe he was just really rude when asking if he could make a qira robot or something, because that question seems to really have offended Qira and her friends

    Theory: Gale flies to Wynn to try to enter Ohms' lab to reunite with him
    Gale's dialogue implies that she visits the Letvus airbase frequently and possibly that she flies to Wynn a lot. I was going to make a joke in the 2nd paragraph saying "I'm surprised she doesn't pay Lusuco a visit!" but then I thought "what if she does". I looked into it a lot more and again, her dialogue implies that she visits Wynn often. What business would Gale have in Wynn? Is she friends with Mael or something? Well, what we do know is that her lover, Ohms, lived in his lab at Lusuco while they were still alive. His lab can be almost accessed by the player- if they throw a healing potion at a random carpet in an area above Lusuco, a snowball is fired at a rock wall nearby revealing a passageway into his lab. When the player presses the button they get a message in chat telling them that the teleporter failed due to an invalid teleport location. I thought what was needed for this puzzle was for the player to throw a currently unknown item into Gale's grave at the hive to open a hidden passageway which would give them the correct teleporter coordinates, but I seem to be wrong. If Gale can't get those coordinates herself, she wouldn't have them in the room beside her grave. Besides, it's revealed that she can switch between being corporeal and incorporeal at will in one of her dialogues, so if she needed something from that room she could just phase through the wall. She may be heading between Wynn and Gavel to attempt to enter Ohms' lab to see him again, something she MIGHT end up asking the player to help her with later on. I am really excited for this secret puzzle to finally be finished at some point, it has been unfinished ever since Gavel first released and seeing new content relating to the puzzle is very cool.
  2. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    You got a couple things mixed up here.

    Gale flew to Detlas herself; she didn't take an airship. That's how she was able to get to Detlas so fast (apparently she can fly faster than airships can travel).

    Also, she implies that she's been friends with the Sweater Merchant for a long time, before he even set up shop at the Letvus airbase.
  3. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    that being said her casually returning to wynn is hopefully a good sign for ohms' lab

    from the way she puts it yeah ohms definitely made them with/for her
    and, if the hive drabbles referencing is to be believed, dr. legendary pushed his way in and bothered qira while she was sick which was the cause of the, yknow, death threats, which in turn is why gale has a really bad impression of corkians
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I was wrong, but it might just be the other way round. After all, I can imagine ???'s being the hardest and they show up at a later point in the game than Ava

    Also I like how Sybil seems to leave Detlas after Ava arrives. She just isn't there anymore
    For some reason I didn't read the dialogue correctly on the first time, you're definitely right
    starx280 likes this.
  5. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Now, since we now that Ava was invited after Gale, that means she will become a ghost in the future, therefore Ava will die in The Feathers Fly Part 3.
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