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Idiotƨ - Episode 1: Dave Hungers

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by tjmoore04, Oct 3, 2017.


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  1. tjmoore04

    tjmoore04 IMMA DO IT VIP+

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    Disclaimer: This story is written by a bunch of teenagers. It is the ultimate s***post Side effects may include loss of intelligence, sheer delusions, and a chronic urge to eat tacos.
    I take no credit for what is written here. One of the original writers is _lord_hades. Want the rest? Comment, Like, and enter in the poll...... if you dare.

    A really dumb show…

    By:Christian Bekele, Isaac Justice, Ben Higdon, Gavin Moore, Sebastian Gisin, Joey Peters


    New York City. 2015.

    *We open with the group rushing down the streets of Manhattan, suitcases in their hands and their clothes in a mess*


    Austin: I told you that we were gonna be late!

    Jake: When did you say that?!

    Austin: Literally, two minutes ago!

    Isaac: No, you mean two Isaac years ago!

    Everyone: SHUT UP, ISAAC!

    Christian: You know, we could’ve just drove to the building or hitched a cab!

    Jake: You know we’re basically broke! I barely have money to buy coffee! *He held up a cup of coffee and stumbled on the sidewalk, causing the coffee to fall onto Maddy’s clothes*

    Maddy: ARRGH!! IT BURNS!

    Jake (bluntly): Well, there goes my two bucks.

    Ben: There’s the building! COME ON!

    *The group run into a large building. Their jobs don’t pay much but they have to admit, the company itself is cool. They work as writers for a publishing company, waiting for their big break. The group run through the halls and towards the elevators, Isaac stopping at a vending machine*


    Isaac: Hang on, I want my munchies!

    *Gavin runs over and picked up Isaac in his arms*


    *The group finally reaches the elevators, only to notice the out of order sign on it*

    Sebastian: !@$#%! STAIRS!

    *The group quickly dash to the stairs, Isaac getting tired easily and falling to the ground*

    Isaac: Go on without me! I’m a goner!

    Christian: Isaac, you’re literally right on the final step.

    Isaac: Like I said, I’m a goner! I told you I needed my munchies!

    *Gavin and Ben drag Isaac up and the group dashes for the office building, remembering that they have a meeting today. The group runs as fast as possible until they crash into the office and fall to the ground dramatically*


    Isaac: Yeah.

    Christian: Please tell me that’s your arm.

    Isaac:...Nope, that’s my taco.

    Gavin: That better not be some messed up innuendo.

    Nick: Boys.

    *The group look up to see their boss, Nick Murphy, looking down at them in anger, their co-workers sitting at the table in the office.*

    Nick: You’re late.

    Isaac: Well, by Isaac years, we’re..

    Nick: You’re late.

    Isaac:...I’m late.

    Christian: Look, Nick, we’re really sorry. It won’t happen again.

    Nick: That’s what you said last time.

    Ben: Hey, in our defense….Jake, create a defense.

    Jake: Don’t put this on me!


    *The group quickly dash to their chairs, ready for the meeting. Their co-workers, Julia, Danny, and Olivia listen intently to Nick’s discussion. Their other co-worker, Marissa, is busy on her phone*

    Nick: Now, as you all may know, our company hasn’t been successful recently due to certain people not doing their jobs.

    Gavin: For the record, we had important personal stuff to do.

    Nick:...Such as?
    Gavin:......Dragonball marathon?
    Nick:....As I was saying, we need more stories flowing in so come on. What ideas we got?

    Julia: What if we did a story about a small country girl in the city?

    Nick: We’ve seen that!

    Ben: A girl with special powers!

    Nick: The teenage demographic isn’t interested in that junk anymore.

    Christian: Sir, I have an idea.

    Nick:....Go on.

    Christian: Imagine a group, a group of nobodies, wishing that they could be better! Wishing that they could do something incredible! And when the world is in danger, it’s up to this group of weirdos and freaks to save the day! Maybe get the job! Get the girl! In the end, they’re victorious!

    *Nick stands there in tranquil fury and suddenly hits the table*


    *Christian cringes in fear, frightened by Nick, who slowly composes himself.*

    Nick: JUST...just write a story please. For the sake of your job.

    *The boss quickly walks out of the room, leaving the others to get back to their offices. The group sit at their cubicles, surprisingly bored*

    Gavin: *Sigh* Four years of studying for this.

    Ben: To have to work in these small cubicles for two-#$@ing-fifty an hour.

    Isaac: Working for a demon in a tacky suit...Heh heh, tacky suit.

    Jake: Y’know, Christian, it’s not lost on me about what you said in there. About a group of losers or whatever.

    Isaac: Yeah, I mean Marissa and Danny are losers but jeez, don’t use them for inspiration.

    Gavin: It was about us, jackass!

    Isaac: Oh.

    Christian: *Sigh* I mean..come on, you guys. We signed up for this job ‘cuz we thought that this would be our big break as writers. We thought that we could do something with our lives. Now, look at us. Here we are, stuck in this boring place where nothing happens. Where you expect the expected and everything is just so...bland. I wanna do something with my life. I wanna be more than….some Idiot.

    *Christian looks up to see most of the group asleep in their cubicles. Christian quickly pulls out an airhorn from his suitcase*


    Everyone: AAAAAAAAH!

    Danny: More like a razzie moment.

    *Bored, Christian looks around and notices something gleaming in the window. He squints his eyes and gasps*

    Christian: Uh, guys?

    *Multiple red dots light up the area*

    Gavin: GET DOWN!

    *The entire group jumps down and ducks under their desks. Isaac stands there and dances*

    Isaac: Well, geez, Gav. If you wanted to dance, you could’ve just said so. (sings and dances) Get down on it. Get down on it.

    *A bullet hits the laptop right next to him*

    Isaac: HOLY-!

    *Isaac quickly ducks down as a plethora of bullets rips through the office, destroying the desks and whoever is there. A few of the other writers are shot and killed while the main group is safely hidden under their desks*

    Ben: HOLY@$@#HOLY@#@$HOLY@#!#HOLY!#@#!!


    Isaac:...You know it could be worse.


    Gavin: GRENADE!

    Isaac: Exactly , Gavin. A grenade would be wor-

    *Suddenly, a grenade is dropped in the desk next to them. The group quickly tries to run off when..KA-BOOM!*

    *A bright light flashes through the office, causing the entire building to ripple. It isn’t like a normal explosion but it’s almost as if time and space itself was torn apart. As if something was taken from the world..something like...logic*

    Isaac: Ow...What the-?

    *The explosion hurt Isaac’s ear, causing a loud ringing in his ears and every other noise to be muffled. He looks around and sees Sebastian’s unconscious body under a desk, Austin trying to pull him out. He sees Jake wobbling around in a dizzy manner only to fall flat on his face. He sees Maddy with a broken leg, struggling to get up as she looks around in a frightened manner.*

    Maddy (muffled voice): W..Gavin..Where...Gav?

    *That isn’t the weird part. Disoriented, Isaac looks around to see a weird blast emitting from the building, something spreading across the world. Something...weird. Above him, Isaac sees odd, random objects pop out from the sky, falling to the ground next to them. A few guns land next to the group, some axes and swords as well.*


    Isaac: What? Seeing whaaaaaaa?!?!?

    *Suddenly, Isaac’s vision flashes. He looks around and he sees so many things. He sees memes surrounding him, every silly pun and odd dank meme possible. He laughs, the weirdness flowing into his brain when suddenly, a light flashes. A name is heard*

    ???: HELIX!!!

    Isaac: AHHH! WHAT THE-?!

    Ben: Isaac! GET UP!

    *Suddenly, a bunch of men in dark clothing crash through the building windows, weapons in hand. In fear of being killed, the group jumps to the floor and play dead, hiding themselves under the rubble*

    Soldier 1: Search the perimeters. No survivors except for the target.

    *Nick runs down the stairs and looks around*

    Nick: WHAT THE BET?!

    *He is quickly tazed down and grabbed by the soldiers*

    Soldier 1: Take him to the truck and search the area. The boss is gonna want this place.

    Christian (whispering): Nobody move a muscle.

    *The soldier walks closer and closer to the group, gun ready. He steps right above where Sebastian and Austin are, his rifle edging closer to them*

    *Suddenly, Isaac’s phone rings. He picks up, even though the guard clearly sees him*

    Isaac: Yello?...Oh, hey! How are you, ma’?...I’m good, eating my tacos and everything.

    Soldier: HALT!
    *Suddenly, Maddy picks up a gun on the floor and wastes the soldier, lighting the other ones still in the building up*

    Jake: How did you-?

    Maddy: I...I don’t know. I ..feel like I can..understand these..weapons.

    *Suddenly, an entire armada of soldiers crashes into the building firing at the group*

    Jake: GET DOWN! *He picks up a gun and fires at the group of soldiers*

    *A large phrase appears in the air saying, “DOUBLE KILL!*

    Jake: Where did those words come from?!

    *One of the soldiers aims at the group, only to be knocked out by Ben from behind*


    Jake: How did you even get over there!
    Austin: What the hell is happening?! I wanna go home!!

    *Suddenly, a parachute lands next to him, he quickly grabs it*

    Austin: Well, what do you know! SEE YA’, SUCKERS!

    *He quickly jumps out of the window, screaming*

    Austin: WHERE’S THE CHUTE?!?!

    *The group run to the window, scared for their friend, only to see that Austin was...gone. No body on the sidewalk, not floating through the air, just...gone.*


    Danny: COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!

    *The group dashed for the exit, weapons in hand. A group of soldiers were on the stairs waiting for them. The writers halted, preparing for death, when suddenly, it felt as though something inside of them switched on. They are able to use their weapons without any prior knowledge of weaponry. They take down their enemies and run out of the building, afraid*

    Sebastian: Okay, so my mind has officially melted.

    Olivia: How were we able to do that?! I used a katana! Ben teleported, I think! Wha-WHAT’S HAPPENING!?

    *Suddenly, a bunch of black cars were driving over to the building, weapons in hand. Noticing this, the group ran to Danny’s car and drove off, the black cars not even noticing them*

    *Five hours later. Danny’s apartment*

    Jake: This is crazy! Gavin and Austin are gone! Nick’s been kidnapped! The entire office has been taken over! This is insane!

    Sebastian: Not to mention Isaac and Ben seeing memes and @#$ everywhere.

    Julia: How is this even possible?!

    Christian: Who cares! We gotta get back over there!

    Everyone: WHAT?!

    Christian: We need to save Nick and get back the office!

    Ben: Um, I thought he was the smart one?

    Sebastian (annoyed): Days like this when I miss Joey.

    Jake: Christian, why would we go back and risk our lives for our jerk boss!

    Christian: Because like it or not, we’re a team. As much as we hate him, he would do the same for u-okay that’s a lie, but we have to! Now who’s with me?!

    *Group stares at him in bored silence*

    Christian: If we don’t do this, we won’t get paid.

    Everyone: YAY!!!

    *five hours of planning later*

    Christian: Alright, so does everyone remember the plan.

    Jake: Of course. We bust in, get Nick out of there, and have a cool dance party afterwards.

    Ben (Higdon): There’s a dance party?

    Christian: I don’t remember ever discussing a dance party.

    Jake: Wait,so there’s no dance party?

    Christian: Well I didn’t say that.

    Ben: Okay, let’s do this!

    Whole team cheers

    Guards stand outside of the building as group walks side-by-side epically

    Julia: Do we have to do this?

    Christian: Not at all! Charge!

    The group charges towards the building, ready to save their comrade. Then the guard pulls out a gun


    The group runs away like a bunch of cowards.


    Sebastian: You didn’t think that they may have a gun!!

    Christian: How could anyone expect that to happen?!

    Jake: Are you telling me that you expected them to surrender just because we charged at them? What type of plan is that?!

    Christian: A brilliant plan!

    Olivia: Look, we gotta stop arguing and figure out a way to get back the building.

    Christian: Well, do you have any better ideas?

    Isaac: What if we built a giant horse, sit outside of the building, and pop out of it, surprising them.

    Christian: Nah, too Trojan.

    Julia: What if we got a bunch of eggs and throw them at the guards.

    Christian: Nah, too stupid.

    Jake: ….Uhh, what if we just got weapons?


    Christian: Okay, Jake, enough fooling around. We need to think logically. Wait, what if we just got weapons?

    Group: Oh, wow. That’s a great idea! That’s perfect! Ingenious!

    Jake facepalms in frustration

    The group prepares armor, weaponry, and gadgets for the invasion

    Jake loads up his machine gun

    Sebastian gives Christian a sword

    Marissa continues to play on her phone

    Julia holds a grenade

    Isaac and Ben prepare an armada of pokeballs. Christian walks behind them and slaps them over the head

    Olivia brandishes a giant ax in the air

    Danny puts on Spartan armor and draws a beard on his face

    Christian: Okay. We move out tomorrow.

    The group looks at him in confusion

    Jake: But we’re ready now.

    Christian: No, no, we need to rest for tomorrow we shall take back what is ours and-!

    Jake: We could just take it back today!

    Christian: ….We must prepare ourselves for the hardships to follow-!

    Jake: We’re already prepared.

    Christian: ...We need to get ready for the coming wa-

    Jake: Now you’re just being redundant.

    Christian: Character development! We’re doing this for character development!

    Group: Ohhhh!

    Later that night….

    In his room, Sebastian is worriedly pacing back and forth around his bed in fear. Christian walks in.

    Sebastian: Are the guys prepared?

    Christian: I don’t really think “prepared” is the best way to describe them.

    He points out the snoring heap that was Isaac sleeping on the bed next them, lying unconscious with a taco clutched in one hand and a pop tart in the other.

    Christian: You know, Sebastian, it would really help us if you…

    Sebastian: You want me to summon him.

    Christian: I know that it’s not easy…

    Sebastian: Easy?! There’s no easiness! It’s just hardship after hardship in constant agony!

    Christian: But there is no other way. The amount of people guarding that building… it’s over 9000!

    Ben bursts through the door

    Ben: Over 9000?! Thats impossible!

    Isaac wakes up and looks around, confused.

    Isaac: There’s no way there could be that many! Your scouter must be broken! And that isn’t even it’s final form!

    Christian: What are you talking about, I have no idea what a scouter is.

    Christian drags Isaac and Ben out of the room, who are still referencing random internet memes.

    Jake: Good god, we’re all going to die.

    Isaac (from the next room): One does not simply walk into that prison.

    Ben: Ok. (Dashes into the prison)

    Christian chases after Ben. Guns are heard firing and Christian and Ben run back into the room, panting.



    Sebastian: Such bullets. Very fails. Much wow.
    Jake: Guys stop joking around, this is a very serious mission. Nick is suffering in there right now and we need to save him, so get some sleep for the attack tomorrow.

    Nick is seen playing video games in a hot tub under the prison.

    Jake: Oh and there is also a nuke under the prison.

    Danny: But don’t you need a 25 kill streak to use one of those?

    Ben: Yeah all I have to do is MLG quickscope them while drinking my Mountain Dew and we’ll be fine.

    Jake: THIS IS REAL LIFE!!!

    Ben: And this weed I’m smoking is too! So is Mountain Dew!

    Isaac: Wait a minute… weed has seven leaves. Mountain Dew is two words. 7-2=5. The letter M is just two Ns. 5-2=3 Mountain Dew is the opposite of a desert. Where are there deserts? Egypt. Egypt is full of pyramids. Israel’s flag is two pyramids on top of each other. Those pyramids form a star. How do you see stars? With your eyes. Eye has three letters. Three has five letters. Five has four letters. 5-4=1. There is a pyramid on the one dollar bill. The dollar bill is minted in America. America was founded in 1776. The Illuminati was founded in 1776.

    Illuminati confirmed!

    (Jake takes Isaac’s glasses off, and chucks them at his face)

    Isaac dodges it like a boss only to smack his head into a wall and fall on the floor.

    Jake: Does anyone else have something to add?

    Ben: 9+10=21

    Danny: You stupid.

    Christian: Do you see now Sebastian, if you don’t summon him we’ll never succeed. Everyone here is too stupid to accomplish anything.

    Isaac: Is it Half-Life 3 you’re summoning?


    *Ms Hannah comes, accompanied by Mr. Fucking Hell.*

    Mr Fucking Hell: Hello… What was I doing again?

    Sebastian: RUN IT’S MR. HELL!

    *Ben runs out the room, screaming in terror.*

    Ms Hannah: Get back here, Ben! You get negative points for running! NEGATIVE POINTSSSSS!

    FDR: Oh no! The only thing I fear is fear itself!

    *rolls away in terror*

    Sebastian: Can we just get rid of this thing before we go on?

    Isaac: I guess…

    *A talonflame swoops down and carries Mr. Hell off, outspeeding the sun into the horizon*

    Christian: Should we look for Ben?

    Isaac: What’s a Ben?

    Christian: You’ve known him since elementary school!

    Professor Oak: Is it a boy or a girl?

    Jake: Where do all these random people keep coming from?

    Isaac: Sebastian is summoning random people, but it doesn’t matter.

    *You hear Ben screaming as loud as possible*


    *suddenly a fellow employee from before arrives from the sky and lands around them doing the hero pose*

    Christian:...What the… GAVIN?!?!

    Gavin: Hey guys. How did I get here?

    Maddy: What do you mean where were you?

    Gavin: When the grenade went off I was watching Dragon Ball Z instead of working. The screen exploded from the grenade, some of the monitor got inside of me and somehow gave me powers.

    Jake: Cool so what kind of powers?

    Gavin: This kind.

    *Gavin transforms into a super saiyan*

    Gavin:This is a super saiyan! And this! Is a level beyond that of a super saiyan but you can call it super saiyan 2!

    Isaac:What is he doing?

    Gavin: And now it’s time...to go….even further beyond!

    *Gavin yells and charges up so much that he becomes a ball of pure golden energy. The world starts to shake and when it stops, Gavin is super saiyan 3*

    *One of the rocks levitating in the air nails Gavin in the head and he falls to the ground, no longer a super saiyan*

    Isaac: I guess you could say he just got…

    *Isaac puts on a pair of shades*

    Isaac: stoned

    Christian: That pun...

    *a portal to another dimension opens and then Austin falls out of the sky*

    Austin: I swear I thought that backpack was a parachute

    Gavin: I know. Sucks right

    Maddy: Austin! HOLY CRAP! YOU’RE ALIVE!.

    Austin: I was just falling from the building when something happened. A bright light flashed and I saw...everything. Every terrible thing the internet has produced. Every dank meme that could melt a steel beam! I saw it all!

    Christian: He must have been hit by whatever was in that grenade. Same thing that’s affecting us!

    *random objects begin falling out of the sky*

    Isaac: It’s… It’s.. IT’S RAINING TACOS!

    *Gavin is sucked through the portal and falls out of the sky*

    Sebastian: I don’t get it, everytime I try to summon Satan something else comes out instead

    *austin hands Sebastian a black bag*

    Austin: it has ground up brimstone and sulphur

    *sebastian opens the bag to see it full of coffee grinds*

    Isaac: Perhaps we should ask the illuminati?

    *nobody notices the fact that Austin is wearing a suit made from tank armor and holding a mini howitzer*

    Gavin: Austin what are you wearing?

    Austin: Shhhhhh…. You see nothing.

    *you hear sirens and see a fighter jet explode in the background*

    Jake: Oh dear god he raided a military base, now we have that to deal with. Can we just attack the prison already?

    Christian: No! We… need… more… Character Development!

    *something smashing is heard in the background*

    Jake: What was that?

    Isaac: Christian has just broken the fourth wall!

    Ben: Awesome!

    Gavin: How is that even possible?

    *Austin throws a wrench at it and it is instantly repaired*

    Austin: Because logic

    *Jake stands confused about what life choices he made to get him here and sheds a single tear*

    *Isaac has a flashback of working in the taco factory as a little boy and realizes that the enemy company held his family hostage and forced him to work in said taco factory and is filled with rage*

    *Isaac forgets what he was just thinking about since his memory is only 3 seconds*

    Gavin: So are we going to save Nick or not because I’m bored messing around.

    *Gavin goes regular super saiyan successfully and tries to get everyone to go fight but doesn't succeed*

    Isaac: Wait a minute? Aren’t you already blonde, Gavin? Does going super saiyan even do anything for you?

    Gavin: Shut up! It makes me feel special…(I'm not actually saying what's in the parentheses but I also have blue eyes just found that kind of funny on top of having blonde hair)

    Sebastian: I will as soon as I summon satan

    Christian: What now!?

    Gavin:And how long is that going to take?

    *Isaac throws a pokeball at Sebastian but misses and hits himself. Ben tries to release him from the ball but by the time Isaac comes back, he's completely controlled by the Helix Fossil*

    *in other words, nothing has changed about Isaac*

    Sebastian:Keoth Ramen Pancake-


    Ben: Mm Mm good

    Satan: Ew… Sebastian take your damn cyborg powers and leave me alone

    Sebastian: YES!

    *Blue and red lights flash causing seizures in thousands of Japanese kids*

    Sebastian:Yay! I'm a cyborg

    Satan: K bye *poofs away*

    Isaac: I thought he was summoning pancakes…

    *Gavin gets pissed off and goes super saiyan 2*

    Gavin:ALRIGHT WE ARE going now we already have over 9000% character development!

    Isaac:You can't say that, we already used that meme.

    Christian:SSSSHHHH! We have to stop breaking the fourth wall.

    *a rock falls out of the sky and hits Gavin he is no longer super saiyan 2*

    Austin: I guess you could say...

    Gavin: don't say it. Don't you fucking say it.

    Austin: his world got ROCKED

    Gavin:God dammit Austin.

    Jake: oh god no not the pun

    Austin: I'll dish out a bit more PUNishment

    Jake: stop. Just stop.

    Austin: but I just got started.

    Isaac: wait a minute…

    Jake: what is it now?

    Isaac: Christian broke the fourth wall 4-1=3 Christian is illuminati confirmed

    *off in the distance something is happening*

    Swat 1: ready the launcher!

    Swat 2: done

    Swat 3: firing!

    *a missile rapidly approaches FDR*

    FDR: n00bs the wheels on my wheel chair are 360°.

    *two sniper rifles come out of the wheels and no scopes the missile out of the sky*

    *Ben stops running and looks in awe, inspired by the MLG sight*

    *FDR suddenly shoots into the sky without a trace*

    Christian: What was that?

    Isaac: Oh, that was a talonflame.

    Sebastian: Sorry!

    Christian: But how?

    Isaac: Isn’t it obvious? The talonflame outsped light itself, and with no light able to reflect off of it since it was too fast, it became invisible!

    Gavin:Well that just happened.

    Sebastian: If he wasn't gone already I would totally commend him on his 360 no scope abilities.

    Gavin:True but he's nothing compared to all of us. Now let's go beat this enemy corp.

    Group:Let's do this!

    Sebastian: Yeah what's it called anyway?

    Christian: Weathersbee industries

    *the group collectively shudders*

    Sebastian: As in Jerkoff Dickbagsbee?

    Marissa: Ugh even I hate that fat ass

    Ben: I swear to god if he’s in there i'm gonna kill myself!

    Gavin,Sebastian,Ben,Austin,Jake,Isaac: Same!

    Christian: Oh come on guys! He's not really that bad.

    Everyone else: YES HE IS!

    Isaac: His tacos taste terrible!

    *a clownfish falls out of the sky and falls in isaac’s taco and it begins evolving*


    *mysterious music is heard in the background, the taco begins to glow and when the light dissipates it is a taco bag*

    Strange Voice: Congratulations! Your taco has evolved into taco bag!

    Isaac: Delicious!

    Jake: Where is that voice coming from… nevermind at this point it’s pretty normal.

    Christian: But why did he make a taco shack?

    Isaac: Because if you control the world’s taco supply you control everything, the world revolves around tacos.

    *Christian hits Isaac in the back of the head*

    Christian: Nevermind why he did it, but we need a plan, how do you guys think we should do it?

    Sebastian: I could summon something useful to help us.

    Christian: Nah that never works.

    Ben: What if we quickscope all the guards and charge it with our Doritos and Mountain Dew

    Christian: Nah too MLG.

    Gavin: I could become a super saiyan.

    Christian: Nah too many flying rocks.

    Jake: We could set off a small fire, then pretend to be firemen and sneak into the building.

    Isaac: Wait a minute… Fire trucks have 4 wheels and 8 people ride on them, 4+8=12, there are 12 inches in a ruler, Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, they named a ship after queen Elizabeth, ships are in the sea, fish are in the sea, people from Finland are known as Fins, finland and russia had a deathmatch on rust, Russia is red, Dimitri patranko is a playable character in call of duty world at war, in call of duty the scopes are circles, pi is used to find the circumference of a circle, the first number in pi is 3, there are 3 sides on a triangle. Illuminati confirmed!

    *Gavin becomes a super saiyan and slaps Isaac through the wall*

    Gavin:God dammit Isaac. Now I should probably transform back so that I don't get nailed in the head by a-

    *Gavin gets hit by a rock from the wall he slapped Isaac through and leaves his super saiyan state*


    Sebastian:Well you could say his life...

    *Puts on sunglasses*

    Sebastian: fell apart.


    Isaac:Is he mad or something?


    *From the other room you hear a funny voice speak*

    Super Kami Guru:NAAAAAAIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL! I can sense you!

    Isaac: Do not make eye contact!

    Christian:Everyone, try to get some sleep for tomorrow.

    *The sun rises on the next day and the group finally sets out with memes blazing*

    *Austin sets fire to some titanium and throws it at the building*

    Austin:get into groups Gavin and Sebastian, Christian and Jake. I'll go with Isaac he needs to be watched…

    Ben: what about me?

    Sebastian: I'll summon Someone for you to go with.

    *sebastian sniffs the bag of coffee grounds and summons b.e.n.*

    B.e.n. : beep boop

    Gavin:So where are me and Sebastian going?

    Isaac:To the lab where they test anti-gravity rocks.

    Gavin:You're kidding me right? You're fucking kidding me?

    Sebastian: Do you guys hate us or something?

    Isaac:They are also doing gene splicing to make the rocks alive.

    Gavin:Well let's get this over with Sebastian.

    *Everyone heads off in their groups to head to the boss’ room*

    Isaac: why is this cell block full of tall grass?

    *a wild caterpillar appeared*

    Isaac: Austin I choose you!

    *austin used heavy artillery*

    *its super effective!*

    Isaac: we’ve won!

    Austin: it's not over yet

    *what?! The wild caterpillar has begun to evolve!*

    *the wild caterpillar has evolved into nuclear defense shelter!*

    Isaac: Well this is going to take a while...

    *Meanwhile, Christian and Jake find themselves in the middle of a forest*

    Jake: How did we even get here?

    *Through the magic of storytelling!*











    Jake: And where did that flag come from?

    *Meanwhile in the antigravity rock lab*

    Gavin: What do we do, this room is filled with rocks and I'm afraid if I go super saiyan and enter they'll all fall on my head.

    Sebastian: Here I'll summon some more robots.

    *Sebastian summons I.S.A.A.C and Christian v2.0*

    Gavin: okay then… let's go. Wait… why is there a helix fossil in that vat of chemicals?

    Christian v2.0: Dave was experimenting to create the ultimate weapon.

    Gavin: how do you know that?

    I.S.A.A.C.: ummmmm… Reasons

    *another tank they see tacos being merged*

    I.S.A.A.C.: NO we are too late the God of tacos is being formed

    *a door opens*

    *Random scientists 12-16 enter the room*

    12: that was a long ritual worth it for the extra 15 minute smoke break though.


    *They hide behind the Helix Fossil vat*

    15: Did you guys hear something

    16: likely just a rock fly

    *Gavin realizes what 16 just said and is now scared*

    *meanwhile with Christian and Jake*

    Jake: how did we find a desert to get lost in

    *12 minutes later*

    Christian: man this mountain sure is cold!

    Jake:WTF is going on?!?!?!

    *Meanwhile back at Gavin and Sebastian*

    Gavin:What are we going to do?

    Sebastian:I don't know.

    I.S.A.A.C.:We need to stop them from raising the taco god.

    *a symbol is etched into the wall*


    Gavin: What is that?

    Dominic:It's a sign from engineering class.

    I.S.A.A.C.:Dominic you're not in this story. Anyways that's an isaactangle/isaacahedron/isaacagon/isaaczoid/isaacare/issacircle/sphisaac/

    *Suddenly the red light above the Helix Fossil starts to flash*

    Gavin:What's going on?

    I.S.A.A.C.:The creation of the Helix fossil is done. Now it must feed to become complete.

    Sebastian:What does it need to become complete?

    I.S.A.A.C.:Me and B.E.N. Now we must hide or we shall die.

    Gavin:So it's basically like Cell.

    I.S.A.A.C.:What's a Cell?

    Gavin:A powerful- OW! Not another falling rock!

    christian v2.0:This thing is deadly and immune to super saiyans.

    Gavin:Crap well I can't kill it.

    I.S.A.A.C.:It's also a rock.

    Gavin:Well it might as well be able to fly too! Why does everything hate us?

    Christian v2.0: Of course it can fly. It was created by Bill Nye the science Guy to be the ultimate weapon.



    *The Helix Fossil tank opens up. The scientists get excited until the Helix turns them into DNA strands and absorbs them into it*

    Scientists #12-16:WTF&/^÷£!*”,#&÷¥+₩+₩$£/€=×¥103848=&”&’0×93€4&%¥#9÷&=€/9’*÷&%8#&!;=£/£!&=.

    Sebastian: Did that just happen?

    Gavin:Yeah and I have an idea of who the fossil wants next. (Looks at I.S.A.A.C.)

    *The Helix Fossil looks over at I.S.A.A.C. and tries to eat him*

    Christian v2.0:Stop you potato. You will not eat him.

    *The Helix Fossil looks at Christian v2.0 and just eats I.S.A.A.C. without a care.Suddenly it begins to glow and when it stops it's an omanyte*

    Gavin:Yeah this is definitely like Cell. If only I could go super against it then it would be dead.

    *The Omanyte teleports away to Ben and B.E.N. to claim it's next victim*

    Ben:So what do we do?

    B.E.N.:Beep Boop Beep.

    *Omanyte appears*

    Ben:Who's that?


    Omanyte: On the eleventh day I rose in accordance with the scriptures and was proclaimed by my prophet Bird Jesus to renounce the evils of the dome.

    *Omanyte absorbs B.E.N. and becomes Omastar*

    Omastar:Finally I am perfect.

    Ben:WTF! Who are you?

    Omastar:I am Omastar, the perfect life form.

    Ben:Ooooooookay. So what are you doing here?

    Omastar:I have been sent by Bill Nye the Science Guy to kill Kaka karrot kake.

    Ben:So why are you HERE.

    Omastar:I'm going to consume your life force to grow stronger.

    Ben:Fuck RUN.


    Jake(in the distance):Oh god it's Pacman.

    *Meanwhile back with Gavin and Sebastian*

    Sebastian:Sooooooo. What now?

    Gavin:I have no idea.

    *suddenly the roof above starts to crack and falls on Gavin*

    Gavin:Why me.

    *From the rubble, Isaac and Austin appear*

    Isaac: Did we win?


    *Austin fires an RPG at the shelter*

    Isaac:YES only 1 more hit and we win.

    *Wild nuclear bomb shelter used Full Restore*


    Sebastian:Well that just happened. Let's go Gavin.

    Gavin:Everything's in pain.

    *Meanwhile Christian and Jake find a city*

    Jake:Wow this city is really crowded.

    *22 minutes later*

    Christian:Wow this field is completely uninhabited.

    *Back to Gavin and Sebastian*

    Gavin: Ok we made it past that room but we lost the Omanyte. Where do we go now?

    Sebastian:I don't know. Let's just go on ahead and try to get to the boss. We can deal with the Omanyte later.

    Gavin:True. He isn't a threat at all. He's just a dumb fossil pokemon that people worship for no reason.

    Sebastian: But Omastar is a rock type…

    Gavin: On second thought, if it comes back… hide.

    *Gavin and Sebastian move ahead in the rooms*

    *In the next room they find a single rock on the ground. When Gavin goes to pick it up, it grows eyes and arms and starts floating*

    Gavin:Oh great a Geodude.

    Sebastian:What's a Geodude?

    Gavin:It's a rock type pokemon.


    Geodude:Geo Geo Geodude.

    Random floating box above Geodude:Geodude used rock throw.

    Gavin:Sebastian run!

    Random floating box above Geodude:Geodude used rockslide.

    Sebastian:Why does it want to kill us?

    Gavin:I don't know but I have an idea. Can you try to summon Satan again?

    Sebastian:I can try.

    *Suddenly the Geodude disappears in a flash of red and grey*

    Sebastian:It didn't work.

    Gavin:Yes it did. I knew it wouldn't work and it would summon a Talonflame again. The Talonflame took the Geodude away so we won.

    *Meanwhile back with Austin and Isaac*

    Isaac:It won't die if only my lord was here.

    Where is Lord Helix when you need him?

    *Suddenly the Omastar appears and kills the nuclear bomb shelter*

    *Isaac gets on the ground and starts praying*

    Isaac:Our helix

    Who art in “ITEM”

    Hallowed be thy name

    Thy kingdom come

    Thy will be done

    In PC as it is in “ITEM”

    Give us this day our daily struggle

    And forgive us our “democracy” votes

    As we forgive those who vote “democracy” against us

    And lead us not over ledges

    But deliver us from Eevee

    For thine is the kingdom and the power

    And the glory for ever and ever

    Now is not the time to use that

    Lord helix: oh look Josh!

    Isaac: Josh
    Yoshi's a dinosaur
    He gets ridden by Mario
    Mario eats mushrooms and gets big
    Mushrooms are drugs
    Weed is a drug
    Weed is four letters
    Four is one number before 3
    Poison ivy Is a plant with three leaves
    It's poison
    Poison has 3 vowels
    3, 3 leaves, 3 vowels
    Triangles have three sides
    Triangles have three points
    Triangle means three angle
    Illuminati is a pyramid
    A pyramid is four triangles
    Weed is four letters

    Lord helix:... Fuck you Isaac.

    *Meanwhile back with Gavin and Sebastian, the taco god is rising*


    Christian v2.0:The taco god is rising! Prepare for a fight!

    *The container with the taco god opens and out steps the taco god in all his glory*

    Taco God: tacos tacos tacos rule.

    Gavin:Oh dear god. This can't be real. He's as annoying as Isaac.

    Taco God:Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos!!

    Gavin:Shut..the fuck...up!!!

    *Gavin spin kicks the Taco God into the wall*

    *The Taco God gets up clearly in pain. He summons tacos to heal himself*

    Sebastian: dammit he can heal.

    *The Taco God starts to grow getting more and more delicious looking. One of his arms turns into a taco shell gun. The shells act like ropes*

    Gavin:Look out, the shells will catch you and you will get stuck.

    *While Gavin isn’t paying attention, the Taco God shoots him with a taco shell, trapping him.*

    Gavin:Crap. Well good luck Sebastian.

    Sebastian:How do I beat him?

    Gavin:Oh no it’s a spider! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!

    *Sebastian finds the spider and takes out a flamethrower spraying everything with fire including the Taco God.*


    *As the Taco God melts away, Sebastian frees Gavin from the taco shells.*

    Isaac: You fools…

    Gavin: What the? Where were you? And what are you talking about?

    Isaac: The Taco God is still alive, and now it has fused with Lord Helix to become the ultimate being in the universe!

    Gavin: What would a fusion of those even look like?


    Gavin: wat

    Austin:he rolled a 1 for talking what he was trying to say is that it assimilated the helix fossil into itself and completed its transformation into Dave.

    Isaac; Oh and Omastar ate one of the tacos and transformed into Cell.

    Gavin: There were two helix fossils?! How is that even possible? I thought there could only be one true god, if what the internet says is true. Also where is Cell?

    Isaac: The Omastar created here that has become Cell is from our universe, known in the multiverse as Universe Red. The helix fossil the taco god absorbed was brought here by the owner of this fortress from a place known as Universe Blue.

    Austin: Isaac how do you know this? I didn’t even know you had a brain, much less a functioning one.

    Isaac: I have one, it’s just full of useless knowledge.

    Gavin: So basically the multiverse functions like a bunch of pokemon games apparently… but seriously guys where is Cell?

    Cell:Right behind you. I can tell you’re strong. As the perfect being, I would personally like to fight you. Beating you would like be fighting a chubby baby.

    Gavin:WHY YOU!! Fine I'll make it like the show. I'm just that strong.

    *Gavin goes super saiyan 2 and catches every single rock that tries to fall on him*

    Gavin:You guys go after DAVE. I'll handle Cell.

    Isaac:Right let's go find DAVE and use the power of internet memes to beat him.

    *Everyone else leaves except for Gavin and Cell*

    Gavin:Shall we begin?

    Cell:So be it. You little pest, you can't possibly beat me,.I'm the perfect life form.

    *They Fly towards each other so fast that only Talonflames could see them moving. Meanwhile we see everyone else except for Jake and Christian following DAVE*

    Isaac: Ok where did DAVE go?

    *As they begin searching in vain, we return to Gavin and Cell fighting*

    Cell: You forget I was once Omastar! Stealth Rock!

    *a barrage of pointed stones surround Gavin in the air and prevent him from moving, for fear of being hurt*

    Cell: Now you’ll never escape my labyrinth of floating rocks!

    Gavin: Oh great, now what? If I move a muscle, I’ll get nailed in the head… again.

    Mysterious voice: Have no fear, I’ll defeat Cell.

    Cell: What the?! What in the world are you? How are you even talking?

    *Isaac stumbles into the room*

    Isaac: How is the nuclear bomb shelter still alive? Impossible!

    Nuclear Bomb Shelter: Max Revive, N00bs!

    Isaac: Lord Helix I hate my life!

    Gavin: Isaac how did you get here? I thought you were following DAVE.

    Isaac: Oh I got lost.

    Cell: But it’s a perfectly straight hallway with no doors on either side! How can you be that dumb?

    *Meanwhile Christian and Jake have found themselves on top of another mountain*

    DAVE: Hello there, you shall be the first to witness the power of Dave!

    Jake: Okay then…

    *Back to Gavin and cell*

    Nuclear Bomb Shelter:n00bs, I'll beat him with my quickscope skills.

    Gavin:But you don't have any arms.

    Nuclear Bomb Shelter:I'm part saiyan, when I was defeated I became stronger, even my vocal cords that's how I can talk.

    Gavin:Seems legit but you have no arms!!!

    Nuclear Bomb Shelter:Racist, I don't need arms.


    Cell:Are we going to fight or not! I'm tired of this waiting.

    *Cell lunges for the N.B.S. but misses*

    Cell:How did I-

    N.B.S.:Because I'm the MLG champ bruh.

    Cell:I won't miss this time.

    *Cell lunges again, but the N.B.S. somehow slaps Cell away without any arms*

    Cell:How did you do that?!

    N.B.S.:Because bitch, I'm the best MLG fighter there is.

    Gavin:Isaac, help me out of here.

    Isaac:Ok. But how?

    Gavin:Try pulling the rocks away until there's a hole big enough for me to crawl through.


    *Isaac rips a rock away and eventually makes a hole big enough for Gavin to crawl through*

    Gavin:Ok. Cell and N.B.S. are busy so let's try and follow the others

    *an ice cream truck drives by*

    Christian:get in Isaac!

    *christian pulls isaac in*

    Jake:after getting lost for around 2 days we got attacked by someone named dave

    Christian:so we stole an ice cream truck

    Jake:we later found a teleporter and drove through it

    Gavin:WAIT you're leaving me behind’

    *gavin then bursts into rock-like flames*

    Gavin: OH GOD IT BURNS


    Austin: hey sebastian where do you think isaac ran off to?

    *Christian and Jake's teleporting ice cream truck appears with Isaac*

    Isaac:Hi guys.

    *10 minutes later*

    Sebastian:Where's Gavin?

    Christian:Oh crap we left him behind.

    Jake:And on fire.

    Austin:Why was he on fire?

    Sebastian: I could ask satan.

    Talonflame #9:It is the curse of Rock Flame.

    Isaac: What’s that? Oh nevermind the talonflame has already flown into the horizon, this time with Professor Oak.

    Sebastian: I’ll try again

    *3 failed attempts later*

    Satan: He has been transformed into flaming rocks for a reason the narrator is too lazy to explain.

    Jake: Stop breaking the fourth wall!

    Christian: Well then…

    *they find themselves in the middle a grassy field*

    Jake: Come on! Where are we this time?

    *Joey makes an entrance*

    Joey: I am Prince Joey, the Prince of all Idiots, and have a 1 in 5 chance of killing myself.

    *Joey suddenly dies of tripping on grass and drowning*

    *Satan then takes credit and teabags the body*

    *Joey then resurrects*

    Joey: Wow, a cell’s mitochondria really IS a powerhouse of the cell

    *Joey dies again from Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis*

    *Once again, everyone celebrates by teabagging Prince Joey*

    *Meanwhile with Gavin*



    *Back to everyone else*

    Isaac:So what do we do now?

    Sebastian:I dunno.

    *Prince Joey revives again only to get mauled by a squirrel.*

    Jake: You know, I’m starting to think his chance of killing himself is a bit higher than 1 in 5...

    Isaac: Oh Jake, with Prince Joey a 1 in 5 is really a 6 in 5 chance.

    *Back with Gavin*


    Cell:Well it's been fun, but time for you to die. HYDRO PUMP.

    N.B.S.:Aww hell no.

    *N.B.S. blocks the hydro pump and slaps Cell into a wall again*

    N.B.S.: don't worry Gavin, just keep screaming in pain, I'll protect you from Cell.


    Cell:Yet another lucky shot, I can't believe I'm losing to a fucking building.

    N.B.S.:Myself use RPG attack.

    Mysterious Voice: It’s super effective! A critical hit!

    Cell: Curse the dome fossil! My perfect form, defeated by a bunch of concrete! Wait a minute, it can fight in a pokemon style… I have an idea! Cell Jr., I choose you!

    *Cell throws a pokeball and a Cell Jr. comes out*

    N.B.S.: Go, Tactical Nuke!

    Gavin: Oh god I’ve gotta get out of here. AND IT STILL BURNS

    *The Cell Jr. takes the hit and dies*

    Cell:Why didn’t you dodge?!

    N.B.S.:Because even my nukes are MLG quickscopers, n00b.

    Cell:Dammit. WHY AM I LOSING TO A BLOCK OF CONCRETE?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    *Back to everyone else*

    Isaac:What are we doing?

    *Prince Joey resurrects as an angel only to get killed and raped by an ambulance*

    Isaac:Here we witness two magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

    Austin: One of them Isn't an animal Isaac.

    Isaac:Here we witness the wild ambulance in its natural habitat.

    Sebastian:God dammit Isaac.

    *A nuclear explosion is seen in the distance*

    Isaac: I didn’t know it was the fourth of July…


    Isaac: Well that seems a bit extreme for a firework.


    Ben: That was the sound of a 25 killstreak having been reached.

    Isaac: Ohhhh… it all makes sense now, the person who set it off must have been really MLG.

    Jake: Wait how did you get here, weren’t you somewhere else?

    Ben: Oh I mixed Doritos and Mountain Dew to create an explosion to launch myself onto the ice cream truck before it went through the portal.

    Jake: I’ve given up on logic a long time ago.

    *Gavin is seen yelling in pain in the distance, having barely escaped the explosion*

    Christian: Should we help him?

    Austin: Nah, it’ll wear off in a few hours.

    Gavin: A few hours?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    *12 episodes later*


    Austin: Great news! Since you’ve been yelling for the past 4 hours, your curse has worn off.

    Gavin: Great, now let’s go back and defeat Cell!

    Christian: There’s just one problem…

    Dave: I’ve finally found you, prepare to be eliminated.

    *meanwhile in the nest of the talonflames*

    Mr. Fucking Hell: Where are we?

    Professor Oak: This is starting to scare me, we’ve been here for a while.

    FDR: There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Mr. Fucking Hell: That doesn’t help anything.

    Professor Oak: Can you feel it, there is a battle going on right now, we need to help.

    Mr. Fucking Hell: Yeah we’re watching it on this tv right now.

    FDR: It’s so much better than my old radio!

    Professor Oak: Well I’m going to help.

    Mr. Fucking Hell: Why? There’s nothing we can do.

    FDR: Wait, let me come too, I must teach them in the ways of MLG, after all I was MLG before it even existed.

    *FDR and Professor Oak leave to where the guys are fighting Dave*

    Austin: where did you find this ice cream truck?

    Jake: near some military base.

    *austin pulls open a hatch and climbs up into the giant ice cream cone on top and it wheels around to face Dave*


    *the Ice cream cone begins spinning and firing anti tank shells at 12000 rounds per minute*

    Ben: 12000 rounds per minute? Thats over 9000!

    Jake: Stop! We’ve used that meme too many times already!

    *Dave regenerates from the ashes, completely unharmed*

    Dave: You fools, I am a god!

    Isaac: A delicious god.

    Gavin:Ok I think I can fight.

    *Gavin goes ssj 1 and gets slapped away by Dave.


    Isaac:What did you do to Gavin?


    *The minigun begins to heat up*

    Isaac: use these.


    Dave: you fools i am the god of tacos you cannot defeat me with them.

    Isaac: Knowledge growing…


    Dave: What is going on!?!

    Austin:I ASCEND!

    *random glowing feathers surround Isaac*

    Isaac: Soon, my transformation shall be complete.

    *Gavin appears out of nowhere with 6 Talonflames surrounding him*


    Dave:So you think you can defeat me?



    *Isaac emerges as golden talonflame*

    Isaac: I have become Primal Mega Talonflame X.

    Christian: Isaac why are you holding a drawing of a talonflame over your face?

    Isaac: Shhhhhh, they’ll never know.

    Jake: Can you guys stop powering up and make a legitimate attempt to beat dave?


    *Austin opens a portal to another dimension and shoves dave through in a choke hold*

    Austin: we can't defeat you? more like you can't defeat us.

    *Austin opens his pocket and removes a glass prism*

    Dave:no anything but that.

    Austin: The prism hungers for the blood of gods.


    Austin: YES.

    *the prism begins to light up and beams of different colors*

    *Dave’s head explodes like the death star*

    *Dave’s head then grows back from his body*

    Dave: You fool, I cannot be killed.

    *A sniper shot goes through Dave’s head, distracting him*

    FDR: You’re no match for the power of MLG! Oak, do it now!

    *Profesor Oak throws a pokeball at Dave and catches him*

    Professor Oak: Great now to give it to a 10 year old child.

    *Dave breaks out of the pokeball*

    Dave:YOU FOOLS!! I AM A GOD.

    Austin:Dammit how are we supposed to beat this guy?

    *Austin slaps dave’s head into a mountain

    Isaac: Don’t worry, we’ve already won.

    Gavin: Wait a minute how?

    *A series of landmines explode under Dave, vaporizing him in an epic explosion.*

    *Dave regenerates*

    Dave: Did you honestly think that would work?

    Isaac: No, but this will.

    *A volcano erupts under Dave, covering him in lava and melting him*

    Isaac: Now each time you regenerate

    you’ll just melt again! You’ve lost, Dave.

    Gavin:And just for good measure.

    *Gavin slaps Dave making them even*

    Dave: No! No! Noooooooooooooooooo!

    *dave sinks into the lava and is washed away with the lava*

    Christian: How did you do that Isaac? Aren’t you an idiot?

    Isaac: Oh, you see, I knew since mountains are over fault lines, a big enough explosion would move them enough to make a volcano.

    Jake: But how did you even figure that out?

    Isaac: Remember, my brain is filled with random, practically useless facts.

    Gavin:I helped too.

    Sebastian: But I wanted to summon satan.

    Everyone but Isaac: NO!!

    Isaac: But I want another Talonflame.

    *Everyone heads back through the portal to see if everything is ok*

    *Prince Joey revives and survives this time*

    Joey:So what did I miss?

    *Joey tries to fish on the mountain*

    Oak: Now is not the time to use that!

    Joey:Why is Professor Oak here? And why is this a volcano? (volcano splashes and kills Joey, respawning him in a new place)

    In the next season of idiots we see if Nick is alive and what happened to the CEO of the other company. Stay tuned.
  2. Trevaacin

    Trevaacin Newbie Adventurer

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