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??? Hunters Discord

Discussion in '??? Hunt' started by derNiklaas, Aug 30, 2016.

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  1. derNiklaas

    derNiklaas Guest

    Hey Wynn community and ??? Hunters!

    I just got the Idea of making a Discord Server for the ??? Quest Hunters.
    There are 3 public Channels (More can be added, if needed) to go to the Hunt!
    Also there is a Updatelog and also a chat where you can post some Speculation.

    Discord is a FREE Programm just like Skype and Teamspeak, but in my opinion, it's a bit better.

    Connect via the following Link and you should be on the ??? Quest Hunters Discord Server.


    So, why did you make a Discord Server? We have the Forum!
    Yes. I know that we have the Forum, but the problem of the Forum is:
    You can only WRITE to people. What if you want to TALK to People.
    Talking to other people help to exchange Information faster.

    If you have any Questions, feel free to ask them down below.

    Ironraptor3 and Ascended Kitten like this.
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