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Guide How to start an HUIC/HUICH profile

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by hackcr1258, Jan 30, 2025.


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  1. hackcr1258

    hackcr1258 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey guys, since regional servers are a thing now, the hardest challenge made by the man Salted himself is finally playable in more countries of the globe.

    This guide will point the best way to start out your HUIC/HUICH journey. If anything is missing/is straight up wrong, feel free to message me in-game/reply in the comment section.

    HUIC/HUICH is the short form of the challenges proposed by the man, the server owner himself - Salted. All of the challenges(officially referred to "Gamemodes") can be referred to below,

    H(The First H): Hardcore. Just like life, ONE CHANCE. One death and you are out.
    UI: Ultimate Ironman. No Trade Market. No help from others. By others, I mean literally everything. heals, buffs, even loot-sharing. Let's see how far you can go.
    C: Craftsmen. Crrafted Items only. Are you able to beat the game with a mechanic that you are unfamiliar with?
    H(the Second H): Hunted. Survive from other players trying to hunt you down. Run, but you can never hide.

    Why take a challenge? Why not just play the game normally? Taking a challenge can increase your resilience in both in-game and in real life. This is a required skill for... literally anything. Ranging from work, doing projects, studying, etc. It is vital to have the mental strength to face anything in your life.

    It's surprising to see how many people give up stuff easily. Why are people like Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Justin Bieber remembered? It's because they have the mental ability to not give up on their strengths. And for those who didn't, they didn't leave a name in the history book.

    A challenge is not about being a masochist. It's about self training for the better goods. The process is difficult, but once you keep doing and reached a certain point, you will be surprised on how far you have come.


    It depends. Hunted allows for 50% extra combat exp and 50% profession exp. This means faster progression. Sounds cool right? So whats the trade off? You will be chased by other players in the game hunting you. One misstep into someone's dedicated Hunted traps will end your run. Beware of what you pick.

    Anything in the prerequisites are optional. They are only Quality of Life(QoL) improvements for you to play the game optimally without losing way too much insanity. But I feel like these are worth its own section before actually trying out the challenge.

    1. Performance Mods
    Modern Minecraft is infamous for its performance. Hence, having a performance boosting pack helps you a ton to avoid most deaths that are caused by sudden frame drops.

    A good example for a performance mod(or mod pack) is Simply Optimized mod pack. It contains most of the performance mods required to play the game(I'm sorry iOS PojavLauncher users, you gotta figure this one out yourself).

    2. A good internet connection
    After the journey fixing client issues, it's time to fix the other half. The connection between you and the server. I could not count how many times we, members of THICC(The Hunted Ironman Craftsmen Community) died from a poor internet connection. TL;DR, get a good internet service provider that will not sabotage your run.

    3. Champion Rank
    Champion Rank not only gives you bomb bells, and a whole 5 extra premium slots. This lets you to get the cutting edge technology to bypass what others without Champion ranks - joining prof worlds(worlds that has profession related bombs in it).

    It also provides you with the ability to delete your dead Hardcore classes immediately, without waiting for a whole month(if you died at level 105) in order to try again.


    1. /skiptutorial
    I'd assume that this is not your first class. Execute /skiptutorial immediately after the opening cinematic as there are nothing in the tutorial that can be used by your Craftsmen class.

    2. Avoiding your death at 10 HP
    Who thought this was a good idea? 10HP on a starting class?

    For your inspiration, the first cave - Pigman Barbeque will kill anyone with only 10 HP with ease. If you didn't guess it by now, the following section will explain my recommended way to prevent dying at the most fragile stage of the game, "Gearless Level 1".

    While traveling to Emerald Trail, open chests as you see them. Make sure to get the emeralds from the chests. Once you reached -648 -1598, buy the Tier 1 tools as you will be needing them to craft armor. The resources needed for a full set of armor are 6 copper ingots(-550 -1526), 3 oak paper(anywhere at Emerald Trial), and 3 wheat strings(can be found on the north side of Ragni).

    To craft your first armor, you will want to go back to Ragni and head to the plaza at the south of Ragni. Both of the Armoring Station(-840 -1486) and Tailoring Station(-847 -1494) are in the white building. Congratulations, you now have 7 times your starting health. Welcome to the start of your journey.

    The word "best" is very subjective. There is no definitive best answers out there. A good golden thumb is to use whatever is the most comfortable to you.

    This list will be based on my own understanding on the difficulty of the archetype.
    Warrior - Paladin

    The best all round archetype in completing HUIC. Second Chance can prevent most unexpected deaths ranging from one shot bugs to lag outs.

    Mage - Light Bender

    The least resource heavy class in the game. If you don't want to spend time crafting consumables to heal, this archetype is the one for you.

    Assassin - Shadestepper Hybrid(level <60) Acrobat(level>60)

    Early game Shadestepper nodes are insane. They do massive damage and carries you for the whole early game. Not to mention that Shadestepper can access Tricksters' clones. Making them harder to die.

    After level 60, you have the option to pick the archetype that flies. Dodge everything you can to improve your chances to survive.

    Archer - Boltslinger

    To survive is to not get hit. Be agile with this class with its speed to avoid most attacks in the game.

    Shaman - Summoner

    Tired of doing everything yourself? Fear not, your puppets will now do your job for you. Now you only have to dodge every enemy attacks.


    Warrior - Paladin

    The best all round archetype in completing HUICH. Second Chance can prevent most unexpected deaths ranging from one shot bugs to lag outs. It can also prevent most player one shot builds and Toxoplasmosis.

    Mage - Lightbender

    Defense is the best offense. This class heals so much its basically impossible to be killed. With Double Blink, you can escape any encounters with just a few clicks.

    Assassin - Shadestepper

    Why bother fighting people when they just straight up cannot see you? Hide in the shadows with your Vanish skill and watch your Hunters get confused.

    Archer - Boltslinger

    Gotta go fast.

    Shaman - Acolyte(level <80) -> Ritualist(level>80)

    Acolyte provides one of the best healing methods in the game. Slap your defense stat and no one can ever kill you.

    After level 80, you gain access to Chant of the Lunatic. This skill helps you shred your enemies defense while gaining access to all of the previous mobility nodes. No one will ever catch you now.

    These are bad habits that you should avoid at all costs.

    1. Be AFK(Away from Keyboard) in game
    Never AFK in game. Being in the Wynncraft world increases the likely hood that you will die from literally anything. Do /class everytime you need to go somewhere away from your keyboard.

    2. Pick bad options
    For example, Canary Calls has a dialogue option that will straight up kill you and end your run. Always think before each step.

    3. Do not use illegal modifications/hacks/cheats
    Just being on the client-side so that the server could not detect still counts as ILLEGAL. If you were reported, be prepared to be punished.


    You cannot survive without these links. They are vital to your success on completing your run.

    1. https://map.wynncraft.com
    Your bread and butter for navigation. The Official Wynncraft Map.

    2. https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/
    Build planning parlour. Home of building both normal builds and crafted builds.

    3. https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...ls-and-ingredients-you-need-completed.267977/
    How many materials do I need for each profession? Plan ahead here!

    Thanks for reading. I hope I can help some people. If you find any things missed/mistakes here, please feel free to comment or dm me.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
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