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How Much Is A Perfect Blue Mask?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by serennata_, May 28, 2016.

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  1. serennata_

    serennata_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I know people don't have it to my knowledge, but if someone was selling it, how much would it go for? 10 stacks of LE?
  2. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    It would probably be worth as much or more than a max stratiformus because it will ALWAYS be popular in builds.
  3. SeanThomas2

    SeanThomas2 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    not 10 stacks, but still quite a lot
    Witcher likes this.
  4. TheDesk

    TheDesk Good luck.

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    Naw! You kidding me? Its PRICELESS. If I had one, I'd never sell it, even for an entire inventory's worth of LE. Because thats how stupidly rare it is. I mean, its 15x15x15x15x15, which is around 1 in 760,000. And remember, its a Legendary helmet, meaning its hard to get an unid'd one in the first place.
    Things have been sold for 10stacks before, such as a 82ws Stratis. A Stratiformis has a 70 ws range. So, 84+ would be 8 in 70, which can be rounded to 1/10. Considering a mythic drop is around 1/140,000, that means you'd get a 10stack Stratiformis for 1/1,400,000. The Blue Mask's perfect ID rate is 1/760,000, and thats ID alone. And if the drop rate of Legendary was 1/10, then the blue mask would already be around 5-6 times as rare, but legendary drop rate ISN'T 1/10.
    donda biblioteca likes this.
  5. ErikC17

    ErikC17 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    the max blue mask in existence is with 86 or so skill points. those go for a lot of le...
    A max blue mask...well it would be the rarest thing in existence. The only thing I can think of that is nearly as rare is the mythic wand Fatal with only 2 (I think) in existence.
    This is just how rare something is. But it also depend on demand since a max strati are not worth anything without buyers and therefore a demand.
    And since the demand of Fatal is limited (not very many ppl do thunder mage, and even fewer are lvl 99 +) it would not go for the same as a strati. But a blue mask.....there will always be someone who wants it. It is the perfect helmet (in my opinion the best of the all, forget all the zodiac crap).
    Strati is demanded, but it does not work with every build (try to make a good fire or earth warrior build with it if you can) and does not work with every class and build it is made for a limited amount of people (the guys that have unlimited amounts of money, its made for them).

    But the blue mask. It works with every class, every build has no requirements at all except that you have to be lvl 68. That makes it demanded by every class, build and player.
    Every blue mask does not fit a every build though.
    But a max blue mask, it would fit every build, no build or class would not benefit from using it, that makes it wanted.

    And here is my answer: Yes it would go for much more than 10 stacks. If I had the money (I have 19le, two white horses and an Az) I would pay 30-40 stacks for it.

    Priceless at its purest form!
    donda biblioteca likes this.
  6. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    You buy it for stacks and stacks and then die with less than 2 soul points ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Witcher and IreczeQ like this.
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