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SPOILER How Did You Find Wynncraft And What Convinced You To Stay?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by puttey, May 29, 2019.


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  1. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    My story:

    The reason how I found Wynncraft 2 years ago was because a Finnish boy named CaptainPutte forced me to play at Wynncraft. I knew nothing about what the server was about and the very thing he said was: "Come you ugly Swedish boy". I chose Mage as my first class. The beginning of the server was boring because you didn't know anything about how to play. I just followed him later and played until I got combat level 30, I liked to click on the mobs and then emeralds dropped it was satesfying.

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    One year later I met his friend pogge5 the overweight sheep. They both gave me 2000 emeralds and I started playing. Pogge5 forced me to do lots of quests and then I cried. But I got lots of xp so it was not that horrible to walk around for hours. One day CaptainPutte made a bet with me. If I reached level 60 by the end of the week, he would buy me VIP. 6 days later, I was level 59, but we decided to take a break on the 7th day and he wasent gonna buy vip anyways. One month later, pogge5 told me to do professions or he would make a disstrack on me.

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    I did farming because I wanted to be like thanos. We made a poem about farming togheter with Pogge5, Chawpaky and Stag2001 helped us recording it. Soon I went on discord and started trolling. It was so fun. The next day on Wynncraft I decided to record a documentary with ChawPaky and pogge5. However, pogge5 has only voice-acted 45 minutes out of the 85 minutes so far and he sounds like a dead fish. In honour of this, I like talking to Jbip, Pepo, Rymd, nicktree and pogge5. They are really funny ct members

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    How did you find Wynncraft and why did you stay?

    Text made by GeneralPutte
    Pictures made by GeneralPutte
    thepicferret, Stag2001, Rawb and 7 others like this.
  2. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I found Wynn way back in January of 2016, when I asked where my friends went to instead of some Pixelmon server we played on. I ended up playing it a lot for the next ~6 months and got way higher level than they did, but ended up quitting because grinding was pretty brutal without a lot of xp bonus or dungeon bombs, and my friends had already quit months earlier. I spent a bit longer on the forums, but it wasn't too active at the time, so I stopped checking it eventually as well. I played for so long because my parents were very strict about my playing time, so I could only realistically play on weekends, with checking wiki and posting on forums inbetween, so it extended my realtime playing by a lot. I only got to level ~85, but I used (and mostly still do) to love exploring random places, doing quests, and grinding was surprisingly fun too, for a while.
    After that, I started multiple new classes, got a few to decent level, but never managed to play long enough to actually keep playing. I also went on forum once or twice, but that was mostly to reminisce about the time I did play.
    Then, about October/November last year, I got the Economy Update teaser in my Youtube recommended. I went to my friends, convinced them to play again, and so we did. It went.. poorly, as they all only wanted to play at the same time, meaning we got hardly any levels at all and they were ready to quit by level 35. I wasn't fully done with Wynn, and I went to do some of the new and updated quests on my (the 'high'level class) Mage, proceeded to level up, and actually got to do some new things. That's basically when I started playing again, finding a better grind spot, doing quests, had some fun. That's when I (almost by accident) got into a CSST party. Great, the leveling problem solved. I then got to lootrunning, more quests, and all kinds of pretty cool stuff, and later professions as well (was like 7th player with 100 jeweling, 24th to get to total level 1000). I also went back to the forums, which had much more to offer than back in the day (yes, even when the shoutbox got deleted), etc. etc. Now I've been playing actively for almost 6 months again, and I feel like I'm gonna stay for a while longer this time c:
    coincidentally, my 700th post. cool.
    pogge5 and puttey like this.
  3. RicochetfromtheD

    RicochetfromtheD 赵二

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    I found Wynn way back in May of 2017, when I just failed school and went to instead of some Pyhixel server I played on. I ended up playing it a lot for the next ~18 months and got way higher level than other wynmcraft players!! Lol yea I'm datboi. B...But yoboi ended up quitting because grindin was pretty brutal without a lot of xp bonus or dungeon bombs, and my boys had already quit months earlier, and I couldn't find myself a *itch*ss mythical weapon! I spent a bit longer on the forums, but it wasn't too active at the time, so I stopped checking it eventually as well, haha oh well. I played for so long because my teachers were very strict about my playing time, so I could only realistically play on weekends, with checking wiki and posting on forums inbetween, so it extended my realtime playing by a lot. I only got to level ~45, but I used (and mostly still do) to love exploring random places, doing quests, killing bosses and grinding was surprisingly fun too, for a while.
    After that, I started multiple classes including a mage which is honestly the best class no cap and I'm happy to debate anyone who disagrees. I got a few to decent level, but never managed to play long enough to actually keep playing long enough to play too long. I also went on forum every heckijg day, but that was mostly to reminisce about the time I did play.
    I wasn't fully done with Wynn, and I went to do some of the new and updated quests on my (the 'high'level class) Archer, proceeded to level up, and actually got to do some new things. That's basically when I started playing again, finding a better grind spot, doing quests, had some fun. That's when I (almost by accident) got into a CSST party. Great, the leveling problem solved. I then got to lootrunning, more quests, and all kinds of pretty cool stuff, and later professions as well (I was the 6715th player to get to total level 153). I also went back to the forums, which had much more to offer than back in the day (yes, even when the shoutbox got deleted, haha, still emotional), etc. etc. Now I've been playing actively for almost 0 months again, and I feel like I'm gonna stay for a while longer this time :c :-] >:3 X-D But I will always be rememberes as the greatest Archer to ever hold a full thunder cluster and wreak mad havoc in PVP haha but I died a lot too but those don't count
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
    pogge5 likes this.
  4. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    I found Wynn at around the same time the 1.12 update dropped, through the craftedmovie/bonus channel (I found the server through the ocean trailer, so I was about a year late to that party). I logged on as a warrior, dropped my spear, had a melt down and switch to archer. I don't know what made me stay, maybe because it was the most creative server I had seen at the time since most of the servers at that time were "Super Duper Factions and Survival games". I found servers to be really repetitive around this time I was slowly loosing interest in the multiplayer scene in Minecraft, but Wynn was unique it was a lot more creative and different from other servers and that remains true to this day and it kept me going until late 2018 where I just got burnt out, not from Wynn but from MC in general, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Anyway back to the story it wasn't until 2015 that I decided I wanted to try do the PVP aspect of Wynn which was the nether but didn't know if I'd loose soul points if I did it. So a few google searches later I found the forums and found my asnwer. I would sit around and read threads constantly with no account and it wasn't until later on in the year I made my account and started interacting with the community a little more.

    Fast forward to today and here I am, with no life, and typing my story on a minecraft server forum. My future is looking bright!
  5. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Found Wynn five years ago when I was bored. Was fun until it got grindy around lv 70 iirc. Came back when Gavel was being teased. Played until Gavel got released and hit level 100. Came back a second time for nostalgia, and now I'm, more addicted than ever. :)
    Iboju likes this.
  6. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    So long ago (aka 2013) my cousin was like "hey I found this minecraft server". I watch as he killed a zombie using a magic wand and I was immediately sold. Little did I know, by logging on for the first time I was selling my soul to Salted and I've been unable to escape since help
  7. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    I was on the CraftedMovie server when I heard about this project Salted had started called Wynncraft. I avoided it for a bit because I liked CM's server better at first, but after a while I decided "yknow what fine ill go and play it!"

    i fell in love

    and then i switched accounts to what is now yours truly
  8. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Is it bad that I forgot?

    All I know is that the website says three years ago, but that just doesn't seem right to me...

    I also know it was probably from some random youtuber doing a letsplay of it, where they got to like level 10 before I stopped watching, and played myself. Somehow I wasn't guided through the beginning like some are, and made it out. I do remember I stopped playing for like a year around level 50, half a year around level 76, a few months around level 93, got to 100, then stopped playing until the DaD update came out, then I stopped playing until the economy update, and just started playing again within the last two weeks. I'll most likely take another lengthy break after I feel that sense of completion, which has not been with me ever since I took a break after the economy update. So really I'm just back to get a 100% character, and maybe find the rest of the potato storages with my free time of the looming Summer Break with my friends that I got to continue playing with me not to long ago. My fourth birthday on the server is coming up soon however.

    I tried to find the supposed video, but I'm just shy off of how far the youtube history goes.
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
  9. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    So at May 7th 2015 my sister was looking for some Minecraft servers and she saw this server called Wynncraft and asked me to try it out. As soon as I started playing I got hooked because I'd never played a MMORPG before. I got to level 42 before the Gavel update, after the update I started leveling a lot more and got stuck at level 81 (this happened because I didn't know DXP would double my quest xp sooo). After that I made a new character and got to level 100 when, I think the Gameplay update, came out. Then it became a lot easier to level up, especially because of CSST, I got like 5 level 100's because of that. Then when the Corkus update came out I got my first Mythic, Guardian, and I kicked ass with it. A month after the Corkus update I stopped playing because of the lack of updates, I started playing again right before the Economy update came out because of it's teaser and in that time I also sold my Guardian to buy a Nirvana (which I still own). I don't play as often anymore because the proffesion grinding has kinda got to me. Today I still think it's the best mmo out there, the only negative thing is that it's stuck in Minecraft.
    Iboju likes this.
  10. slimycubed

    slimycubed Were you killed? Sadly yes... but I lived! VIP+

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    I first joined way back in March of 2015. But, my laptop was such a potato it couldn't handle it. I came back around early 2016 when I got a better PC. I've played on and off since then, recently coming back for the economy update and finally getting my first lvl 100. I found the server from the CraftedMovie channel.
  11. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    Joined 14th June 2014 in the middle of exams (lol?) when I was still a kid. Later bought vip only to get scammed 2 days later by eula and lose the dbxp (main reason I bought it).... Ragequitted so bad a lil later, only came back once in 2015 to get to like lvl 55. Took another big break, was so confused with the gavel update and tried to explore the new regions with my lvl 55 only to take half an hour figuring the way out of the cotl!
    Another break, went back and got my first 100 and found a tcrack at iceheights which gave me the starting le that would help me get richer. Another break, came back, 2 more lvl 100's. Another break, came back and never left (still not 13 104's :sadpepe:), filling my days with guildwars and professions!
  12. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    Wow.. Everyone has cool backstories with their friends or whatever, I have 1 answer for both questions
    The British man who's obsessed with his cats that we all know and love, aka @Grian

    Found Wynn because of the couple videos he did playing some of the quests and stuff and i loved the mmorpg style even though i had never played an mmorpg before but i still play wynn till this day because i almost didn't play it at all in 2018 and now i'm trying to desperately get lvl 100

    Have a nice day folks.
    Iboju likes this.
  13. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    I forgot D:
  14. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I was playing on this way smaller rpg server (has like 30 players online at a time) I really enjoyed that server and the awesome custom stuff and rpg-ness. Until some guy who apparently hated that server was like "dood this is like a total ripoff of wynncraft" and I'm like "wdym bro this is the best server evah it can't possibly be a ripoff" that guy: "lol ok"

    And then I go onto Wynn and i'm like "duuude this is such a copy of [that other server] even though it's actually slightly awesomer" I go back to that other server and I rant on how Wynn is a copy of the small server. the other guy's like "boi wynn was made in like 2011 and this server is 2016" me: "o"

    So I go onto Wynn and was greatly mesmerized by the server. I ditched that other server as well. was having an epic time till that day when they took down the market

    so that's why server owners don't like advertising.
    puttey likes this.
  15. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I had been playing some other Minecraft servers before I started playing Wynncraft. I

    personally like fantasy rpg kind of game, so one day I asked my friend "is there a MMORPG in Minecraft?", And he told me to try Wynncraft.

    Since then I loved this server and the community in general, I don't really find it hard to blend in, and don't really find the community to be very toxic. From time to time I get inactive because I got bored, but overall it's a great place to settle down. Even spent some money to support Wynncraft.
  16. DerpyEmerald24

    DerpyEmerald24 The 22k Guy/ERN Chief VIP+

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    I found Wynn before I even got Minecraft back then people called YouTubers were running rampant on the server seeing Failboat trying to hit a zombie with a stick got me hooked and when I got the game this was the first server I ever joined. I remember the days of the original archer, constant lag, and Troms bridge runs. Good times. Quit for a month came back started with a warrior and here I am telling this tale.
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