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Hi, I Steve (joke)

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by mmilosz2003_PL, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. mmilosz2003_PL

    mmilosz2003_PL Travelled Adventurer

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    Hi, i steve.
    I play minecraft on a tree.
    Just kicking my name's not steve.
    My name is Miłosz want i hate when everyone is saying to me Milo
    Cuz that's the way i like to live my life ,
    and i feel like everythings gonna be fine.
    The Next Day

    I skipping work again want i will play minecraft whole day.
    The mailman was late today and she was actually delivery minecraft loot crate woman.
    And she say
    that's the way i like to live my life ,
    and i know that everythings gonna be just fine.
    The Caves

    I dont remember why i saw first the Caves
    but they they always been here.
    Now i can see them i wondered why they are there but they here.
    I can't go dawn.
    But i can!
    Cuz that's the...
    Hey , heres is the mail.
    Dear Steve..
    thats not my name but wathever
    Dear Steve. How did you go down here in this cave??
    Well i'm glad you asked that.
    That is a part of 2 step program
    step 1 : find cave
    step 2 : go down
    That's the way we can get things done & that's how i do it.
    It's easy & simple cuz you know what to do.
    Rocks blocked your way out of the cave
    Dont worry want i got a laptop with touchscreen!
    No Wi-Fi | 5% Battery
    Bye, i'm steve
    Bogdan172 likes this.
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