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Help Again.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by 4McAqqlesTBG, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. 4McAqqlesTBG

    4McAqqlesTBG Travelled Adventurer

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    I bought vip right? and i didnt get it so i sent an email. the support team replied and said it was fixed ive waited 12h+ and still hasnt worked. Im worried now. Please check this out @Selvut283 @Marion @Salted @Grian
  2. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    First, tagging multiple mods or admins isn't a really cool thing to do, even in this situation, and I sympathize with your frustration on this problem. Second, making a NEW thread on this issue just confuses everything. Third, where is it not showing that you are VIP, in game, or on the forums, because those are two different issues. If you are not showing as VIP in game, then there is probably a problem that an admin needs to look at. I don't believe that the mods can help with this. So, you might want to start a CONVERSATION with an admin. Fourth, if you are showing as VIP in game, but not on the forums, try /forum while in game, although it seems to be broken, again.

    I'll suggest asking Tama63 or HiMyNameIsAJ for help. One, not both at the same time. I may be wrong, however, I think they are probably going to be the fastest to respond simply because of time constraints.

    BUT, before you contact any of the admins, contact support, once again, and tell them that It's Still Not Fixed.
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