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Guild Hado Clan Application/forum

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by NoHaxJustTUrlte, Sep 17, 2015.

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  1. NoHaxJustTUrlte

    NoHaxJustTUrlte I Like Turtles

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    About Us:

    The Hado clan is also currently known as the Hado [VIN].

    Guild Information:
    • IGN: Alohy
    • Founded: September 14th 2015
    • Population: 8/9
    • Guild Level: lvl 5
    • Leaderboard #156

    Guild Rules:
    1. The hierarchy of command is to be respected
    2. Have fun, and don't ruin the fun of others

    Joining the Hado Clan

    Here is our Application Form . . .

    Guild Immigration Form
    In-Game Username:
    Location & Time Zone:
    What level is your highest level class:
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server:
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s):
    Why do you want to join this guild above others:
    Do you have Skype:
    Who invited you (if possible):
    Additional Notes (Optional):

    Some things you should consider before sending in your application:
    • Please try and answer all of the criteria honesty, accurately, and great detail
    • Note that most of the socialization will occur outside of the game
    • Note that any member with the rank of Chief or Owner may review your application
    • Note that it may take up to a week for your application to be reviewed, so be patient
    • Finally, if you are accepted, a private message will be issued to you

    [Members of The Hado Clan]
    1. Leader Alhoy
    2. Cheif BreezyBeastMode
    3. Captain ZeGamingTurtle [Me]
    4. Captain Coldsy
    5. Member edgardme3
    6. Member Mely2
    7. Member Hannah_Lacy
    8. Member sir_gavino

    Guild Relations: None
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2015
  2. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Oh god the resource pack dilemma is spreading to guilds...
    Submonsterine likes this.
  3. styu48

    styu48 Guest

    IGN: styu48
    Time Zone: Pacific Standard
    Level: Assassin, Level 26
    How often I play: I play around 1-3 hours every day
    Affiliation: I have never been in a guild, but I really want to
    Why I want to join: You're the first guild that didn't say you wanted lvl 40 or higher
    Do I have Skype: Yes, however I prefer not to call, only using the text
    Additional Notes: I only really want to join if you fairly commonly defend/attack other areas
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