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Discussion in 'Questions' started by Moebird1, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. Moebird1

    Moebird1 Travelled Adventurer

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    Can someone please completely explain guilds and if they are worth joining?
  2. Kvmilla

    Kvmilla Goddess of Blood and Devourer of Hearts VIP+

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    Guilds is basically a group you form and you take territories around Wynn. Its costs a lot of emeralds but when your guild does good, you got bragging rights.
    In my opinion, guilds are worth joining if you have friends in them or if you want a small community you can join in. In the end, that decision falls to you.
    Yuno F Gasai and Antra like this.
  3. NickMC96

    NickMC96 \o/ VIP+

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    Just like Kvmilla said, you get nothing else besides bragging rights if you're in a higher level guild and you get a guild tag in front of your name in public chat, and owning territories just gives the guild some emeralds and exp every (I think) minute. Those emeralds go into the guild bank and can only be used to buy mobs to defend your territories, you don't get any emeralds from it.
    I've personally made about 15-20 new friends that are/used to be my guild mates. So imo, the only good reason you got for joining a guild is the fact that you can make some friends :/
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  4. yotamdin

    yotamdin Is actually a cute anime girl in real life VIP

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    Guild is a group of people. The guilds fight each other to take control over the territories of Wynn (soon Gavel).
    Guilds a great to know more personally some members on the community. (Thanks to the guild, now I know that TheMineNerd and LordMuttonChops live in the same country with me)

    When your guild has more terrritories, it has more power. How does this work, you may ask. The awnser is clear. You see, When someone is about to claim a territory, they first check the map to see if the guild controlling there is not a guild you have a truce with. But when you look at the map you can clearly see that there are some really strong guilds out there that have so many territories, and when you see them you know you don't wanna mess with them.

    So I suggest you to try joining a strong guild. But that'll require you to be really active, and a hight level.
    Moebird1 likes this.
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