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Guild Guilds Pl0x

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by WarrenIsSenpai, Nov 28, 2015.

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  1. WarrenIsSenpai

    WarrenIsSenpai Travelled Adventurer

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    Hi people and other beings!
    My name is Warren and I just got back into playing Wynncraft after a long vacation and a broken computer. I was wondering if any guild was willing to accept me. Here is that template that every guild needs.

    IGN: Wayrren
    Class: Archer 51
    Previous Guild: None
    Country: Australia
    Average time online: 20+ hours a week
    Skype: lawrence.lu63
    Experience with guilds: I have basic knowledge of how guilds operate and work... but no actual experience as I have never been in one .-.
    Age: 13 1/2 (I'm sad... My voice hasn't broken yet)
  2. Acelear

    Acelear Almost Certified Archer

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    You're always welcome to join Adventurous. Right now, it's a few spaces below this post.
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