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Guide Guide To The Corruption

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TrapinchO, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Corruption first appeared at 0AP when the Nether Portal opened. After the first person (later know as Corrupter of Worlds) to enter it returned, he led armies of corrupted with him. Then Roots of Corruption were created, and the Corruption began to spread and plague the province of Wynn

    “A thousand years ago, a group of emerald miners unearthed a mysterious portal. Unknowingly, they doomed the province to centuries of war against the mysterious force known as corruption. “ – Roots of Corruption discovery text

    “Rayshyroth: The beast now known as the Corrupter of Worlds used to be a simple mining captain, during the expeditions that uncovered the Nether Portal. He was the first to enter that wicked realm. The poor man was never heard from again...well, that is until the corrupted hordes began to pour from the Nether, with him leading the pack. A bit ironic, isn't it? Led the miners in life, the corrupteds in death.“ – Temple of the Legends, Stage 7


    As it was said earlier, the Corruption came to our realm from the Nether, entering through the Nether Portal. Before Nether was removed, it appeared as a realm completely desolated and overrun by the Corruption, filled with seas of lava and ruins. In my opinion we can safely assume it will stay the same even though deleted it, as it was removed mainly due to bugs and PvP unfairness.

    But even there it had to begin somewhere. When the Light and Dark touch through influence (simply: try to conquer the same realm/region) the Corruption is created, a chaotic force with no known way to be stopped.

    Presumably, the Realm of Light and Dern has the Nether as their battleground in the same way we are now their battleground too.

    ...The Darkness and Light grew closer, but never touched... At least, not on their plane of existence. They fight for influence over our land from afar. However, when the two touch through influence, it is not twilight that is formed. But a land of corruption. – WynnExcavation Site D, Stage 17-20

    Briefly... I saw beyond. I do not have the words to describe... Cold yet searing. Land plagued by war and disease, and then I saw... it. – Studying the Corrupt, Stage 4

    Taproot: This land. The land you call home. It is our battleground… Its history is long and complex. We, the bringers of light seek to create a land of light and happiness. However, our power is derived from the good in your world. Our greatest source of power, Gavel, soon succumbed to sin, and our light began to fade. But there are those, those who worship only darkness, that seek to destroy all. In your world, the influential forces of light and darkness clash.– Taproot, Stage 11


    • Raising the undead.When it reaches them, the force doesn’t „revive“ them, but rather just makes them „puppets“, as nearly no known undeads were inteligent, where general Skien is an exception. (CoW, Bak’al, Theorick and Garoth are NOT dead!).

    Farmer Cevalus: Corruption affects different things in odd ways. It sometimes reanimates corpses and sets them against the living.” - Poisoning the Pest

    • Spread of the Corruption - Even though we can see the Roots of Corruption, we can’t see the giant, complex system of roots. We can see it spreading to Almuj wall, Mount Wynn, or Ragni plains without being visible above the surface, although it corrupts the whole province. The spikes are so strong that it requires a strong magical explosive to destroy a single spike.

    This cavern is evidence that corruption is like a weed. The roots spread throughout the province.– Beneath the Roots discovery lore

    It appears to spread by complex "root" system. A scientist from Nesaak, Orikal, has studied this. The corruption spikes appear to spread it in greater concentration.– Order of the Grook, Corruption Class (Stage 13)

    • Effects of human minds - Anyone in the immedeate presence of Corruption will slowly become insane, starting with being permanently angry, although details vary from person to preson.

    See: The Corruped Village Quest

    Teacher: As for the effects on your person, most often paranoia and anger are seen. And that's about the only consistent thing with it; it affect everyone slightly differently.“ – Order of the Grook, Corruption Class (Stage 13)

    • Weaknesses - Although there is no know way to stop the Corruption, it was proven to be possible to slow it down using ice magic. Such example is Nesaak Thundra, which was frozen after Theorick entered the Portal and became corrupted.

    Theorick: Gaaah... Tell...everyone. I will freeze this place. I... t-too fargone. It needs time to heal...and my powers m-must be dampened...frozen...” – Fate of the Fallen, Stage 7

    My findings are astounding. Theorick's ice appears to be a weakness of corruption, somehow! As I write this I can observe the ice in this cave slowly creeping over the corruption on the other side. Regular ice or snow would have been melted by now and overtaken! Theorick actually ended up saving the forest of Nesaak from the spread of corruption with his ice magic...though whether it's his power in specific or ice magic in general, I haven't been able to figure out. If it is general ice magic, we may have a weapon against the corruption! If not...at least this provides some kind of a lead, doesn't it? Perhaps-– Explorer’s Corruption Study text

    Even through the sheer power of the Twains, however, the ice merely slows corruption.- Explorer’s Corruption Study discovery lore

    Notable corrupted individuals:

    • Corrupter of Worlds – the first human to ever enter the Nether
    • Bak’al – leader of undead armies
    • Theorick Twain – powerful ice wizard who froze himself to protect Nesaak
    • Garoth – studied the Portal
    • Skiens – Great leader of the armies of Troms. Banished to Skien’s Island after

    Other things:

    In Silent Expanse’s Discovery we see Bak’al being servant of what is presumably the Dern Beast. Although Bak’al is a smart and powerful corrupted, he does not represent the Corruption in any way.

    I am open to any feedback or corrections, both grammar and lore.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2020
  2. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Also Garoth
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  4. MindBolt

    MindBolt Some Random WC Player CHAMPION

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    do we have more lore on what hapenned to skiens?
    typo hehe
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    look at his wiki page (General Skien and Skien's Island)
    corrected, thanks
  6. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    Can you make the green and blue a bit more lighter for darkmode
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I chose it so it is good for both light and dark modes (I would otherwise make it bright, but light mode users wopuldn't then read it)
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  8. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Never read this before hmm
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Totally not 2 or 3 times (I forgot lol)
    General Skien likes this.
  10. MindBolt

    MindBolt Some Random WC Player CHAMPION

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    thx for thinking on us filthy bright mode users
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