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Good build for Archer

Discussion in 'Questions' started by eterachan, Sep 8, 2023.

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  1. eterachan

    eterachan Newbie Adventurer

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    I'm relatively new to Wynncraft and has already reached level 44. What should I focus on when pumping an archer?
    • Do I need to focus on basic damage or elemental damage?
    • What should I pumping in leveling points?
    • What should I pumping in Ability points?
    It will be great if you advise something for my level and further game.
    I have a little difficulty with all of that because English not my first language.
    Thank you in advance for your help
  2. ItsTikki

    ItsTikki Shithead extraordinaire CHAMPION

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    Either works but elemental damages benefit from +ele damages so...

    Depends on what playstyle you're going for, spell based would be int, melee based would be str/dex, def heavy would be def/agi. Of course also depends on what gear req is too so...

    Don't stress to hard on sticking to a single ability path, you can get ability reset crystals for free from your daily chest, or even buy it off tm for a couple blocks.

    TL;DR: You don't need to commit yourself to one single thing, you can easily respec and change your armour, abilities, skill points. In fact, its probably advisable to give all the ability archetypes a try for maximum exposure to the class.

    But again, at level 44, just have fun using whatever you pick up and think looks/sounds cool
  3. SyenousCrack

    SyenousCrack Travelled Adventurer

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    I don't think you should really care if it is basic or elemental damage unless it's something crazy like +30% thunder damage

    Elemental damage can benefit from elemental damage ids but there are also mobs that are resistant to some elements like Bob's Reincarnation who has resistance to all elements, against mobs/bosses like that neutral damage would be best (but I did it with a rainbow weapon anyways cuz I was lazy)

    Something I would advise tho is put two tier 4+ elemental powders on your weapon (check your stats for the highest +elemental damage %) if it has two available powder slots because this will give you powder abilities

    I usually pump into def or int, if you're having problems against a really fast and strong boss who is hitting you a lot go with def, otherwise go int

    I would say to go trapper or sharpshooter because boltslinger is a spell spam archetype

    I don't play sharpshooter so look through the Wynncraft builds section for something lvl 44 but I can give you the trapper tree that I used
    I prefer to go boltslinger/trapper hybrid because I like speed but most people I've seen like sharpshooter/trapper
    Just go with what you feel is the most fun
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