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[gide] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) A Gide On How 2 Farm Lieks

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by oya, Jan 10, 2016.



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  1. oya

    oya oya

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    *****Warning: Intense BS kappa*****

    dis iz mi 1th gide so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    dont wright h8 coments plz plz im beg u il repost u and ul get band from servr

    hi(im sory i said that alerady
    todey i will b teahing u how 2 farm lieks


    its acshually realy ez to do

    u just need to do deez thing 2 get ur liek to u

    sory i cant tipe shift fast

    step 1 1th u ned to downlode drawing thing
    or u can just uze pensil or pen and paper if ur por or anything im not goin 2 make u ofended so if u hav drawing thing or pensil or pen and paper people wil think u no how 2 Draw.

    im use phtooship elemests becaus my mom is rly nice so when i was 8 she gav me 4 my birshday thx mom i lov u thx thx <3333333333333
    any way here is picsture so u no im not lieing becaus every1 think i am lier but i sware im not
    bi the way if ur ask why im use blue its becaus in art class at scool i lernd that blue is angry coler and im acshually not hapy riht now


    also if ur ask i serch how 2 put image online on bing(itz rly good thing) and i say how doi post image and it giv me anser!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!11!1!
    also plz dont sho my mom what i wright on phtooship plzzzzzz shel grond me and if i dont hav computer im going 2 kil myself i sware

    step 2 2th u ned to go 2 bing.com i think u go 2 the top of ur box and u clik in the white rektengel and u ned 2 tipe bing.com 2 get ther after u ned 2 clik in the white rektengel in senter and tipe imgur and then u pres the go button and when ur don u clik the 1th thing that come up it shud say imgur

    after u clik imgur u ned 2 go 2 bing.com agan(look at inshrucshun i giv u at top and u ned to serch good drawin and then u clik on the topwher it say images next 2 Web and u clik the buton on the wright of ur mowse and then u must clik copy image Adres i no its stelling thing but it internet so no 1 wil find u her is picshure of what i meen 2 serch image

    next u ned 2 go bak 2 imgur if u forgot how u can look at top and then u hav 2 clik the blue buton and then u ned 2 tipe ctrl and then u hold it and u tipe v. Then u hav 2 clik uplode image and u ned 2 w8 for image uplode im also goin 2 put imag of how i do it

    step 3th u ned 2 lok at the side and u ned 2 go 2 the botom of the side ur loking at and wher it say Bb code u ned to clik in the pece of Paper ther if u cant c it its smal and hav lines
    i dont hav picshure 4 u becus im dont want 2 do it wright now sory im tierd but on my computr i hav picshure of cat I put here becus i liek cat and al my frend at scool liek cat 2

    step 4 4th u ned 2 go 2 ur internet and at top go 2 Wite Rektengel and clik and tipe forums.wynncraft.com i think and u ned to make acont (i mite show u how 2 do in other gide) and then u ned 2 clik Your Work and u clik blue buton say create thred and u ned to make a titel. in my titel i liek 2 ad somthin be4 my titel becus i c lot of peple do it and they get liek farm it say this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)im find on internet it lok cool and fun i think it caled lenny fase so my titel is hav lenny fase
    ......╚( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╝

    step 5 5th u ned 2 tipe ctrl and u hold it and then u tipe v oh and bi the way this is in biger box under titel. then u ned 2 do uplode a picshure of ur image drawing thing or pensil and paper and uplode and put in so peple wil think u made image and then u shod have ur image

    step 7 7th i think it 7th??? u ned 2 clik on blue buton create thred. then u wil mak peple giv u liek and i think it like farm u groe Lieks

    this picshure is by 1 of mi faverit person his name is ohyeah1357 hes rly rly god drawer

    thank 4 read my gide peple u shod be redy 2 farm liek now so thank 4 read people

    now ur goin 2 b awsome so ur welcom and bi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!!111!

    downtime is boring as fuck

  2. Esfores

    Esfores In and Out of Existence

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    thanks dad :^)
    Antra likes this.
  3. vaticc0de

    vaticc0de what is life

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    memes = no likes
    DANK MEMES on the other hand...
    Rawb and oya like this.
  4. Dodo

    Dodo Meme Machine VIP+

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    Thanks ohyeah1337! Make Wynncraft great again!
    TalkingKittyCat likes this.
  5. dead zeffe

    dead zeffe Guest

    Tu sais comment organiser ton temps toi xD
  6. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Where'd you get that photo of the farm? It looks so familiar.
  7. Air_Locke_

    Air_Locke_ im a water bottle HERO

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    wew this giude make me fram los of lieks m8 thnx brotehr
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