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Gavel Armor Id Inquiry

Discussion in 'Questions' started by McMasterx, Dec 2, 2015.

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  1. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    When Gavel is released Armor and Weapons id's are getting a revamp and the Admins said they're adding tons of new id's.

    My question is: Will the id's we have Transfer over to the new system, or will they reset. My second question is; If they do transfer, is it worth it to id our Armor/Weapons now, instead of risking money after the update for Xp and loot bonus.

    My third Question: Is Xp/Loot Bonus going to be default on all tools and the first 2 questions are pointless?
  2. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    I also wanna know some of this stuff. In addition, answer this for me:will identifications be made to match the new elements?
  3. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I feel like a transfer would be too much with the amount of people, so if there is a transfer then it would probably be automatic. And similarly to back when we had the ID update where our IDs were somewhat random and not set I think that it would be better to wait until Gavel. Because look at it this way there is a chance that it could be better might as well get the better stuff rather than the stuff that you would get now(same thing that Salted said back then). This is my opinion on the matter BTW, not how it will end up. Of course I do know how it works but I am not allowed to say. Just don't worry bout it, it'll all work out, if it didn't then the community would be upset.
    MajesticMaj likes this.
  4. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I believe the identifications will most likely be transferred over, and your weapons would essentially become what the emeralds became before they added the "Worth: 1 Emerald". The new types of the same weapon will have their new ID's, while the old types (as people currently possess) will keep what they have and eventually fade out. If there are new identifications, then you may have access to them if your weapon gains another ID slot, but any identifications removed would most likely either disappear from the weapon or have no effect, only cosmetic.

    I doubt they'd have XP/Loot Bonus as a normal thing for weapons, seeing as they're large factors in gameplay.

    Spend your money however you want, if you want your current gameplay enhanced and a possibility that the ID's will still be useful, then identify your weapons/armour. If you want to save your money for future identifications, then don't identify your weapons/armour.
  5. robertx22

    robertx22 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I wouldn't care about it, you're gonna replace all your gear in a few levels probably.
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