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Art Fronthome Fishing

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by CuteSeatrout, Jul 9, 2017.


How hot is summer? It's basically 32'c for me all year

  1. Not much

    3 vote(s)
  2. Hot

    5 vote(s)
  3. Very hot

    4 vote(s)
  4. I'm melting, help me please

    3 vote(s)
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  1. CuteSeatrout

    CuteSeatrout Marshmallow Fox VIP

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    Hello and I'm back with another artwork. This time, I've tried to make myself to follow a schedule on submitting an artwork weekly. Here's how it goes, I'll try to post at least 1 or 2 artwork per week or I'll disappoint the followers. Hopefully this mindset would help me to combat my current procrastination problem where I was on a hiatus for weeks.

    So, I created this artwork as a part of this newly made mindset! I hope you'll enjoy it. As usual, feedback is appreciated!

    Fronthome Fishing.png

    I guess this artwork is suitable for summer, eh?
  2. Anbu

    Anbu yeet these squares! HERO

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    Ayyy! I love this, its amazing! :DDD

    I think a schedule is a good idea, but from personal experience I know it can also be kinda stressful. I'd say try and stick to the schedule but don't force yourself to do art when you're just not in the mood (=w=)b
    CuteSeatrout likes this.
  3. CuteSeatrout

    CuteSeatrout Marshmallow Fox VIP

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    Will do!
  4. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Personally, there's no better schedule than doing art because you've fallen in love with the idea. I think you have inspiration problems. When I begin to create a new composition, even though I have an idea in mind already, I still have so much creative freedom that both my mistakes and experimentation lead me to new concepts to implement and new ideas to start another project with.

    So, creating things meaninglessly and not being inspired by your own work, I find those lead to not doing any artwork at all.

    So, with that said, having the mindset of having to upload twice a week on the forums will definitely impulse you, but I don't think it permanently fixes the actual issue. I would recommend you work with other people, instead. Try something new that pushes your capabilities, instead of pushing your time limits and creative windows, like Anbu said could happen. I think working with others will let you be more creative, and let you grow as an artist, so try it.

    Perhaps open commissions on the forums, where the best ideas you do for free. Something like that doesn't pushes your schedules nor stresses you, and you get to work with other people and communicate with them, also with the benefit of being able to practice and become more versatile by doing these. The people's ideas can inspire you, and probably you'll have thoughts like "Oh, that's cool, but if I add this, it would be even cooler", and that's when communication starts, yay.

    I recommend that :p
    CuteSeatrout likes this.
  5. CuteSeatrout

    CuteSeatrout Marshmallow Fox VIP

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    Thanks for the generous feedback! Having that being said, I should tell you the reason why I did this.

    Personally, I was having a hidden, huge problem for me whenever I try to share my artwork on the web. I'm trying to make myself a den on the web by sharing my artwork on various social media. Sadly, it didn't work as I thought to be. It might as well be a matter of time for me to gain traction in the art community.

    I've been thinking on opening a commission on the forums, but I also think that I should do the same on my social media. This... It is quite a daunting task for me to do as I have to attend an art college while taking care of my parents. With that being said, I'm having a huge problem on making myself home in the art community.

    So, is there any way that can help me on making myself a name in the art community? Thanks.
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