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[FR/EN] The Olafs Spartans (lv 24) | Recruiting lv 50+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Nesztler Samuel, Dec 9, 2021.

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  1. Nesztler Samuel

    Nesztler Samuel Travelled Adventurer

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    Hello !
    about our guild :

    The guild is only lv 24 but we work hard to make it grow

    we ask for lv 50+ but if you're invested and if you love the game we can make some exception ^^

    Major members :

    Neruko_ : owner and comunity / social-manager

    lvene : stylist and model-creator

    snesyueru : right-hand man of Neruko, if you need help ask for it to Neruko_ or snesyueru

    if you want to join us you can send an private message to Neruko on discord : Mathieu#0633 and if you join us we also have a discord server where Neruko will invite you

    goals of our guild :
    - Be an active guild with a huge community
    - Making the guild growing together
    - And possibly being on the top best guilds on wynncraft (this is why we need invested people)

    Rules (yeah like everywhere) :
    - no offense of course we stay nice and respectfull at each other
    - if you have question we have a channel on the discord server (but you can also ask in game)
    - join the discord when you join the guild if you can or if you want (you dont have to if you dont want it's for easier communication)

    We are french but we have some good skill in english (sry if we have some difficulty in a voc conversation :sweatsmile:)

    (pour les français qui auraient quelques difficultés en anglais ne vous en faites pas il y aura également un salon dédié sur le discord :wink:)

    Have a nice day and play, and welcome to everyone who want to join us !!
    Neruko__ likes this.
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