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Flash Games

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Colin7arn, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. Colin7arn

    Colin7arn Default Title 67 VIP+

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    Alright, first things first, if you don't know what a Flash Game is:
    Generally a flash game is a game run through using Adobe Flash, usually played within your own browser

    I've decided to make a little list of Flash Games I've played over the years of my life so I was going to post them here, and feel free to add a few, though, I'd prefer to not have you post: Clicker games, like Cookie Clicker, or ones that already have a thread for it, or MMO/MMORPG's because those should go in its own place

    Anyway, lets begin (Generally I use Armogames for all my Flash games, but there are others like Kongregate, or Newgrounds)

    This game, is a puzzle game with a more than interesting story centered around a character: you
    it involves you solving puzzles incompletable by one, with yourself, you press a button that restarts the map, but it creates a ghost that copies the movements you did before that, the top of this ghost is solid, meaning you can stand on it: so say there is a block that is just too high to jump over? you'd stand on this ghost to get over it
    Alright, before I begin This game features a lot of gore, so if thats not your thing, I would skip this one:
    But this is a puzzle game with a twist, whats that you may ask? you want to die, not escape.
    'Nough said
    Puzzle Game, involving you, the elephant
    it gets better in quality as you go on in the series, and I would recommend the last one, but I'm not stopping you
    This was known once upon a time by many, it is a very interesting Puzzle Style game
    The mechanics of the game are, that there are two areas, the white and the black, pressing shift will switch you between these two, and the goal of the game is to get to the door at the end, there isn't much of a story, and the games range from Short-Long, anyway,here are links:

    Wow, I really do not know what to call these
    Basically: Go X distance to get X money to buy X upgrade

    Alright, to begin this thread, I figured I'd include one of my favourite game series over all time which is: Learn to fly
    There are currently 3 games in this series, and its a neat little game that involves you (a penguin) attempting to fly, with a nice little story
    It is in the style of a game where you fly x distance get x money, and is very addicting given time
    The last one is one of my least favourites for reasons but I'll still put it here:
    Ah yes, its finally here, I am sure this is one of the more well-known Flash Games, but its here now
    The goal of the game is to... well, Toss the turtle, Its one of those get X distance get X money, upgrade to get more distance, addicting just like Learn to Fly
    I am sure this is another one of those well-known games, but I figured I might as well put it here too
    Basically the goal of the game is to fly a plane across the world, it does have a story but its not too big, another one of those get X distance get X money, with upgrades, but it can turn addicting
    Wow, I really have played many of this type of game

    Anyway, this game is another one of those X distance get X money to buy X upgrade, I am sure more doesn't need to be said by now
    But the game is centered around you being a Hedgehog wanting to be launched into Space
    Being honest, this one is pretty low quality, I would play 2 instead
    Get Launched, Get money, save town
    @Relja_J_3 told me to add this one, so here:
    Anyways, it's similar to thoose "Fly X meters to get X Money to buy X Upgrades" games, but instead of trying to fly horizontally, you're a Knight launching himself on a rocket upwards through a Tower and trying to not get burned by the Lava that is somehow rising at 500 miles an hour.

    It isn't that Special in it's main idea, but it is exectuted so so well and once you git gud it's just incredibly fun.
    It offers a decent challenge to anyone who wants to beat the campaign and something to pull your hair out if you want to complete it (which I did).
    The core mechancs never really Change, but since you always unlock new Upgrades and are given new quests (which are baisicly missions like "beat X amount of X enemy" or "get X amount of Gold in one run") it doesn't overstay it's welcome unless you really want to get the high scores, at which you're probably already addicted to it.

    Generally Sandbox games are ones where you build from ground up (Or a mode in a game where you start with infinite money etc, etc) Don't expect too many of these
    This game would likely come in at ranking 2, and its likely no-one has ever heard of it, But thats fine, because trust me, I found this game AMAZING to me
    basically this game is centered around the "medieval" style, where you were attacked and you are the last of the bloodline of your former country, and the goal of the game is to survive/take back all the land, it has a story, but it isn't much

    The goal of this game is to destroy a Coinbox... How? Nuke it off the face of the earth? How? use its own money.
    Basically, the goal of the game is to start hitting the Coinbox to get money from it, and use that to upgrade things like: more Characters, weapons, to destroy this coinbox with/get more money from the coinbox
    Insectonator, A game about brutually murdering bugs for your own enjoyment, sounds good? good. (Note, this is a gorey game too)
    Basically the goal of the game, is to murder as many bugs as possible, each bug you murder, you'll get money to buy upgrades to help murder even more bugs, there is another game, with the same goal, a reskin basically, involving zombies, I'll link them both
    Hate turtles? No? Well either way, this is a pretty addicting game, which involves you to smack a turtle with a hammer and see how much of a combo you can get...
    But there is more to it, the higher the combo, the more money you'll get to buy upgrades like: Increasing how many turtles appear, and things to try and increase the length of the combo like: Bombs, Saws, Lazers, etc, etc
    (Also as the name might apply, this is "redone" not the original, better)

    Games that involve... well... Adventuring, things like RPG's usually show up here
    This is a neat little adventure game centering around you: the elephant trying to go and retrieve your hat, from the mean bully
    The game has a nice little upgrade system, and features a ton of quests, and the games length is Moderately long but don't quote me on that as I have not played in a long time
    Great Game, Great Story, Great Greatness
    Basically, this game is an adventure game, with the main character being you: fancy Pants, consisting of you going through a series of levels: Now I would say more, but I haven't played this game in ages either so
    This game is a very interesting one: Basically its a dungeon crawler, but You decide what happens, everything is randomized, The floor layout, what drops, what you encounter. All of it, and how? A roulette, that you decide when to stop, if you get good at that type of thing, you can get whatever you want
    No, this is note a movie, this is a game
    Basically the goal of the game is you go through this "dragons" life, and decide what events happen to it, its a very, very short game, and I won't explain all the details, you should just play it for yourself
    I'm going to start out by saying, I haven't played this game in forever, so what I remember of it might be a little skewed anyway:
    This is a game some of you might have heard of, but its basically an RPG, but its a good RPG, there is a pretty neat story, and the games are decently long, anyway, onto links:
    An RPG centered around you: chibi knight
    its a nice 2-d RPG game, where you go around the world defeating enemies, but it has that classic: save X person to win, and its story is Moderately Long, and the game can be challenging at points

    Consists of... well, you know
    This... series... Is.... Amazing
    Basically what this is, is a series of Tower Defense Games, but its a bit more than that (Unlike BTD5) after each map, you are given rewards, and are able to upgrade stats like starting mana (Mana is used to buy towers) Basically, there is too much to explain here, but the Story is long and I will tell you right off the bat, this game is not a sissy game, its hard. If you are up for the challenge, then here are the links:
    The first of series, obviously it will be a bit lower quality: http://armorgames.com/play/1716/gemcraft
    NOTE: these do NOT need to be played in any order

    Games that I am too lazy to put into a category, or it doesn't have one
    A series of short games that involve you, the cat, and Sushi
    Basically, this game is in the style of a dropper, where you drop the cat, down and hit pegs, and try to reach a set amount of "food" to advance onto the next level, the more you eat, the fatter the cat, the more you pick up, and so on
    There is a story, its neat, but isn't terribly long

    Generally Arcade can be said to overlap with many choices, but I say: these are just straight out arcade games, no purpose but timewasters, so without adue:
    Boom, Boom, Room, Room
    You are a tank, the goal is to go as far as you can, by destroying other cars/planes for fuel:
    This one really puts the name: mindless, to mindless fun
    Basically, you are on a rollercoaster, yet some of the track is missing, jump to get to the next area, and get as far as possible, there is an achievement system in it
    I think I am done for now, I do have more, but I have been sitting here for ~2 hours, I'll probably group them all up into Categories, also if you are going to suggest a game, please include a link, and a small description
    also spoilers are annoying as heck to manage
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  2. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I remember playing pretty much all of these when I was younger on Armour Games, Kongregate and Newgrounds! So many great games!
    My username 'ajdude9' actually comes from Kongregate.
    Colin7arn likes this.
  3. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Henry stickmin
    Colin7arn likes this.
  4. Relja_J_3

    Relja_J_3 Salty Sunflower

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    Alright well there goes my life for the next few days.
    Colin7arn likes this.
  5. Relja_J_3

    Relja_J_3 Salty Sunflower

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    Also I would like to suggest a game: Knightmare Tower, I played it on kongregate but it might be on armour games, who knows.

    Anyways, it's similar to thoose "Fly X meters to get X Money to buy X Upgrades" games, but instead of trying to fly horizontally, you're a Knight launching himself on a rocket upwards through a Tower and trying to not get burned by the Lava that is somehow rising at 500 miles an hour.

    It isn't that Special in it's main idea, but it is exectuted so so well and once you git gud it's just incredibly fun.
    It offers a decent challenge to anyone who wants to beat the campaign and something to pull your hair out if you want to complete it (which I did).
    The core mechancs never really Change, but since you always unlock new Upgrades and are given new quests (which are baisicly missions like "beat X amount of X enemy" or "get X amount of Gold in one run") it doesn't overstay it's welcome unless you really want to get the high scores, at which you're probably already addicted to it.
  6. Colin7arn

    Colin7arn Default Title 67 VIP+

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    Just saying, I have played Knightmare Tower on Armor games, I just forgot to put it up there

    I am forgetting a ton either way, will add
  7. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    I still play these on Kongregate in my coding class!
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