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Featured Wynncraftian Featured Wynncraft Season 3 Episode 1 - Wynncon Founders

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Bank, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Bank

    Bank Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Season 3, Episode 1:
    Wynncon Founders

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hosted by:

    Hello, and welcome back to Featured Wynncraftian! After an extended hiatus, this long-awaited series has finally returned. For those new to Featured Wynncraftian, this series is where us moderators interview notable players in the community. You can even nominate someone here, if you'd like.

    We're going to be shaking things up a little this time. Today we have four guests that we're going to interview. You probably recognize them from yesterday, as these four are the founders of Wynncon! @Oryx, @LordMuttonChops, @DJKreeper, and @PillowPet! Today they will be interviewed by yours truly, @Abandonedbank, and @Tantibus!

    So, now that you've met our guests, let's get right to the interview:

    1) So, you four created Wynncon. Whose idea was it, and how did the others join the project?

    Okay, so let's start from the beginning. All four of us, PillowPet, LordMuttonChops, DJKreeper, and me all hosted some kind of Wynncraft event. Pillow's were the most popular, being The Beach Party and Thanksgiving Ball. I did a smaller Hide andSeek minigame, in which me and DJ merged our event because of time stuff. I forgot what Mutton did, soz ;-;​

    Dj then got the inspiration for WynnCon, so he gathered us all up to talk about it. We were a little doubtful that is could be pulled off, being something as big as this, but in the end we finished it and pulledit off.​
    We started with a simple Announcement thread, and then some teasers. Then, after Yosteric volunteered to host the server for WynnCon, we had a small Server Testing event and asked for builders/devs. People volunteered, and they are the only reason Wynncon became a reality.​

    The amazing idea was made by @DJKreeper and once he had it he contacted each one of us in a forum conversation.​

    It was originally my idea, and I picked out some people to help me out with it (oryx, pillow, mutton, and the others), and when we made the thread we got a bunch of supporters!​

    It was most definitely DJKreeper's idea. He wanted to make the biggest player-made event in Wynncraft history and he felt that gathering all of the "event makers" would do the trick. As you can see it definitely did do the trick!​

    2) What was your favorite part about Wynncon?

    My favorite part, personally, was the fact that people CAME to it. We weren't expecting around 150 people at one point. (not confirmed, i heard pillow telling me that in the skype chat) We had about 20 people on 2 hours before the event started. That's some dedication ! But then the bomb exploded when GRIAN logged in. That has to be the best part about Wynncon.​

    I really did not have a favorite part about Wynncon, For me every moment was amazing, We've been working on it for so long and nearly 80 people came, I extremely enjoyed making it but if I had to choose one thing that I enjoyed the most it probably was moderating it, It may seem a bit weird but I really did enjoy making sure people don't glitch out of the map/breaking any rule or spamming, I really liked the feeling of being an "Admin" on a server.​

    Sadly, I was not able to make it to the event because of camp and work, but it was pretty fun hanging out with the builders!​

    The part of Wynncon I enjoyed the most was during the opening ceremony, believe it or not. Watching our vision turn into reality and being able to present that to others for the first time made me very joyful.​

    3) How did it feel to have Grian, an admin show up? Did you expect this kind of popularity?

    No, I was really surprised. The only event any of the owners added to was Pillow's first event, and events were sort of a regular thing at that point. When we saw the message, "Grian joined the game," the chat exploded, not just chat, but even the staff chat. We made him an admin on the server right away. When he asked to speak, we were like, "Of course!". Then we had Grian's private speech on the new update.​

    Honestly I did know that one of the Admins would probably hear about the event, We've been planning it for a really long time and it have been around the forums for a while, I did not expect Grian to actually come though and was really really happy when he came, I expected the event to be really popular among the community but not as much as making one of the Admins actually come.​

    HOLY SHIT GRIAN SHOWED UP. I'm literally dying rn.​

    The fact that both Grian and redx475 presented themselves at Wynncon was very gratifying because all the work we had done was not only noticed by the community, but the creators themselves. I always knew the event would be big, but not "blowing up yosteric's router" big.​

    4) If you could have done one thing better what would it have been?

    For me, I would have tried to work more on the server itself and not behind-the-scenes. I was the stupid guy and kept getting the IP wrong, and I wasn't able to work on the server. Still, I definitely helped because we had another founder named RainbowSlug who went inactive and wasn't considered a founder after that.​

    The Mini-Games, In my opinion the idea of our mini-games (Elytra Race and Horse Races) were quite good, But we did not spend enough time working on them and organizing them, So if I could have done one thing better it would've been making more Mini-Games and organizing them.​

    A faster server.​

    If we were to put more work into one section of the game, it would most definitely be the "Games" section. It was poorly done and unorganized. The games were very straightforward and not that fun to be honest. We were fools to think that because it was some "convention" the people would be organized and file into separate lines and not be spammy, but these things happen. It was poor event planning on our part and I just hope it won't be the first thing people remember when they think of Wynncon.​

    5) Many people grew up on Wynncraft, tell me how you started and how you've changed because of it.

    I went into Wynncraft thinking, "Ooh, an MMORPG server." I had recently tried minescape, and considering how confusing and bad it was, I didn't have high hopes for this new server. Boy, was I wrong.​

    This server made me a better person, no joke. At one point, I was the rude guy and sweared a lot and basically immature. This server showed me what it was like to help others and make friends in new places. At this point in Wynncraft, I could walk right past a guy in Wynncraft, and within 20 seconds we're fighting mobs, doing quests, and raiding dungeons together. A lot of my old friends from ingame quit, but not the forum users. I belong on this forum. If Wynncraft shut down, I don't know what I'd do instead. Probably just throw my pc out the window, nothing special. It also showed me how hard work pays off, and it's no easy task being a cow, a space creeper who spills coffee, or a grolan.​

    Oh boy here we go...​

    Wynncraft have changed my life completely, And is literally the reason I wake up in the morning, I suffer from depressions once in a while, And I am a complex person, I need one main goal in my life, As long as I have that, I'm the happiest and most optimist guy in the world, For the last 1.4~ years, This goal has been Wynncraft, And it all started 2 years ago...​

    So, Around 2 years ago my best friend have told me "Yo Roi there's this cool MMORPG server you gotta check it out!", So as a Minecraft and MMORPG fan I came and checked it out, At the time I was really "Stupid", I did not know English at all (Believe it or not, I learned English through watching YouTube and Skyping after having the basics), I thought it was cool but I was lagging really really hard (Like everyone else) and after a couple days of playing it I left, Then around 6 months later when I literally forgot of Wynncraft I was accidentally added to a Skype chat and someone sent the IP of a Minecraft server that seemed familiar to me, I entered it, And boom, The rest is history, I've been playing it for so long now and logged in almost every single day, The one problem is... This entire time I've seen so many friends come and go, So many friends join and leave Wynn, Yet I've always been there, And I kept playing, I have no idea where I've been today without Wynncraft.​

    Oooooh boy where to begin...​
    I joined Wynncraft a few years back, and it was a server that was unique compared to the faction, survival, PvP and minigame servers at the time. I may or may not have obsessed over it for 2 years straight... Before wynncraft I was a pretty anti-social guy, but I've gotten quite a few friends because of the amazing community!​

    I started Wynncraft on Febuary 17, 2016. I was invited by my friend KingK7. I selected Mage, then made my way to Ragni. The moment I heard the music and saw the map and how much there was to explore, I fell in love. I continued to play Wynncraft on a regular basis to this day. This server changed me by opening my eyes to a whole new world made from scratch, block by block, and it made me more appreciative of everyday things. I'm sure after saying this we should all be like @yosteric5 during his speech and ask ourselves, "Where would I be without Wynncraft?"​

    That wraps it up for today. A big thank you to Oryx, Mutton, Kreeper, and Pillow for joining us today! It was an honor having the creators of such an amazing event be our first guests on this new season of Featured Wynncraftian.

    Now, there were too many people who worked on Wynncon to give them all an interview, but if you want to know who worked on the project (and learn all about what happened at Wynncon) you can find a link here.

    See you next time!
  2. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    In case you're wondering, I did all of the work here. After all, I'm the best GM on Wynncraft!
  3. PillowPet

    PillowPet Lovable Neighborhood Pillow CHAMPION

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    It's an honor to be a Featured Wynncraftian!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  4. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    yey I'm famos!!!!!one!!!!
    Power :3, Argagaes, Bio and 10 others like this.
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Whoa this is a thing again? I thought this died or something.

    This was a good read, Wynncon was pretty fun (even though I definitely agree with the event part)
    T-Flex and XavierEXE like this.
  6. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Art is almost as rich as the 'revival' of FW
  7. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Bank has been really pushing to bring it back for a while, which is why that new nomination reminders thread popped up a few weeks back. So now it's a thing again, and hopefully this season won't die in 1 episode like last time.

    Eh, that's fair.
  8. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    If Selvut doesn't count as a GM
    Power :3, blankman and StarDraco123 like this.
  9. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    My art is so underappreciated. You'll regret what you said here one day!
  10. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    Wat did i just read?
    @Ackro is better than you
  11. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    To our four Featured Wynncraftians, I'm currently working on getting you guys your spiffy ranks.
    You read Featured Wynncraftian.

    And also HOW DARE YOU. I am an artist. I made beautiful quests like Memory Paranoia and the GREATEST QUEST OF ALL TIME, Fantastic Voyage.
  12. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    And Selvut is better than Ackro
    And Selvut made all the items except for mythics.
    blankman likes this.
  13. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    No love for the builders of Wynncon?

    Nah, just kidding. I believe the fantastic four who created Wynncon deserved more recognition for their hard work, and I'm glad they've got it. Congratulations, guys!
    Zelefant, Power :3, blankman and 2 others like this.
  14. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Not all, just most. Salted made some, and I made like... 5, post-Gavel. But yes, he is an item wizard.
  15. PillowPet

    PillowPet Lovable Neighborhood Pillow CHAMPION

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    If I had a choice, everyone involved in the creation of Wynncon would get FW.
    Nepeta Leijon likes this.
  16. Kpar

    Kpar God of Omegar. Lord of the 8th realm.

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    I vote for Pillowpet
  17. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    They're all featured...
  18. PillowPet

    PillowPet Lovable Neighborhood Pillow CHAMPION

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    Thanks for the vote, but yeah ^
    Kpar likes this.
  19. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    I liked Ackro's airship quests a lot more...

    I also think @Headset_O is better than you.
    icebreaker likes this.
  20. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I think what we can take away from this is that it's back!
    But seriously guys, suggest new people and actually suggest people that deserve it.
    We will be doing more and more in the future.
    Power :3, Bliss, Ackro and 2 others like this.
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