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Explaination for Shaman Archtypes

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by the Gentle Druid, Jul 5, 2024.


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  1. the Gentle Druid

    the Gentle Druid A Shamanic Hero

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    Scribe of the Totem Shaman

    This scribe will be a way to explain the spirituality of, and powers of the totem shaman, or better known as a wynnic or gavalian shaman, if you do not known what these types of shamans are then I recommend reading the to very sane and educated scholar Pumpkin on the topic of totem shamanism, but since not everyone may know what I am discussing and may be unable to find the person known as Pumpkin, I would like to give a brief definition of it before we continue.

    Description of Totem Shamanism

    Totem Shamanism is a type of shamanism in where instead of drawing from nature or of spirits and more druidic like magic, shaman’s instead draw their power from special types of totem poles that seem to channel a type of spiritual energy and then release it into the world for magic attacks or traversal, this is very much believed by a lot of shamanic scholars, including myself, but many people don’t know it that shamanism is an inherit spiritual practice, the other alternatives to shamanism drain their powers from ancestor spirits or nature spirits, but where would the totem draws it power from, it’s simply a statute? Would that mean where drawing our power from nothing, would this just makes us into cowardly mages and wizards, well the answer is no, shamans do in fact have a religion that ties them to their powers and gives them the faith and prayer for their gifts, and in contrast is actually monotheistic, but before we go any deeper, this religion is separate from the other monotheistic religion Bovemism, that religon is actually quite against shamanism due to there egalitarian nature and that things in life should be earned and not inherited, and priests usually consist of mages, know less discuss this religion.

    Zoroaislam, Religion of the Totem

    This religion believes that there is simply only one creator being named TIOMH but since what he made was so delicate and sensitive compared to his power, that he split himself into three divine persons, Demethus a creator, Vishena a preserver, Shironi a destroyer, these divine persons are considered to all represent each of TIOMH responsibilities and are of all equal in power as they are all important in life, a way to explain each of these gods roles is to look at the human life cycle, one is born, one is preserved for a time, then one passes on, these connected gods then give shamans their powers throught their totems allowing to give them the power the spread their message, this is usually how totem shamanism see’s there religion as, however, they are subsets, like any other religion that focus on getting power more on specific types of these roles and usually draw power from them, as they are roles they want to be in life as to give help around the world.

    Summoner, Creator Shaman

    The Summoner Shaman usually draws there power on demethus compared to the other gods, giving them the ability of not just being able to summon totems, but also puppets and effies, essentially creating and controlling life for a limited time, usually these shamans like to be used for building or guards, often using there puppets and effies as defensive guards during the construction of towns, or sometimes instead being builders themselves, as they can be controlled by the shaman to make them do whatever they want essentially, making them vital in the constructions of any new town or city.

    Ritualist, Preseror Shaman

    The Ritualist Shaman usually draws there power from Vishnea compared to the other gods, giving them the ability to call on his servants to give them special powers, such as increased aggression, resistance, and speed, most of these shamans usually act as helpers or sometimes monster hunters, as there special powers give them a big advantage in usually any fight and are usually responsible for the killings of monstrous creatures, and are often called in by kings and generals to dispose of powerful beasts if needed, and can also act out as messengers or scouts, as there increased speed makes them very good for messages given to special officials and kings.

    Acolyte, Destroyer Shaman

    The Acolyte Shaman draws there power from Shironi compared to the other gods, giving them the ability to use there blood to increase there vitality and strength, and making there totems highly powerful, more so then the summoner or ritualist, and compared to the other two who are usually respected and get jobs in helping out cites or towns, the Acolyte are usually seen as vile and evil, and are only called on by rebel groups and revolutionaries to tear down tyrants and corrupt kings, and are seen as bringers of chaos in lands full of kings and merchants, and quite more revolutionary then there reformist brethren.

    Last Note

    This whole scribe is to simply explain the beliefs and powers of the totem shaman, if there are any suggestions on how to improve these writings that be very much apreitcated, as long as it’s polite and formal, I again would like to thank scholar pumpkin for being a source on my definition of what Totem shamanism is, and on all of that, for whomever is reading this scribe, have a lovely day.