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Dwarves and Doguns part 2 canon bug

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Name_lukaso, Oct 7, 2023.

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  1. Name_lukaso

    Name_lukaso Travelled Adventurer

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    So I've got a bit of a problem that whenever I complete the destruction of the core and I have to move the canon to shoot through, Axelus just disappears and I'm unable to move or rotate the canon, but I can shoot from it. If anyone has witnessed this or he can help me, please tell me. I've already tried to kill myself, joined another world or change class, but it didn't help.
  2. MrYoghurt2004

    MrYoghurt2004 Warrior Gang (discord: mryoghurt2004) Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    This stage is bugged right now with no workaround to my knowledge, it’s already been reported i think, but for the future if you encounter bugs, report them in https://forums.wynncraft.com/wc-bug-report/
    (Asking for help to circumvent a bug like you just did is fine btw, just sending you the link incase you didn’t know)
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