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Guide Determining Maximum Profession XP Gain Using Only Level Ranges

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Crokee, Feb 10, 2024.

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  1. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    I'm going to skip my usual formalities for this thread just because this is a simple, short thread for me/@qub. to provide evidence to prove that one should always use the highest level range available to them when crafting with certain materials. This should be obvious, but here is evidence to prove it.

    When crafting, there is a level range that can be chosen based on the level of materials used as well as the player's crafting level. For example, a player with Lv. 100 Cooking using Lv. 90 materials can choose the following level ranges:
    • 90-93
    • 93-95
    • 95-97
    • 97-99
    The point of the experiement is to determine whether these ranges and others play a role in influencing profession XP gain.


    100 data points was collected by qub., to determine whether level range plays a role in how much XP is gained. These data points is split into 50 crafts for Lv. 80-83 and 50 crafts for Lv. 85-87. The following variables were accounted for:
    • No XP decay: qub. was level 80 to 81 for the Lv. 80-83 range, and level 87 for the Lv. 85-87 range. It is known that XP decay sets in at least 10 levels higher than that of the material being used, to which this does not apply here.
    • All crafts were crafted under DXP Weekend with a Profession XP bomb.
    • All crafts were spears crafted using T1 level 80 materials with no ingredients on Weaponsmithing.
    The results are below (also link here for raw data):


    The level 85-87 range gives a higher XP gain than that of the level 80-83 range on average. To test to see if this is statistically significant, a 2-tailed, 2 sample t-test was used. The test returned p = 0.0091, which is statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval.

    Conclusion: Players gain more Profession XP when crafting at a higher level range than that of a lower level range.
    Qubs, Sar, Silent Boss and 2 others like this.
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