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Day 5 Of Waiting For The Hero Beta.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Frost_Shadow_22, Dec 4, 2020.

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  1. Frost_Shadow_22

    Frost_Shadow_22 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I'm personally new to the forums here, and the thread name might give away why I've even come in the first place. I played way back in the day, and on and off in recent months. But I have finally started playing relatively frequently again because, of course, the 1.20 hype.

    I, like many others, have been scouring the forums, the reddit, and the twitter, all for any possible droplet of extra information on this update. I have read absolutely EVERYTHING available, and this unfortunately means that I also read the utterances of Salted's poor, poor release prediction. Now look, Technically, he is still in his release time. He did say if things didn't go perfect the date might be early December, but what is early December? I actually spent a bit of time looking this up, and I found out absolutely nothing that I didn't know previously. This is a completely subjective statement! Salted could release the hero beta two weeks from now and could argue that before Christmas is "early December" So honestly I have no ground to stand on if I wanted to try to get angry at him for the lack of a release. However, I still absolutely still think that this frustration by the community is 100% at the fault of Salted.

    Yes, I know that might be a little harsh, but let's really dig into what is at the heart of the frustration. Look, from my perspective, the last update was mediocre at best. Hunted mode was cool for a couple days, and I mean the Wynncraft build team is ridiculous, but my ego can only stand to look at the works I could never build myself for so long. I mean the new region of the map does kind of fill a gap for more high level exploration that the game was in need of, but if you have played the game for as long as I have or have just gotten to level 100 once you should know. Wynncraft, has had some BIG problems, that this did not much to address.

    I would say the biggest problems lie for those who are into guilds, and for those who are looking for a real challenge in general. And the biggest problem that Salted has created for himself is hope. He has finally given a player like me hope that these problems will at the very least be addressed, and hopefully fixed in this update. Hope will drive people crazy. Have you seen star wars? This "new hope" has driven me absolutely mad and I have seen it in others as well.

    The update to guilds is huge to me. I have no clue if the new system will work, but me and my guild of two (and hopefully growing... hmu) have been theory crafting for hours on the new update and how we will begin our quest for world domination. The mention of 4 letter guild tags was enough for him and I to want to make a new Guild so that we could claim one of the new brilliant possible tags i.e SIMP, WANK, PIMP. We were both avid war people before, and have had many, many frustrations with current system and the landscape of guilds in general. Hint, we are not big fans of Artemis, but that is a topic for another day.

    The other big announcement for us was raids. I'm gonna be honest, this game doesn't have that many challenging things. Soloing a max war defense can at times be difficult, and the same with Eldritch Outlook, but lets be real, once you have an actual build, the game is easy. Raids however present another possibility of difficulty that could actually have a good reward to it. With all this said, I don't actually think the new raids will be a challenge at all, but maybe I just have an over-inflated ego.

    I kind of got off topic rambling about what I'm excited about in this update, but in a sense it really does tie in to the initial point of this piece. This is ENTIRELY Salted's fault. He is the one doing great things, and that inherently comes with some responsibility. This has been an absolutely excruciating wait, and I absolutely will not be lenient or patient in this wait. This is truly the fault of Salted and I hope you all can see that clearly now how his greatness and success has lead to our frustration.

    I would love to hear your comments,
    Maximdem, Nukewarmachine, Sar and 3 others like this.
  2. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    I'd rather wait longer for beta and the update and have it in higher quality than a rushed shitty buggy beta.

    Salted, and the CT, are taking their time making sure this update is as good quality as they can. Please, let them take their time. I assure you they're working hard to make sure we all have the best Wynncraft experience.

    Please be a little more patient waiting for 1.20. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
    froge, Lotem, CaptainTurko and 44 others like this.
  3. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Shitpost or no?

    Yes, Salted was a bit optimistic with his prediction for the Beta, but does that matter? No. I guess we'll just have to wait a few more days and be grateful when it is released.
  4. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    appreciate what the team is giving us- don't be rude and rush it, these things take time and you need to stop being an impatient brat and just wait for the update.
    Plus we have the trailor and the changelog, that is quite alot of info to give us.
  5. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    just wait lol
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Just want to start by saying I disagree with this post, but he's kinda right about the last update being mediocre, especially when compared to the other "modern" updates (1.16+). It really didn't bring much new to the table, new area is a straight line to Dern which is insane since it looks about the same size as Corkus on the map, EO is almost entirely terrible by basically any standard (though CUR and UR are actually good) and hunted is functionally bad since you can do 20K damage per second and most players have 10K health so it's first hit wins 90% of the time. The update wasn't all bad, most of the new quests are awesome (EO quests were bad but the rest were perfect) and the discoveries were cool, but calling the update awesome is a huge stretch.

    You are right though, his ego is massive and it really shouldn't be.
    Druser and H0Y like this.
  7. Frost_Shadow_22

    Frost_Shadow_22 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    You people need to calm down, there is clearly a lot of people who have been frustrated like me, and simply telling us that we are impatient brats unsurprisingly doesn't really change our minds. The whole point of this was to get to root of how people similar to me are thinking and why we are so frustrated. First and foremost, this piece was intended to be a bit over the top. You are literally angry at me when I said that Salted has done a great job at every turn. Yes I took shots at some other aspects of the game, but again the whole point of the piece was to emphasize that the reason for anger really isn't just the lack of a release. The reason for anger is just such an intense hype and anticipation for the new update, that no other update could have possibly generated for me and other players.
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Iirc last time it took 2-4 weeks before the beta
    CashorCard, Castti and Sg_Voltage like this.
  9. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    First off, nobody is angry with you for saying that Salted did a great job. The closest anybody got to being angry was the guy who said 1.19 was an amazing update and he seams like a chill dude so I wouldn't start acting like people are flaming you. Also patience is a virtue, it's better that there's no HB then a broken one.
  10. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    arent we all used to waiting by now
    Trekkie_Cow124, Castti, H0Y and 4 others like this.
  11. CashorCard

    CashorCard Apotheosis

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    Congrats, you are waiting. Please I want a GOOD update, not a bad one, waiting is worth it.
    fishcute and TrapinchO like this.
  12. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    maybe the real update is the friends we made along the way
  13. Frost_Shadow_22

    Frost_Shadow_22 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I'm realizing how hard it is to convey one's thoughts in a completely textual environment.

    I am excited for this update. The last update wasn't good enough to make me wanna play (That is what is called an opinion). I wasn't frustrated in waiting for the last update, but for this one I am. Ergo, I am angry mostly because my hype. That was the conclusion I was trying to guide you towards in reading.

    You guys all seem way too content to just wait around like they could release the beta on Christmas and you would respond with, "at least it finally happened", I just think you should all realize when we are being "impatient brats", it is because of our love for the update and our desire to play the game, and not out of a spite for the Devs or Salted. I would also like to say a bit of pressure on the Devs never hurt anyone. Lets them know we actually care about the update, and that they have people lining up to play it when they are ready.
  14. Grugle

    Grugle RotS Enthusiast. HERO

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    Mate, this is gavel related. Give it some time and it will come; you should be used to changing release dates if you've really been playing as long as you have.
  15. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    The CT and Developers are already working extremely hard. The only real effect complaining about HB release will have is making us feel demoralized, because we're already doing everything we can to make the update playable for you guys. Please understand that Hero Beta will release when we (or rather, the Admins) feel it is ready to be released. No amount of complaining is going to magically fix bugs faster
  16. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I would be happy if it released on Christmas, because you're right I'll be happy when it finally happens, even if I'm not excited for the update based on the changelog. I'm not complaining about the release because at the end of the day, it's technically a free game made by a team of volunteers who have better things to do then work on a game which they don't get paid for.

    Also, you're really fixated on the fact that you were called an impatient brat and I don't understand why. One guy called you that and I hate to say it, but if you can't handle a dig that shallow, you probably shouldn't be posting on the internet. If you say clearly controversial things, expect to hear disagreement, even if it is uncalled for, and prepare to defend your opinion instead of telling all the people who disagree with you they're in the wrong because one person called you a mean name once. You said something worth criticizing, so be prepared to hear criticism.
    MC_security likes this.
  17. Ankarin

    Ankarin Wise Mystical Tree CHAMPION

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    and thats just how the internet flows, say stuff and expect to hear something... and Improve on it depending on what people say.
    If you Never change, expect to hear this again.
    Look at some of my older posts, they were terrible and i got mad, yes, however i changed to what i do today, so just learn from it, no need to get 100% salty over what some people say, just learn from it and understand what we are saying.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  18. Frost_Shadow_22

    Frost_Shadow_22 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I really don't think you are grasping at what I am saying. This is meant to be mostly a compliment. I think that this update, from the parts I have been allowed to see, is some of best work that has been done for this server in a while. Again that is my opinion, and yes I'm impatient, but I really think you are letting that detract from the other things I am saying. I'm saying that a lot of my impatience can be attributed to the fine work that has been and is being done.
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't want to speak on his behalf, but his response makes it very clear that he understood what you were saying. It doesn't matter if you say you're excited for the update if you spend the next hundred words complaining about the bad release predictions. Again, people are point out that you should be more patient and nothing more, stop deflecting. If you're going to reply to people, don't waste peoples time with whataboutism's and actually address what they said.

    Also, you've done this twice now so I feel the need to point out that you don't get a free pass to complain about development just by saying you think the update looks good.

    If your point isn't coming across how you want it to, which apparently it isn't, you should probably delete this dumpster fire of a thread and make a new one where you clearly articulate your point in a reasonable and cool headed manor.
  20. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    wxhlf and Castti like this.
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