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Media Cur Guide - Epic Gamer Guide For Epic Gamers #justiceforskylaar

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dream, Dec 21, 2019.


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  1. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Trial-Mod CHAMPION

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    Hey everybody I'm Dream96 and you know me from the bad song that I made like 2 months ago. Since I just completed my 100th CUR run I thought I might have some authority on the topic so we're doing a guide on the new corrupted dungeon: Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins. Before we start I have to say that you probably shouldn't even start to attempt this dungeon if your internet is ass. Secondly, this guide is made for CUR parties. If you want to know when a CUR party starts, go to the bomb tracker discord and put ".iam CUR" in the bot channel or pay closer attention to the shouts in game, dipshit. Okay, let's start.

    Stage 1
    Stage one is 2 parts. Part one is a short section of the parkour, to introduce the concept of advanced slime block parkour and part 2 is an escort section. For part one, Do the parkour as usual. It's not hard. Depending on your ping the first "clickable" launcher may not work. Don't get frustrated over this. Unless your Assassin. Because Assassin almost always has to do the whole parkour to advance to the escort section. This is shitty but you gotta keep trying otherwise you will miss the door. Sorry. The escort section is quite easy too. Especially in parties. If you want to wall hug you can do that by just standing on the big tower on the right of the of the door that opens when the key guardian gets there. If you're an archer you can arrow shield inside of the key guardian to ensure it's survival. Nothing personell kid *steps inside you*.

    Stage 2
    Stage 2 also is more parkour. This one is more advanced. If you're warrior or mage you can tele/bash to the other side on the first part pretty easily and even with shaman and assassin it's pretty doable. Archer is harder because the depending on the angle of your escape you might bump against the sealing. This is what we call an OOF. The same kind of OOF that you hear when Mario hits a wall in Mario 64, you know what I mean. For the second part of the parkour, if you're warrior, you can do the first 2 wall jumps and then use the clickable launcher to gain enough height, then bash towards the door in a circular motion around the invisible blocks. You can't see where you really need to go. you just have to get a feel for it. This might work on mage too, but I haven't pulled it off successfully. If you're any of the other classes, you have to the parkour on your own. This one seems to be waaaay less laggy then the first one and the clickable launchers are actually hittable.

    Stage 3
    This is a fetch quest kinda ordeal. Most people don't understand how this works at all so I'll try to explain as simple as possible:
    Big door need 4 token.
    There is 4 pillar.
    Each pillar need 4 token.
    Mob drop token.
    If you use spells near tower, blue token breaks.
    Do not use spells near tower.
    If blue token breaks, de-spawns quickly.
    Please pick up blue token.
    Put blue token in door.
    Wall hug good.

    Stage 4
    Yay more parkour. If you're warrior, you're in for a treat. You can do this whole parkour in 2 bashes! 2 Bashes? Yes. Bash once at the start and once on the checkpoint. The checkpoint triggers even if you fall off it really closely, this tends to happen often if you're using bash. If you're Mage or assassin, your movement spell can often save you by dashing to the checkpoint, so make sure to only start jumping when you have a full mana bar. Another tip is to save the last angled slimeblock before the checkpoint. The clickable launcher before that often overshoots it anyway. Make sure to do the wall-jump on the end to gain enough boost to reach the checkpoint

    Stage 5
    Kill slimes. That's it. If you kill the little slimes with multiple people you get tokens for each en everyone of the people that dealt at least 30% damage to the mob (this might not be 100% accurate). If you can't put the tokens into the door you can /class to fix that issue. It might be a good idea to pop your xp scroll right when everybody gathers to put in the last tokens. Just out of good etiquette its good to pop your scroll when there is the largest amount of people possible around you.

    Boss stage
    The boss is pretty simple. Kill the big magma cube first, then the first stage then the second stage. Just back off when you get hit too much. If you're in a party it will almost always get agro'd to the closest player. If you can't shake him of use for example teleport to blind Skylaar and then he will almost 100% of the time get agro'd to another player. Once the boss is killed, there's a little parkour section to complete the dungeon. If you're going for this, Walk into the angled launchpad in the way that it's facing. Just keep on holding your forward button. once your on the last jump just start spamming left click until you hit him. After that pop your xp potion and xp food QUICKLY because you get a small gap until you get kicked out of the dungeon. When you're not going for the parkour, your time frame to pop your food and potion is a bit smaller.

    The recommended build for this dungeon is:
    cosmic visor
    cosmic vest
    cosmic ward
    cosmic walkers (from ???)
    Rarity (2x)
    Knucklebones (use this only in the boss room, it's bad for killing stuff with this build)
    Altium Spatium (from ???)
    For wep: wybel weapons + whatever damage dealing leg you have on you on your level at the time.

    Invetory settup

    Hotbar: Main wep - Wybel wep - Scroll - xp pot - xp food - Hp pot
    Inventory: Knuclebones under your bracelet slot - Fill the rest with HP pots but keep slots open for more xp consumeables above your hotbar and 2 slots for the cur fragments/Skylaar's hearts.

    That's it for me, Good luck gamers. Let me know if I can Can/Should Improve/Change stuff
  2. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    isn't morph better for xp bonus? iirc cosmic gives 50% xp bonus and morph 100%

    EDIT: nvm im an idiot i forgot about accessories
  3. Wind2048

    Wind2048 what am i doing with my life HERO

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    Unnecessarily long lol, but good job on writing it :D

    if you ever want to write more plz do my english assignment
    Dream likes this.
  4. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Trial-Mod CHAMPION

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    Don't worry man we all make mistakes sometimes
  5. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    I thought the title said car guide for a second, but nice guide ty dream
    MajorMiner, Iboju and Dream like this.
  6. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    Imagine making a guide with no images. This is just a wall of text.

    -1 support
    Dream likes this.
  7. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm VIP+

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    Uh, Dream? Was the mispelling of Slykaar intentional?
    Dream likes this.
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