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Created Guild But The Server Says It Doesnt Exixt

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by VireVeonix, Apr 23, 2020.

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  1. VireVeonix

    VireVeonix Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I tried creating a Guild and succeded in doing so but when i try to use guild commands it says the im not in a guild. if i try to do /g join with the guild tag it says the guild doesnt exist. BUT if i try to create a new guild with the same tag the server says that a guild with that tag already exists.
    What can i do?
    I created 2 guilds now because of that and i cant join either and im still not in a guild.
  2. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    Hello! Did you connect from an EU server? It often "kicks" people, if they are connected there. US does that sometimes too, but it's more rare, and I'd doubt it would happen to you twice in a row. If neither of these are the source of your problem, I'd probably wait, there are quite a few glitchy guild features nowadays, and certainly report it in bug reports. Until then, you can probably ask staff about the glitch or join a bigger guild to get some experience. ;)
    Time might also fix the issue, I don't get the exact situation from your thread.
    If you cannot get the guild working, you should just wait and maybe prepare stuff for the guild like a Discord server or a good war build; if you want to got serious with it.
    Anyway, do hit me up if you have questions regarding guilds, I might be able to help you.

    Yo also the Wynncraft stats shows that you are in a guild that you own, so I guess you did make the guild, just it took time to process. Sadly, nowadays, as a said before, are often glitchy and late. There were instances when a person, who had already logged off, was sending messages to the guild chat.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  3. VireVeonix

    VireVeonix Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Id did create them in eu servers and the first time i got kicked but the second time i didnt get kicked and i cant join either of the two guilds

    Also: thanks for the reply =)
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