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Art Columba (ark- Survival Evolved Fan-made Dinosaur Quick Sketch)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by hmm, Oct 2, 2016.

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  1. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    (I usually do scientifically accurate dinos, but this is just for fun! Enjoy!)

    It stands taller than 3 humans combined.
    It's scythe-like hands and strong beak can cut through most dinosaurs easily.
    It's talons are equipped for holding it's prey while it eats it alive.
    It's beak and scythes are stained with blood on it's dark-grey scaly skin.
    I present to you...
    Ok, well, yeah, this is obviously satire. And it's a fucking quick sketch so it looks terrible, but that's besides the point I'm tired out today i spent 2 hours on my halloween avatar and FireAlpaca crashed on me. Basically I just wanted to show how Ark Survival defaces it's "dinosaurs" (half of them aren't even dinosaurs) and makes them into unnecessarily edgy murder monsters that try too hard to be edgy and end up fucking ugly. So I decided to satirically deface feral pigeons. You know, these things. [​IMG] These birds that deserve nothing wrong happening to them. And you might say "Well, pigeons aren't made for mass murder like T-Reks" and while it's spelled T. rex or Tyrannosaurus, it also wan't made for mass murder. It did hunt, but it didn't hunt everything for no reason because it actually had a satable appetite. In fact, it probably slept off the torpor of meals for most of it's life. Hunting for sport is stupid. In addition, in the case of pretty much all coelurosaurs and most dinosaurs, feathers are incredibly useful, much moreso than scales in a lot of cases. Take Velociraptor. It was a high-speed hunter, as the name suggests. Feathers reduce drag, and wings allow for sharp turns and hidden display structures (useful in a colorless desert environment). In addition, wings also allow for RPR (Raptor Prey Restraint) which is a badass form of trapping and eating prey that may have been used by dromaeosaurs and is used by modern raptors like eagles and such that involves using the animal's feet as gripping devices (as we can see with how well adapted dromaeosaurs were for gripping with feet) that hold down prey while the wings bat up and down for balance while the animal eats the prey alive. Basically, it's fucking badass and there's no reason not to feather up a lot of your dinosaurs. Also, fucking god give it some food you can see the holes in it's skull and it's ribcage jesus fucking christ
    Kuroi, Plasma~ and MyNamesHalo like this.
  2. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    i feel like people were turned off by my wall of text
  3. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Insert obligatory "TL;DR' joke here

    seriously though, I like it
    hmm likes this.
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