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[ Closed ] Beta Readers Wanted For Novel-script Wynncraft Fanfiction ( Super Long Story )

Discussion in 'Your Services' started by Reyko, Oct 2, 2016.

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  1. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Exactly like the title suggests, I am looking for proofreaders to look over and correct any spelling and grammar mistakes that I make in my story's chapters.
    I already have two proofreaders, but there is always the possibility that they will both be absent at the times of release. I am looking for at least two more to help me.

    WS Logo.png
    The story I am going to be writing is called "Wynnstory." (Prologue releasing this October and main story being released early 2017). It is a fanfiction of Wynncraft and will have my very own touches added to it; from characters to story.
    It will be a long-running series of an estimated over 100 chapters, with each chapter being, at least, around 5–15 pages long, and special chapters potentially being over 30 pages. Each normal chapter releasing once a week. The whole story is expected to go for at least two years, with monthly breaks in-between. (All subject to change).
    How the text will be formatted is similar to that of a script and a light novel, hence the "Novel-script" in the Thread title.

    Its soon-to-be-filled with chapters Thread can be found here: Link
    For reference, you can use the previous version of Wynnstory to get the gist of the format: Link

    It will be created and edited on Google Docs.
    I will send the editing link through Skype or, if not possible, on a private conversation right here on the Forums. Making a Skype group for all proofreaders is preferred, though.

    What I am looking for in proofreaders is:
    1. Trust: Not revealing any information of chapters in the works unless given permission, and not changing any text without acknowledging me first.
    2. Dedication: Not quitting after the first few chapters, or even the Prologue for that matter.
    3. Reliability: Not lying about your knowledge in spelling and grammar, and proofreading at least four chapters each month, on time.
    4. Maturity: I prefer not having people spam and throw curses left and right in the proofreading conversations. It is meant for proofreading, not chit-chat.
    5. Determination: I want people who will aim to do their best in making sure this story is the best that it can be.
    If you would like to assist me in the making of this story, please answer these questions below:
    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username)
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling?
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt.
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates?
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction?
    • Additional Information? (Optional)
    If you do become a proofreader and think something should be changed or added to the story, ideas are appreciated, but be warned; I am not an easy person to persuade, unless I think it is really good.


    If you're too lazy to read, then you're clearly not qualified.

    And no, you will not be paid.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
    pls delet likes this.
  2. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP+

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    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username) Forums
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling? 8
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt. Between Good and Great
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates? YES
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction? I guess ;-;
    • Additional Information? (Optional) Wynnstory <3
    Reyko likes this.
  3. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I will start picking people toward the middle of October. Good luck.
  4. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP+

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    do you have the halloween theme on? (lenny)
  5. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Yep, being festive.
  6. Ziel

    Ziel Drifting far away HERO

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    *And no, you will not be paid. Sorry I just had to correct that

    Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username)
    I'd use the Forums.

    From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling?
    I'd say, around a 7.5-8.

    Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt.
    No, not really, I got the average in my year for writing, and I tend to drag on and on with adjectives too much, but I can write pretty decent SHORT stories, I guess...?

    Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates?
    Depends on the circumstances. If I'm busy and it's the middle of the school term, no!
    But I'll always have time for reading, so I guess yes?

    Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction?
    Hmm, probably~

    Additional Information? (Optional)
    Reyko likes this.
  7. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Someone got it! Totally planned that to be wrong.
    Thank you for applying. Short stories are good, especially for this because it consists of short stories that are connected to a bigger story. Also, just proofreading over the draft once is enough, I'd say.
    Ziel likes this.
  8. Ser Alistair

    Ser Alistair Controversial Musician

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    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username): Either platform would be perfectly suitable for me, although my preference would be skype. You can find me by searching the following email address: [email protected]
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling?: 9/10 would be adjudge. Primarily because I have a propensity to take care in how I use words, along with the grammar and structure of my sentences. I wouldn't dare say I was a 10 since I indeed am human and there will always be that one mistake I make.
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt: I have done my fair share in terms of storytelling. However, most of my experience on this matter is through reading other writers novels and to appraise their existing techniques.
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates? Im rather reliable in this sense and quite flexible when it comes to due dates. This wouldn't be an issue for me.
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction?: I do believe so.
    • Additional Information? (Optional): Nothing of importance.
    Reyko likes this.
  9. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Thank you for applying. Just letting you know now, Wynnstory is a more serious cartoon (or anime) in my own eyes, so the writing and descriptions will be rather simplistic. It's more like reading a very descriptive action for 10 seconds, but that action is 3 seconds in real time. Hopefully that made sense.
    Ser Alistair likes this.
  10. Ser Alistair

    Ser Alistair Controversial Musician

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    No worries, I completely understand what you mean. The writing style of the fan-fiction sounds intriguing and would be something I'd love to work with.
    Reyko likes this.
  11. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username) Forums.
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling? 7-8 (who even marks 10??)
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt. Yes (not on the forums tho). And.. I don't really have an excerpt.
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates? Yes.
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction? Yes. Why? Because I've always liked storytelling. I've helped people proofread before too (I feel like I help). I feel like I have a good grasp of the lore, as well. Also, early access! <3
    • Additional Information? (Optional) Well, school is a thing. I usually don't wake up in time to hop on my computer and do stuff before school, so all of my activity will be done after school. (Which means there will be a 15 hour gap in which I won't do anything [8 hrs sleep, 7 hrs school])
    Reyko likes this.
  12. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Thank you for applying. Good luck.
    It looks like nobody fell in that trap, which is good.
    Ser Alistair likes this.
  13. FunnyMonkeyBoy

    FunnyMonkeyBoy Crazed adventurer

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    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username) Skype : PM
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling? 7.0 I'm good for my grade
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt. I am okay, written a few good stories.
      I knocked on the door and he answered. He opened the door. “Oh, it’s you,” George remarked,” I was wondering who would wake me up at such a time.” I looked at the clock. “It’s five o'clock sharp.” He said nothing and went to make some tea. Suddenly, he asked, “Did you hear about the murder?” My brain went still, how did he know of the murder? I was cautious but asked, “How did you know of the murder?” He answered, “Do you know who got murdered.” I didn’t, yet I was wondering how he did. “It was my college roommate.” I was shocked, was this a clue in the mystery? I searched his memory of our times in college, I knew his roommate’s name started with a “H”... Herald? Harry? Harison? Hayden? Harold? Yes that was it Harold; but Harold was a nice guy, why would anybody hurt him. I stood up thanked George and left. I had visited Harold before and I sought out to his House in NSW. I drove down the highway and heard a pop. I went out to see what it was. Damnit, it was my tire… “Great time to get a flat tire,” I muttered to myself. I heard another pop and I discovered that another tire was flat. “Bloody hell… What is happening?” I asked myself as I heard two more pops. Someone was halting my progress, or maybe more than somebody was...Then I heard a gunshot. I ran.
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates? Yes, unless something major happens like a funeral.
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction? Yes, I enjoy reading other people's work and helping them grow
    • Additional Information? (Optional) I am an eighth grader with a twelfth grade standard
    Reyko likes this.
  14. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Thank you, your application will be taken into consideration. Good luck.
    Ser Alistair likes this.
  15. pls delet

    pls delet An Arbiter VIP+

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    Aww God, I am not a native speaker and I am only learning english in school.
    I am not going to apply but could you send me your WynnStory when it comes out? I like reading in other languages but aww God no proofreading.
    Would be awesome, thanks.
  16. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    I will be releasing Wynnstory on the Your Work section of the Forums. You may watch the Wynnstory Thread to receive alerts from it.
    Ser Alistair and pls delet like this.
  17. PerfectlyColored

    PerfectlyColored Generic Title

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    Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username)

    From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling?
    I would consider myself skilled in grammar and spelling so I would say 8

    Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt.
    Not really, however I can create some new ideas for your story.

    Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates?
    YES, as I have lots of free time unless something major comes up.

    Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction?
    Yes I think I can fit this role.

    Additional Information? (Optional)
    I have a typing speed of 120 wpm and I am also fast at reading.
    Ser Alistair and Reyko like this.
  18. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Thank you for applying. Proofreaders will be decided around the 15th, this month.
    Ser Alistair likes this.
  19. H07oh

    H07oh Okay But Consider The Following: VIP+

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    • Skype or Forums? (If Skype, provide Skype username)
    Would rather use forums, but Skype is: Seven Apples
    • From a scale of 1–10, 10 being perfection; how would you grade your grammar and spelling?
    9. I'm very fluent in English and my grammar is decent.
    • Are you experienced in storytelling? If so, feel free to post an excerpt.
    I shuddered deeply as the thing's tentacle moved up my leg. The cold rubbing sensation increased the further it wormed its way towards my torso. I had to get out, I had to escape. But the thing, it had me in a deadlock. I squirmed around like a worm trying to find soil. A purring like a muffled chainsaw came from the thing. It writhed in discomfort as it touched the phone in my pocket, warm from the glow of the screen and the draining battery. But soon it moved on from my pocket and up towards my neck. It circled around my face, shoving the tip of the tentacle into every orifice nearby. I started whimpering softly as I smelled the blood the tentacle was soaked in. The thing was just toying with me. It would kill me later.

    Yeah sorry about that I'm really not that creative unless it comes to gore and weird stuff
    • Would you say you're a reliable person when it comes to release/due dates?
    I really don't have anything to do with my life right now besides school, so why not?
    • Do you think you will fit the role as a proofreader for this particular fanfiction?
    Wynn is a great server. I've learned a lot. Don't count me on the lore though.
    • Additional Information? (Optional)
    Ser Alistair and Reyko like this.
  20. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Thank you for applying. Gore sounds good. A lot of the lore is chucked out the window, so don't worry about that.
    Ser Alistair and H07oh like this.
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