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Can't Buy Guild Troops?

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Illuminarchie, Feb 25, 2018.


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  1. Illuminarchie

    Illuminarchie Proud member of Da Formidable Five VIP

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    Recently I made a guild for me and my friends (Formidable Five (ZAC) if your interested in joining then why are you, it has 3 members for Grian's sake!) and we took over a territory, time valley.
    We were all excited and happy as this was our first success and then, we can't defend it. Firstly when we got onto the screen where we buy troops it came up with the image of it being blank.

    After some messing around by clicking the items in our inventory it then made certain troop appear dependant on where we selected an item in our inventory, which also made us buy the troop that we made appear for us.

    This made us buy a lot more troops than we needed to, or so we thought.

    What it actually made us do, was make us 'buy' 0 mobs to protect us but still charged us about 1000 emeralds. Which I am peeved about. I do have screenshots, just I don't know how to get a URL equivalent of them, but I do have a video - its a bad one, but it does demonstrate our problem, though it may seem out of context as it was supposed to be a part of an upcoming series on a different channel (I'm a complicated guy):

    (for some reason the video is misplaced so... listen to the audio and see the screenshots and you will see what I mean).

    I want to know whether I can get a refund and or the problem being solved. I love Wynncraft, and guilds are an important part of that, I just need some help regarding this so I can truly enjoy Wynncraft.

    Ps. also subscribe to my channel if you like bad videos, there is a Wynncraft Series coming up soon so keep an eye out for that:

    And remember 9 7 3 1

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  2. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Is your guild level 10? Your guild must be at least level 10 in order to buy mobs.
  3. Illuminarchie

    Illuminarchie Proud member of Da Formidable Five VIP

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    Ah that would now make sense! Thanks for that, just it means it is possible to spend emeralds on the mobs without buying them. That's annoying - oh well, I doubt I can get a refund! Thanks!
    Drew1011 likes this.
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