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Art Caligo And Me-me

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Enhanced_Human, Sep 8, 2017.

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  1. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Just something I've been working on and thought I'd post here.


    Any tips are appreciated!
    Mouse :) and D7 like this.
  2. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    For both of them,
    no one stands stock still like that
    unless they're standing at attention in the army

    For the bigger guy:
    you forgot eyebrows lol
    the body is usually 7 heads tall, but this guy is six (if you want him to be short, adjust the proportions - 1 head below the head are the end of the pectorals, 2 heads down is the belly button, and 3 heads is the groin - the legs are about the same size as the torso (a little shorter))


    Here are some things that I think could use some work

    let's start with the weird vein on the big guy's neck
    is he supposed to be angry, or what? if so, veins like these are usually placed on the forehead

    the second one is the strange arm on the right side (the big guy's left)
    shoulders/armpits don't work like that.
    The shoulder is (on a muscular guy) usually as big as the face (yeah i know, it's weird). I'll show an example.

    the third:
    don't hold an axe head closer to your face
    people usually hold the axe head down, away (this makes it easier to hit people if you get into a fight).
    The end of the axe should be longer (or the big guy should have his left hand closer to the center of the shaft) - his hand'll just slide off once he tries to do an overhead blow (or one from the right, or one from the left - you get the point). example later
    also I think having a hole in an axe weakens the integrity of the metal, thus the axe will break easier... but holes look cooler, so do with it what you will.
    the two axes on his belt look strange - you should just show the back of the axe (what kind of blade would stick out? you'd hurt yourself).
    The feet should be flat, but that's ok - just draw a line and match them.

    a note:
    the armor for the big guy is strange.
    For the big plate in the belly, you'd only be able to bend over a little without it digging into your stomach and hurting. something layered would work better. other than that, it's ok (although it doesn't really look like armor). example later.
    for the helmet, you might want to put a chain mail hood -thingy around it
    to protect the neck

    you might want to do a bit more of an action pose for the big guy (example later)

    for the little guy

    wtf is he holding
    a plastic chicken? a crocodile? someone's intestines????

    Here's the examples I talked about:

    D7, Mouse :) and Enhanced_Human like this.
  3. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Dang, thanks!
    Really, I'm trying to get to be a better artist and this type of stuff helps a ton!

    And, the eyebrows I just need to make thicker
    They're there - if you look.
    Poiu429 likes this.
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