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Buying Buying White Horse

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by Wynncraftian, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. Wynncraftian

    Wynncraftian Old Wynncraftian

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    Welcome Wynncraftians!
    The Gavel update is JUST about to come out! (That's what I heard from the recent shouts)
    So make sure to keep still on the hype train, it's literally right around the corner

    Besides the point, I'm really looking for a pimp ride. By that, I mean I want a WHITE HORSE! I have 44 le right now, I'm broke, so the only types of white horses that I can actually afford are the low leveled ones.
    I repeat, I'm buying a low-leveled White Horse for 44 le!
    Make sure to message me in game, or reply to me telling me that you sell one. Thanks! <3 Gavel Hype!
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