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Bug Reports

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Mardeknius, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    Well this is a meta post. I know there's some sort of new bug report section, and I filed a bug report (as one does when they have a bug), and it doesn't seem like people can respond to it. It's not that big of a problem, it's just something annoying, but I want to know how the new bug report section works, cause I can't seem to respond to anyone else's bug reports either.

    Here's the link: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/items.281818/
    Here's the report if you care:

    Exploitable: NO

    Username: Mardeknius
    Version: 1.16.5
    Modifications Used:

    Summary: A quest item keeps appearing in my inventory
    Description: I started replaying Aldorei's Secret I, but I gave up on it eventually. However, every time I log on, no matter what I do to stop it, the Rusted Bucket appears in my inventory. I tried putting it in the bank, filling my inventory with items and then putting it in the crafting grid, and /fixquests (just in case that worked for some reason), but it keeps appearing in my inventory. If it's full when I log on, it says "Some items could not fit in your inventory and were dropped" and drops the Rusted Bucket.
    Steps to Reproduce: Start playing Aldorei's Secret I having already completed II (this being possible because 1.20 reset I but not II), get to the stage where you have to sneak into the mansion, and then leave the quest area, get rid of the Rusted Bucket, log out, and then log back in.

    Honestly this bug really isn't priority as you can see from reading it (although they have been piling up in my bank cause I'm too lazy to get rid of them properly), and this isn't so much a question about the report itself, more a question about the new bug report section in general.
    Thanks, and have a great day.
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