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Boltslinger - am I the only one that hates double shot?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReachDaBeach24, Sep 13, 2022.

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  1. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I can't wait to get triple shot (3 ability points away). Running down a path, I would often pump 3 arrows into a mob before it got too close and still have time to sidestep if it needed more. With double shot, I usually miss when still a ways off, hit with one when it is closer and then with 2 when it is right in my face. If that doesn't do it, I take damage. Also makes circling and peppering hard since I can't use the mob as the center of the circle since I have to angle off.

    And yes, I am sure I prefer boltslinger to sharpshooter, but I want at least a little accuracy at "close but not in my face yet" range.
  2. Aemoor

    Aemoor Travelled Adventurer

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    the only problem i have it with is that it cancels focus when any of your 3 arrows miss and guardian angels is locked behind triple shot or blocking phantom rays
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  3. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    "3 arrows" - so you are referring to triple shot. All the issues I have are with double shot. Interesting that with triple it's "when any of the 3 arrows miss" - that's going to happen a lot. Yeah, I already noticed that once you start down an archetype it's hard to mix and match. I get that you need to pick, but as a boltslinger I am still an archer and should still get reasonable accuracy at middle distance, even if a single arrow has less punch. I know I will look back and roll my eyes at these "beginner" (I am combat level 18) after I progress a bit, but it almost seemed like I regressed slightly when I go double shot.

    I do like that it makes you strategize and make choices. Besides the major ones on the ability tree, there are more operational ones. I am keeping 2 bows in my hot bar right now. A slow DPS 62 and a fast 41. Seems like a slam dunk for the 62 until you come on 4 or 5 mobs that aren't bunched. Either will take out most of the stuff on paths close to Deltas with a shot or two.
  4. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    I got triple shot last night. Gives me what I hoped. Picking off some mobs from way off just for fun, but also getting a couple of shots in when something is coming towards me and have time to sidestep if I am not doing enough damage. And I went back and killed the potion master I had been putting off. I kept getting killed in there because I would circle but couldn't hit him unless I angled off (because of double shot) and then would lose sight of him. Circling him and pounding him with the center arrow was pretty simple. And of course one of the main reasons for triple shot is that spamming right click with a normal speed bow of reasonable power will cut a path through a lot of massed mobs.

    What I really hate at this point are the ankle biters - ocelots and ender mites. I am finding it difficult to shoot something at my feet. I think in some cases it might be glitched. I had an ender mite almost kill me and I finally had to run, despite it visually looking like I was putting arrow after arrow right through it at my feet with no effect. If I shoot one from far enough that it is out in front of me, it takes maybe 3 hits with one arrow.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
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  5. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    and this is why I love jump height
  6. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    It's that never ending cycle (well, I guess eventually it ends if you play that long) of "needing" the next weapon, armor or ability upgrade. As an archer, the armor upgrades (I have some in the bank that require a few level ups) are what I am really lusting over right now. I also have some potions I can't use yet. My current favorite bow is a Meridian, which is a DPS 112 and powdered so it is pretty good for earth and water. Looking down the list, it will be a while before an obvious major upgrade. Leap, which I know isn't what you are referring to but should help in a similar way, is pretty far down the tree. Most upcoming abilities seem to be incremental adjustments to abilities I already have. A lot of what I need is truly just experience; finishing some of my quests and doing some road trips.
  7. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    If you're focusing on melee as well, get homing arrow from sharpshooter next door
  8. ReachDaBeach24

    ReachDaBeach24 Old dog with some new tricks VIP

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    It requires at least 2 prior choices from sharpshooter and is still pretty far down the tree from me at this point. As odd as it sounds, one of the reasons I didn't go sharpshooter is because I am a pretty good shot from other MC play. I like being an archer, but wanted to try something a little different. I like boltslinger a lot and I am fine with the tradeoff of aimed single arrows not having a lot of power, but I still want to be able to aim single arrows sometimes. The center arrow in triple shot does surprisingly well. I stood right up at the Detlas wall and picked off some mooshroom cows that were almost at the water's edge; just little red dots. And I do mean aiming at a single one, not a group. I don't think I am that amazing; I think it does a little bit of homing even without a special ability for it. Especially since it also sometimes drops one off to the side with one of the other arrows. Another odd thing is that a single arrow is more likely to drop one far away than it is closer (with bows in my range based on combat level).
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