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Warrior/Knight Battle Monk Build

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Spakian, Jul 16, 2023.

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  1. Spakian

    Spakian Wandering in your dreams

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    So I've been trying to do some fallen gameplay, but with the new update I keep on dying with my low health (not to mention fallen has been getting a little boring recently), so I want to go to battle monk exclusive or battle monk/paladin.

    Stats: Lvl 104, No LI or Qira (but I can probably get them soon if needed)
    Cost: I have 1.5 stx available but I also have an unIDed Warchief in case I need to sell it or use it for anything.

    In terms of tomes, I don't really use them much and I just use the TCC tomes that I got.

    I hope y'all can help.
  2. Xellulor

    Xellulor Lagger HERO

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    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Libra
    > Anxiolytic
    > Pro Tempore
    > Draoi Fair
    > Azeotrope
    > Breakthrough
    > Contrast
    > Infidel [f6a6t6]

    it's a Generalist build, and might take some practice before getting used to it if you're not familiar with it
    if you can do it consistently, you can still uppersurf with bash-upper-charge cycle
    you get punished by the high uppercut cost if you miscast the spell cycle but you have a lot of mana regen to negate it a bit
    weapon's powders look weird, but that's for Discombobulate since it boosts every single element dmg so more types the better(depends sometimes but usually)

    you can use something else for Contrast, it isn't a must-have for this one

    if you need more life sustain, then you can use Epilogue & Aleph Null for more hpr, or Infernal Impulse for rally heals
    though taking off Anxiolytic will result in a drop in mana regen
    in this case the build will need more tweaks for it to work
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
    Spakian likes this.
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