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Art Armor Stand Art: Camping Nostalgia

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KyneticalBeam, Jan 7, 2017.


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  1. KyneticalBeam

    KyneticalBeam Well-Known Adventurer

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    I am KyneticalBeam, and i created my first armor stand art! This took alot of time for what i would plan to make for the art, and for this i chose a camping scene, with lots, and lots of sand. So without further ado, lets see the armor stand sculptures i made with my own mind! (No resource packs included, just armor stands!) 2017-01-07_13.25.35.png

    Before i even start it off, i claimed my artwork by using a sign to make sure its definetly mine. Now with that boring stuff out of the way, lets get this started. For real!


    Ah, yes. A sand castle! What more can there be to sate your boredom? This sand castle is the first creation i made during the art, and i gotta admit, the flag looks lit with the logo. The pail and shovel makes it really stand out, and the entrance is actually using armor stands, a small one and a big one. The bottom is the big one, while the top is the small one. The entrance is wearing coal block heads, and for some reason it gives me a pitch black texture, which is really wierd, but overall, i can say this sand castle was a job-well-done.


    Guess whats hot on the menu today! Shellfish soup! (Say the five times as fast!) This is a cooking stand placed by the camper, alone in the wilderness. As he cooks some delicious soup made up of cooked salmon, cut up steak, broccoli, and fresh spring water, he tries to take a sip if its really a masterpiece (Him taste-testing the soup is in another picture, friend) The fire adds more detail to the soup cooking, and is also boiling the soup. the sword (aka knife) and some salmon on the table to the left make it look like he was preparing something before the actual cooking begins, and another reason i placed the chopping table was to fill up some space, because without it, this place woudlve been empty.


    Hello darkness, my old friend... I've come to talk to you again... No wait, that tree wont even talk because its dead already. This tree died thanks to the land of the sands harsh climate. It also makes it vulnerable for other animals to make bee hives or even spider nests!


    Now we have the camper himself, trying to taste the broth, but is scared too scared to even sip it, just one bit. Tell me in the comments if he will like it or not. (Try and logic if he will like it or not, and the hint is in the ingredients up in the comments somewhere.) I love how i got the perfect position on where the spoon will dive into the soup, and also the part where he sits down in a chair instead of standing up. I knew by looking at the empty space between the table and chair that an armor stands legs would fit within the gaps, so it gave me the perfect idea to make him sit.


    That pesky, pesky spider. She wants the soup to feed her babies, but will she ever get to it? who knows. The web makes it look more realistic that she uses a piece of her silk/web to spy on the human if he will even like it. I was gonna add the web pouch that spiders had but that would take a long time making the perfect position, and that will mean making 4 pairs of legs for her. How tiring would that be?! Also, she is clinging onto a branch on the dead tree, if your wondering. She isnt floating!


    There really wasnt much armorstands to put in his tent, because i didnt plan to make any in his tent, but instead i made it look like a storage, like tents usually kinda are. A sleeping bag, two orchid flower pots, two brewing stands made it at least look like a home far away from home in the wilderness.

    View of the finished project:


    Well i hope you enjoyed! It spent me 3 days to finish and plan all of this (One day of planning, two days of overall work) and it really means alot to me, and this is also one baby step to the road in becoming a CMD in wynncraft!

    Kind regards

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    Alanyxe, CookedPelvis, Enduh and 4 others like this.
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