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Selling Archersid's Shop

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by archerSid, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. archerSid

    archerSid your loyal/best friend

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    selling these
    buy buy buy pm me to see price!@
    i have found a new wand called eatreal if someone wants to buyit its a lvl 70 legendary wand +33% spell damage +2/4s mana regen +3 agility +10 water damage -12% earth damage -7% melee damage +17% reflection +20% air damage - 15% thunderdefence +4% soul point regen +8 intelegence + 3% water damage verry fast atack speed 15-30 neutral damage 50-75 water damage
    hellbow lvl 76 rare bow +192 health +3% fire damage +3% earth damage +5% melee damage -2% walk speeed 30-120 neutral damage 130-210 fire damage earth damage 40-80

    Last edited: 1 minute ago
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